There are some ‘scientific’ studies vaccine proponents can produce that may convince you there is no relationship between vaccines and SIDS, autism, and a host of other conditions listed on vaccine package inserts.

- If these ‘studies’ are indeed 100% accurate, I wonder why the CDC won’t allow independent scientists access to the VSD (vaccine safety data link) started in 1990 to monitor the safety of vaccines?
- I also question the loyalty of all employees producing such ‘science’ from the CDC and all members of the ACIP that make vaccine recommendations which impact millions worldwide.
- If the vaccine industry is squeaky clean, why are the manufacturers indemnified from all harm their product may cause?
- Why did the US Supreme Court rule in 2011 that “vaccines are unavoidably unsafe”? Why has the VICP become an aggressively difficult closed court instead of the quick recompense it was initially set up for?
- Why did CDC ghost all the researchers from Harvard whom they had commissioned to research the accuracy of the VAERS data base and whom they had paid over a million dollars?
- Why are government agencies which promote and protect vaccines attacking innocent parents instead of doing the safety studies and tracking vaccines using true placebos controls – the same way all other drugs are approved for use? Why has the entire schedule never been tested for safety?
- Why is the character of those asking questions the primary target of those who endorse and profit from vaccines?
- Why are top specialists in aluminum, stem cells, and toxicology, with no vested interested in the industry, summarily ignored or denounced?

So many questions. So few answers. So little rational conversation is happening on this topic. Why?

I don’t have all the answers. Parents need to know there are a LOT of questions. Please watch Vaxxed 2. This movie clearly demonstrates that there is a great deal of harm from vaccines that the ‘experts’ seem determined to ignore. The Vaxxed Team collected over 7,000 signatures on the bus used to travel the country and collect these stories on video. Real people who put real trust in vaccines until they realized the harm inflicted on their children. Don’t be ignorant or silent anymore.

Watch the original Vaxxed: From Cover-Up To Catastrophe to understand how this groundswell of families was created. An avalanche of human suffering uncovered.

Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, writes for the love of health, babies and Jesus.