Is the current vaccine policy rational?

Vaccines currently recommended/mandated for school attendance:
Tetanus: a disease that that is non contagious;
Hepatitis B: a disease not spread easily in a school setting and for which children with active cases of Hepatitis B are allowed to attend school;
Pertussis, Diphtheria, Polio: diseases for which the vaccine is not capable of preventing transmission of infection;
Rubella: a vaccine that has never been studied for clinical effectiveness;
Mumps: a vaccine not efficacious enough to impart the required threshold of herd immunity;
Measles: a vaccine not durable enough to ensure long-term protection of the majority of vaccinated students from developing a modified form of the disease;
Chickenpox: a vaccine not utilized by other developed countries for mass vaccination.

If you look at it this way you see how unreasonable this policy is. The current CDC vaccine policy is not grounded in medical ethics, is not grounded in understanding of what vaccines can and cannot achieve, and cannot be claimed to be founded on ‘science’. Vaccine education currently discounts inconvenient FACTS and protects a multi billion-dollar industry peddling a liability free product. Why?

In this talk Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD uses the CDC’s own studies and other accepted peer reviewed scientific data sources to prove these claims.

Posted by Becky Hastings in the interests of education for parents.

One thought on “Calling for RATIONAL THOUGHT

  1. Plus you can never eradicate a disease using a live virus (MMR and varicella) because the vaccine can spread the virus. The virus spreading likelihood increases even more with human error as happened in the Cutter incident of polio when the live polio virus was inactivated incorrectly.
    I had never seen this Tetyana video before – but love her simple way to explain!!! Thanks for sharing !!!

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