5 thoughts on “An Impassioned Appeal

  1. Heidi Sampson has spoken words that few today seem to have the courage and conviction to speak.

    I am deeply encouraged by her words. Boldness is of the essence. The people of Maine are very fortunate that she’s in office. She understands her duty as very few members of any representative body do.

    • I agree, but unfortunately the bill passed anyway. No discernment on the part of the other politicians. They either believe the lies, or are bought in to Big Pharma’s agenda. So sad. The health of so many innocent children is at risk for the profit of a few. It’s truly not about preventing any illness. It’s about a liability free profit.

    • I think it is time to fight now. I intend to do some leafleting in my area about the fact that no vaccine has been safety tested, all contain extremely toxic ingredients, and the drug companies are liability free even though their products sicken, poison, paralyze and kill. I intend to talk to people and present the facts, and offer sources of information. When a politician in the neighborhood offers free flu shots I will come and pass out information on the mercury and formaldehyde in the shot. When a politician asks for money and support I will write and call telling them that they get nothing from our family until freedom of medical choice is part of their platform. I will show up at political speeches and rallies and confront them as bought and sold by Big Pharma. I remember how other minorities fought hard, and publicly shamed politicians and other “leaders” and won…..African Americans, gays, the disabled…..and now us. We must get our friends and neighbors to help, to show up, to call, to join us. Then we become strong enough to turn the tide.

  2. Assemblymember Sampson is a real hero, a decent ethical politician who cares more about her constituents than fat bribes from Big Pharma. We must, all of us who care what is force-injected into us and our children, stand up and refuse to support any politician who does not respect, and have as part of his/her platform, TOTAL FREEDOM OF MEDICAL CHOICE!

  3. I do not live in Maine, but I am so grateful to her for her incredible courage in speaking up and speaking out on this in her state. This is what representation used to be – someone actually representing the wishes of his/her constituents. Now we as voters have to study whoever is running at any given time in order to see “what they stand for” since they no longer represent us, but rather only themselves. I wish I could have a cup of coffee with her just to say thanks. Nothing is more important than the freedom to control our own health and that of our children, and I know we inch closer to that day when we will no longer have any rights every time the media or another uneducated politician falsely claims that unvaccinated people are a danger to public health. Heidi Sampson is indeed a hero, and I pray God will bless her for it.

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