Can Psychiatric Meds Help?

This page provides a few resources to investigate if you, or someone you love is prescribed with psychiatric medications. If you are currently taking any psychiatric medications, you need to be extremely cautious when you attempt to stop. Be sure to visit Dr. Breggin’s website where you will find extensive resources on psychiatric drugs, how to safely withdraw from them, and alternatives.

Psychiatric Drugs Are More Dangerous than You Can Possibly Imagine. This 9 minute video, a heartfelt appeal by psychiatrist Peter R Breggin, MD, has received over 600,000K views.

Helping Deeply Disturbed Persons: In this 18 minute video Psychiatrist Peter R. Breggin provides specific strategies and tips to help deeply disturbed persons without resorting to psychiatric drugs, electroshock treatment (ECT), or other biological, harmful, and ineffective approaches. Dr Breggin has a wealth of information in his books. These two are a good place to start: 1) Heart of Being Helpful and 2) Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: A Guide for Prescribers, Therapists, Patients and Their Families.

Dr Breggin on Drugs and Spirituality: A heartfelt one hour presentation made to the International Association of Biblical Counselors in August 2018. Dr Breggin speaks passionately about how to help children, and others, avoid psychiatric medications and why these medications are harmful. I highly recommend watching this talk if you or anyone you love is considering, or taking, psychiatric medications. You will discover an alternative approach that has only good side-effects.

Rational Principles of Psychopharmacology for Therapists, Healthcare Providers and Clients, Peter R Breggin, MD, 2015. Published in J Contemp Psychother, 12 June 2016.

Brain damage, dementia and persistent cognitive dysfunction associated with neuroleptic drugs (1990), Breggin, PR. Journal of Mind and Behavior, 11 (1990) 425-464.