CPS for Refusing Vaccines?

One of my readers shared a powerful example of how to respond when a medical professional threatens you with a call to CPS for not accepting vaccines:

If a doctor or nurse threatens to file a CPS report when you do not want to vaccinate your child.
1) Start recording the conversation immediatelyand tell them “I am now recording for your safety and my safety”.
2) Then say, “Excuse me, I want to make sure I understand you correctly. Are you saying that if I agree to let you administer those vaccines today [more powerful if you list the specific vaccines that have been discussed], that we will walk out of here with no problems, but if I refuse the vaccines, that you will call CPS and file a report?” [[let them answer]]
3) Next: “If you call CPS or file a report with them, exactly what are you going to be claiming in the report?” [[let them answer]]
4) “Are you aware of the informed consent laws for our state?[1, 2] Are you familiar with the Nuremberg Code [3], and what it says about informed consent, and do you understand the implications of your statement and what it means for a medical professional to use methods of coercion & intimidation to get consent for a medical procedure?”

At this point you may be quite shaken and emotionally distraught. If you are still rock solid and confident – congratulations! My reader concluded with this approach:

“5) Then you say, “We’re done here. I am under duress and I will not be threatened or manipulated to consent to any medical procedures, nor will I be signing any documents, and if you do not let me leave, and if you file a CPS report with false claims, I will call my attorney, and report you to the medical board of our state for attempted coercion which is ILLEGAL.”

I agree that you need to leave the office ASAP. However, at ALL TIMES you need to be confident and respectful. Doctors have been through such rigorous training that they have a hard time listening to patients and are quick to interpret any disagreement or questioning as ‘crazy’. Being right about your rights no longer guarantees your freedom from harassment in our country. You do not want to be unnecessarily adversarial. You need to be absolutely STRONG and careful about how your actions and words will be interpreted by a thoroughly indoctrinated medical professional. Perhaps an exit strategy like this may be a better option:

“We need to leave now.” (stand up, get yourself ready to follow through on those words immediately). “I need to speak to my partner (if your partner is with you, say, “We need time to discuss this.”) “I/We need to consult with my/our lawyer about legal requirements in our state. I’m/We’re going to think about what you have advised.” If you are receiving pressure to sign any type of waiver or form, say “We cannot sign anything right now, but we can take the form and read through it.” Walk out.

Save some emotional energy because at this point you probably have to stop by the billing desk to organize the payment of your office visit. Be strong. Be prepared. You CAN protect your children!

Too many parents are facing wrongful removal of their children. You do not want to unnecessarily harm your children by consenting to give vaccines through fear, pressure and coercion, but you also do not want to necessarily ‘poke’ a vindictive medical professional!

Of course, if you do not take your baby to wellness visits you will not be faced with pressure to give them vaccines. Many parents are able to find respectful medical professionals for their babies/children. I hope you never need this information, but if you ever find yourself facing CPS officials at your door, this blog outlines how to handle such a situation.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a life & wellness coach, Becky seeks to inspire and motivate others to find increased energy, joy, and longevity. Navigating information to achieve long-term health goals in every area of life is a passion! Becky writes, speaks, and shares information hoping to educate parents on the anomalies and contradictions in the vaccine debate.

  1. “For an individual to give valid informed consent, three components must be present: disclosure, capacity and voluntariness.
    • Disclosure requires the researcher to supply each prospective subject with the information necessary to make an autonomous decision and also to ensure that the subject adequate understands the information provided. This latter requirement implies that a written consent form be written in lay language suited for the comprehension skills of subject population, as well as assessing the level of understanding through conversation.
    • Capacity pertains to the ability of the subject to both understand the information provided and form a reasonable judgment based on the potential consequences of his/her decision.
    • Voluntariness refers to the subject’s right to freely exercise his/her decision making without being subjected to external pressure such as coercion, manipulation, or undue influence.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Informed_consent#Valid_elements
  2. Take some time to review the laws for your state in advance.
  3. From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuremberg_Code#The_ten_points_of_the_Nuremberg_Code


2 thoughts on “CPS for Refusing Vaccines?

  1. Excellent!! The only thing is, is that you have to be at a doctors office to say these things. And some people go just to show they are “compliantly” looking after their children. Of course there are other reasons but I just quit going to docs with my kids.

    • Thanks Connie.

      I raised five children without ever attending well visits with a doctor. We primarily lived in another country. In fact we only ever went to a pediatrician one time! We didn’t medically neglect our children, but took them to family doctors or general practitioners when we needed medical advice or treatment. Parents today face so much pressure to ‘do everything right.’ It takes a strong back bone for parents to stand against authority. Education helps, as knowledge of parental rights brings strength.

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