Vaccines and Eczema

Are we going backwards or forwards? Keep in mind as you read this precautionary policy from 1958 that they were only talking about a few vaccines, smallpox, polio and diphtheria. Today babies are given 36 vaccines against 14 different infections before they are two years old. The CDC has quite a lot of information about who should NOT get each vaccine, but nowhere do they mention eczema as a reason NOT to get vaccines.

In 1958 the American Academy of Pediatrics made the following statement:

1) No child with atopic eczema or other skin disorder should be vaccinated.
2) No child should be vaccinated if any member of his family has eczema or other skin disorder.
3) Parents of children with eczema should be notified at the onset of the disease of the danger from vaccination contact.
4) If a sibling of a child with atopic eczema is vaccinated, he must be completely separated from that child for at least 21 days.
5) Forms used by state and local health departments for parents’ consent to vaccination should include an appropriate warning of the contraindications.
6) Eczema vaccinatum should be a reportable disease.
7) Patients recently vaccinated must be excluded from pediatric wards containing patients with atopic eczema, other diseases of the skin, burns or healing surgical incisions.
8) Vaccination may be recommended at 2 months of age, especially for babies from strongly allergic families.

Received December 18, 1957.
Accepted February 18, 1958.
Copyright © 1958 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Read the abstract and access the full paper here.

It is somewhat comforting to know that the CDC recognizes there are some people who should NOT get a DTaP shot:

However, rarely have I ever heard of pediatricians expressing hesitancy about administering this shot or asking about these adverse events. Also, many times a “life-threatening allergic reaction after a dose of DTaP” is denied as having been connected to the vaccine.

The bottom line is, in 1958 eczema was recognized as a signal that the immune system could not handle a vaccine. Today, it’s up to parents to educate and inform themselves on the true risk of vaccines in order to have a healthy baby. Parents will bear all the weight and responsibility for any vaccine harm.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

Addendum. Helpful information if you have experienced eczema.

This 2004 study purports to study vaccines and allergic responses such as eczema, but does not use a non-vaccinated control group. They compare DPT to MMR vaccines and make ‘adjustments’ for various factors. The ‘science’ seems to be designed to squelch all true understanding of the real risk of vaccines. Studies that have compared completely non vaccinated to vaccinated children show the non vaccinated to be significantly healthier. These studies have mostly been privately funded and are not recognized by government agencies who refuse to do their own study.

In the 20 minute video below Dr Shiva Ayyadurai provides a helpful informed explanation of the modern immune system and compares it to what was known about the immune system at the time of the development of vaccines. The truth is, doctors today are still operating under the old understanding and many will not associate auto-immune disorders like eczema to vaccines.

MIT PHD Explains the Reality of the Modern Immune System— Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD. Inventor of Email (@va_shiva) January 2, 2020

8 thoughts on “Vaccines and Eczema

  1. Keep in mind that while eczema is certainly a sign of a sensitive immune system and can develop after vaccination, the quote above for the AAP is in regards to the live virus surface administered small pox vaccine alone. Eczema Vaccinatum is specifically when the small pox vaccine infects existing skin breaks like eczema. It was not a contraindication to all vaccines even back then. I completely agree that vaccines aren’t safe or effective but accurate context is important ❤️

    • Angie
      Thank you for clearly explaining this point. Indeed, I had read the original paper and learned about the connection to small pox. But your point is well taken, it should be more clear. Also, there are many more excellent resources examining eczema and the connection with the vaccines in our current schedule that I hope to highlight soon. Surely the human immune system is vastly more complex, and the role of vaccines in seeking to ‘bypass’ natural infection and immunity were not well understood by those involved in early vaccine development. Dialogue and investigation are vital, yet this topic seems to be completely closed to deeper analysis. Thank you for all you do to bring clarity.

    • According to the DPT was combined into a single vaccine in 1948. Diphtheria vaccine was developed in 1913, tetanus in 1927, and pertussis in 1943.

      Currently children are routinely given vaccines targeting over 14 infectious illnesses – all of which can trigger the immune system in ways not fully investigated. All vaccines pre-date a good understanding of the intricacy of the immune system – for which we are still learning. In this short video a scientists explains the current understanding of the complex immune system and compares it to the conclusions prevalent about the immune system during the time of vaccine development.

  2. I’m pleased to hear somebody ask the question re God’s involvement in all this. To me those who vaccinate don’t know God’s voice. Same as those who are overweight, especially preachers. If you can’t handle fundamentals of diet………….need I say more?

  3. Hi Becky! Thank you for writing about this. My oldest son struggled for many years throughout his childhood from eczema. Little did I know that his skin condition was related to the vaccines he was given until an acquaintance….who happens to be a nurse…..pointed it out to me. That is when my research began into vaccines and how harmful they are. I then immediately stopped all vaccines in my son and other five children. Sadly, my son has a one year old son of his own now and he and his wife have chosen to vaccinate him. They live in another state and are under a lot of pressure to vaccinate since they’re missionaries. When are the people if God going to wake up to this satanic ritual that’s harming children and changing their God-given DNA?!?!
    Anyway, is there a way to share this article on my Facebook page? Thank you again for writing this and for all if your hard work, sister.

    • Hi Janet
      Thanks for telling your story. My heart aches to hear of adult children being pressured to give vaccines and believing that there is no harm, or else believing so thoroughly that the risk of vaccines is infinitesimally small. I believe it is a spiritual battle and the narrative regarding vaccines is full of deception. I pray your son and his wife will be open to the power of God opening their eyes. I’m not sure if you have already read it, but I’ve written about strategies to help partner with God in this process here

      You can share this link to the post on Eczema:

      Thanks for sharing!

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