Pediatrician Speaks Openly About Vaccine Harm

Dr Bob Zajac is a board certified pediatrician. Prior to his seven years of medical training, he earned a PhD in Special Education. He also earned a MBA. He is highly qualified to speak on the neurological impact of vaccines AND the amount of income potential that can be generated by vaccines.

Dr Zajac admits to being a former vaccine bully, believing vaccines confer immortality and not giving vaccines would cause all the babies in the world to die. He regrettably confesses that he knew very little about the vaccines he was pushing, but that all changed when he experienced vaccine injury first hand in his patients. He witnessed a perfectly normal baby regress into severe autism after his twelve month vaccines. He also had a baby die a few hours after receiving vaccines which was attributed by the coroner, without questioning, to SIDS.

Dr Bob is the father of eight children and along the way he became more cautious about giving vaccines to his own children and refused to give any new vaccines recently released on the market. He started to realize that the vaccine injury rate is far greater than admitted by the CDC. Once he started to read the vaccine inserts, and review published science, he was appalled to realize that there were far more assumptions about vaccine safety than actual scientific proof. Many aspects of safety have not been studied at all, and some aspects are studied, but in quite small numbers, yet these vaccines are routinely given to millions of healthy babies.

Dr Bob graciously admits many parents know a lot more about vaccine science than he does since they may spend hours every day researching the topic. This is a dramatic shift from the arrogance he possessed early in his medical career.

Some other critically important points made by Dr Bob Zajac:

  • The fully vaccinated children in his practice are the sickest, partially vaccinated are healthier, but the healthiest by far are the non-vaccinated.
  • The estimated lost profit to his clinic because of not pushing vaccines and allowing non vaccinated patients is now around $1.7 million each year. He gets reduced rates from insurance because of reduced numbers of fully vaccinated children.
  • A profit is made on each shot given.
  • Discussing vaccines with parents costs a clinic more in productivity.
  • Informed consent and patient choice is essential, yet is missing in most doctor-patient interactions regarding vaccines.
  • Pediatricians and those who give vaccines declare that vaccines are safe, yet they are hurting children. They don’t know the harm they are inflicting.
  • The vaccine industry is the only industry in this country with no liability. Accountability for vaccines is the only way to drive safety.
  • As a faith based person, Dr Bob is stressed about end times when he will have to answer about how he treats the children in his practice. This inspires and motivates him to continue vaccine safety education with his patients even if it means reduced revenue for his clinic.

Dr Zajac is one of a growing number of doctors taking the time to inform themselves of the actual science regarding vaccines, and speaking out about vaccine harm. He is a true hero.

Becky Hastings, a wife, mom, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus, health promoter, breastfeeding counsellor helping moms for 22+ years, and someone who seeks to research, understand and share truth so people can make wise choices in our crazy mixed up, deceived world! Sometimes I share recipes and homespun teaching videos.


25 thoughts on “Pediatrician Speaks Openly About Vaccine Harm

  1. Pingback: Vaccines and Eczema | Journey Boost

  2. Pingback: Is Public Health BEST Served by Vaccines? | Journey Boost

  3. I know this topic is on vaccines and the research and illusions we are under is thought provoking. I have also been thinking about prescription abuse. I believe most Physicians really do not understand the impact of drugs they prescribe and yearly we hear about the harm of new drugs. Opioid epidemic is an example, but there are others. Physicians are fed information by pharmaceutical reps. My concern is the vast number of people taking Synthroid. Why? Is it true that the indicators from a blood test as it relates to T4, really are an indicator of hypothyroidism? Or is this really a dietary issue? Makes me uncomfortable that this is actually harming not helping. My dose continues to increase. Any thoughts?

    • Absolutely! I agree with you 100% Dr Peter Gotsche has written an examination of the Pharmaceutical industry and compares them to the Mafia. Dr Kelly Brogan has published a lot of information regarding thyroid health and hormone balancing. More and more people are having struggles, but more and more natural thinking health practitioners are figuring out what is going on. In all the “healing” and “health” approaches the conclusions are mostly the same: eat clean organic food, not too much and not too often (explore fasting as a modality toward healing), move more, get good sleep, practice stress management to reduce cortisol, spend time outdoors, drink clean water, have a spiritual connection – seek your Creator. Chiropractors will add have regular adjustments. Keep searching. I think you will find answers. There is a great free docuseries happening right now. If you have time I’m sure you will learn a lot. The Fasting Summit.

    • I have a quick thought for you. Yes, absolutely, there is an opioid crisis in this country. My sister could have died from a Vicodin addiction. Many people I know including myself have chronic severe pain. Now doctors are afraid to give us prescriptions. Taking Motrin around the clock isn’t healthy either. We are also victims to the opioid crisis. We need help also!

  4. Pingback: Choosing Your Baby’s Doctor | Journey Boost

  5. Pingback: If I could get vaccine proponents to read just one thing… | Journey Boost

  6. Pingback: Honest Doctors | Journey Boost

  7. Pingback: 240+ Doctors Question Vaccine Safety | Journey Boost

  8. A recent brain autopsy study in the UK of 6 children with autism (who died prematurely) found evidence of intracellular presence of nanoparticles of aluminum. Easily viewed with the naked eye. The only source of nanoparticles for a child would be through vaccines. The use of nanoparticles of any adjuvant is to increase the effectiveness of using less virus parts AND helping get these parts into a living cell This study is the most damning evidence ever in existence. And yet no one can sue from this evidence of harm. Only way to stop the madness is to stop the vaccinations. We have created public schools full of children that need nursing home level of care.

    • Susan
      Thank you for sharing this critically important information. I also seek to make people aware of the findings of aluminum in the brains of autistic children by Dr Chris Exley, who said “…while the aluminum content of each of the 5 brains [of people with autism] was shockingly high it was the location of the aluminum in the brain tissue which served as the standout observation…The new evidence strongly suggests that aluminum is entering the brain in ASD [autism spectrum disorders] via pro-inflammatory cells which have become loaded up with aluminum in the blood and/or lymph, much as has been demonstrated for monocytes at injection sites for vaccines including aluminum adjuvants.” Anyone interested can read more about Dr Exley’s latest paper here where JB Handley does a great job of explaining the findings in lay terms:

  9. Pingback: Is Your Dr a Wellness Expert? | Journey Boost

  10. I have been pushed to vaccinate my child since day one. I have been looked at as a child killer for not getting them by everyone who supports them. There is no way any amount of money is worth hurting another person’s child. Shame on the doctors There is no account for mercury being ok to put in a human body nor other elemental stablizers suspending these chopped up animal tested vaccines. Not only are these vaccinea effective in making a population more prone to desease, but brings to light the SIDS issue. Why not put 5% of the money we spend on vaccines into making an agent protein that gets adopted by a living cells membrane that holds as memory in our immune system? It’s easy to get to a molecular level and see how cells share information. It’s just as easy to get a cell to accept it as to react to it. Till that happens I respect the process of science that got us to a point of controlling mass outbreaks but not those that go for profit on the masses of test subjects that are ill informed of the results, if not lied to about them.

    • I am not sure that the molecular technology you mention would be 100% safe and effective, but we certainly need an alternative to the methods currently in use. I urge you to let the HHS office for civil rights know of the coercion and bullying you have received in regards to giving your child vaccines. They are currently asking for public comment at

  11. I have a friend who has used crutches to walk since the 1950’s She got polio just before the vaccine was distributed. She was lucky — some didn’t live.

    • Hi Katja
      In the discussion about polio there are many facts that should be explored in detail. Things that need to be considered are 1) the role of the widespread use of DDT at that time and the impact on what was termed the ‘polio’ epidemic; 2) the renaming/classifying of polio cases AFTER the introduction of the vaccine; 3) the role of vitamin C depletion and how vitamin C as an immediate treatment can quickly mitigate symptoms and promote full recovery; 4) the standard treatment given to children at that time and how it contributed to permanent paralysis rather than promoted healing. I’m not happy your friend had to suffer, but much of her suffering could have been relieved if everything we know today was known by those treating her at the time. Giving toxic injections to healthy children because of poor medical choices in our history is not a solution. If you are truly seeking answers, and not just blindly promoting an agenda, I highly recommend investigating There is also a detailed book with complete documentation with the same title. It starts like this:

      “Why do we believe something? Is it because everyone else believes it? Is it because our family and community believe it? Is it because we were told to believe it by someone in a position of power and respect? Were we taught to believe it in school? Do we believe it because the idea has existed for a long time?

      What if what we believed was nothing more than an illusion?

      It wasn’t long ago when infections plagued the Western world. Smallpox, scarlet fever, measles, typhoid, diphtheria, whooping cough, and other diseases were once considered a tragic part of life. Starting in the mid-1800s, there was a steady drop in the deaths from all these infectious diseases, decreasing by the mid-1900s to very low levels. The elimination of these diseases is one of the most amazing, yet unsung, public health revolutions in history.

      That journey from disease cesspool to our modern world is a tale of plagues and famine, crushing poverty and filth, lost cures, individual freedoms versus state might, protests and arrests, and much more. Dissolving Illusions paints a historic portrait with quotes from the pages of long overlooked medical journals, books, newspapers, and other sources to reveal a startling history that has been disregarded. With this historic information and originally researched data in the form of myth-shattering graphs, Dissolving Illusions shines new light onto issues that are assumed to be clear-cut and settled long ago.”

      Thanks for your comment. It gives me another opportunity to explain reality to others.

    • And I had a neighbor who couldn’t walk because he got polio from the vaccine. Your friend could equally have shared his fate if she had been just a few years younger and gotten the vaccine.

  12. How thankful we are for Dr Bob Zajak who is the Pediatrician for most of our grandchildren!!
    Dr William B. Wood & Elise

  13. We love our Dr. and pray every day for his safety as he continues to speak the truth and protect our precious children! Also to note if a family goes to his clinic and wants to vaccinate he will totally do that for them as well, it’s a no judgement zone and the way EVERY clinic should be!!! Keep up the good, much needed fight Dr. Bob

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