Are Pediatricians Experts on Vaccines?

A guest post by vaccine researcher, truth teller, grandfather, Shawn Siegel.

Unless he* has researched for himself, as many have, asking a pediatrician for vaccine information is like asking a plumber how to fix a carburetor; he may know, but only if he’s self-taught. Every one of the many doctors who now speak openly against vaccinations – and the numbers are growing – started out thinking they were safe and effective.

Fresh out of medical school, MD’s are vaccine ignorant, in particular from the perspective of a parent trying to get a handle on the risks involved. Some people – most often, children and babies – are killed by vaccines, yet medical schools teach nothing about the reality, nature, or extent of vaccine death and injury. The Merck Manual lists vaccines as a cause of encephalitis, and brain damage – neurological injury, which is at the heart of much vaccine damage – yet medical schools teach nothing about it. Immunologists study autoimmunity by injecting lab animals with adjuvants such as aluminum, because they’re known to trigger rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases, yet medical schools teach doctors that your newborn baby should be administered a vaccine containing aluminum adjuvant literally within hours of birth, and about twenty more times before they’re two years old.

The industry takes great freedom with vaccine definitions. The brazen, almost defiant attitude of exercising that liberty, that power, could be attributed to the fact that they are absolved from all damage resulting from vaccines. The manufacturers are well aware that their words result in confusion and misdirection of both parents and pediatricians. Parents assume that vaccines provide immunity, because they’re called immunizations. But the Merriam Webster defines immunize as:

Immunize: To give (someone) a vaccine to prevent infection by a disease.

So, the prevention of disease mentioned in the definition is an assumption; an assertion; a ruse; sleight of hand. Immunization is the act of vaccination – it has nothing to do with immunity to disease. To immunize means to inject someone with food proteins, disease antigens, known neurotoxins and other contaminants, depositing them directly into the capillary beds of the muscles, from which they’re quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, where they don’t belong; where they thwart the proper function of the immune system, which is the engine of recovery from illness. It doesn’t just sound like an incredibly stupid and dangerous idea, it is! The only reason they continue to get away with it is because, with rare exception, vaccine injuries don’t happen instantly, as typically do the injuries that might be sustained in an automobile accident. Were they to occur immediately, we wouldn’t have to deal with the issue at all, for those who administered vaccines would long ago have been beaten and pummeled by the community, and taught that their behavior was unacceptable.

When it comes to vaccines, we’re on our own. Research. Educate.

by Shawn Siegel

Both Shawn and I seek to share vaccine truth to uninformed parents in order to protect them. Everyday stories like this continue to happen all over our country, and the world: 

My son suffered what I believe to be a vaccine injury just a few days ago. He received 4 vaccines at his 12 month visit (Hib, PCV, MMR and Varicella) [this is 4 shots/needles but actually 6 vaccines]. He was in so much pain from the back to back shots that he never took a breath. He turned blue, his eyes rolled back and he went into a seizure for 2 1/2 minutes right there in the doctor’s office. Doctors and nurses ran in, supplied oxygen, had a crash cart ready and he finally came back to. The doctors insisted it was a seizure from a “breath holding spell,” but my husband and I aren’t believing them. Could a reaction set in this quickly? Wondering if anyone has had a similar injury. I’ve started detox baths, elderberry and probiotics. Any other suggestions on getting the heavy metals out of his little body? We feel absolutely horrible and can never stomach another vaccine. A mom

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

*The male pronoun has been used for simplicity, the author fully understands that pediatricians can be male and female.


Pediatrician Speaks Openly About Vaccine Harm

Dr Bob Zajac is a board certified pediatrician. Prior to his seven years of medical training, he earned a PhD in Special Education. He also earned a MBA. He is highly qualified to speak on the neurological impact of vaccines AND the amount of income potential that can be generated by vaccines.

Dr Zajac admits to being a former vaccine bully, believing vaccines confer immortality and not giving vaccines would cause all the babies in the world to die. He regrettably confesses that he knew very little about the vaccines he was pushing, but that all changed when he experienced vaccine injury first hand in his patients. He witnessed a perfectly normal baby regress into severe autism after his twelve month vaccines. He also had a baby die a few hours after receiving vaccines which was attributed by the coroner, without questioning, to SIDS.

Dr Bob is the father of eight children and along the way he became more cautious about giving vaccines to his own children and refused to give any new vaccines recently released on the market. He started to realize that the vaccine injury rate is far greater than admitted by the CDC. Once he started to read the vaccine inserts, and review published science, he was appalled to realize that there were far more assumptions about vaccine safety than actual scientific proof. Many aspects of safety have not been studied at all, and some aspects are studied, but in quite small numbers, yet these vaccines are routinely given to millions of healthy babies.

Dr Bob graciously admits many parents know a lot more about vaccine science than he does since they may spend hours every day researching the topic. This is a dramatic shift from the arrogance he possessed early in his medical career.

Some other critically important points made by Dr Bob Zajac:

  • The fully vaccinated children in his practice are the sickest, partially vaccinated are healthier, but the healthiest by far are the non-vaccinated.
  • The estimated lost profit to his clinic because of not pushing vaccines and allowing non vaccinated patients is now around $1.7 million each year. He gets reduced rates from insurance because of reduced numbers of fully vaccinated children.
  • A profit is made on each shot given.
  • Discussing vaccines with parents costs a clinic more in productivity.
  • Informed consent and patient choice is essential, yet is missing in most doctor-patient interactions regarding vaccines.
  • Pediatricians and those who give vaccines declare that vaccines are safe, yet they are hurting children. They don’t know the harm they are inflicting.
  • The vaccine industry is the only industry in this country with no liability. Accountability for vaccines is the only way to drive safety.
  • As a faith based person, Dr Bob is stressed about end times when he will have to answer about how he treats the children in his practice. This inspires and motivates him to continue vaccine safety education with his patients even if it means reduced revenue for his clinic.

Dr Zajac is one of a growing number of doctors taking the time to inform themselves of the actual science regarding vaccines, and speaking out about vaccine harm. He is a true hero.

Becky Hastings, a wife, mom, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus, health promoter, breastfeeding counsellor helping moms for 22+ years, and someone who seeks to research, understand and share truth so people can make wise choices in our crazy mixed up, deceived world! Sometimes I share recipes and homespun teaching videos.