Choice & Belief

6 needles croppedThe overriding issue in the vaccine debate is choice. Many highly educated doctors and parents, who take the time to closely dissect the research behind ‘vaccine science’, develop deep concerns.

Anyone who desires the truth and wants to understand vaccines should start simply by reading the vaccine ingredient list. The ingredients of each vaccine can be found in the complete vaccine package insert (VPI) provided in the box from the manufacturers – not the “info sheet” that the CDC has prepared and that your doctor will have in his office. You can read all the package inserts on the FDA’s own website. Section 11 of every VPI contains the ingredients. Look up the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) on each ingredient.

When discussing vaccine ingredients, many who are pro-vaccine repeat (ad nauseam) that the ingredients we eat (i.e. pears) contain more of these toxic chemicals than are in vaccines. This concept deserves deeper consideration. The FDA has standards for safety for the ingestion of many of the ingredients listed in vaccines. However, ingestion is inherently safer than injection because the gastro intestinal tract contains and eliminates toxins rather efficiently. Injecting toxic chemicals intramuscularly is exposing the body to far more harm. The blood system and lymph system is not always able to identify and eliminate harmful ingredients such as aluminum, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80, mercury, and Glutaraldehyde.

Vaccines also contain protein and DNA fragments from the growth medium used which could include aborted human fetal tissue, dog tissue, egg tissue, monkey kidney cell tissue, etc. Apart from the ethical issues raised by these methods of vaccine development, especially for those who maintain a ‘pro-life’ or vegan standpoint, very little scientific study has been done to determine the impact of injecting these fragments of foreign material into the muscle of a small baby. One study on the elimination of aluminum by infants after receiving vaccines containing aluminum adjuvants showed that it was not excreted in the urine and was not measurable in the blood in the two weeks following the injection. Where was it? Since the researchers did not find it excreted by the body, the obvious question that one would think they would be eager to ask and answer is, “Where is the aluminum and what is it doing?” Further studies have not been published, so the answer is conjecture, but seems obvious. The aluminum must be in the tissue, brain, other vital organs, or bone since it was not eliminated into the blood system or urine.

The point is that we are regularly injecting babies with a host of harmful ingredients with blind faith that these vaccines will be safe and will prevent a range of “vaccine preventable disease.” What is the truth?

There is a risk associated with every medical procedure. The US Supreme Court has ruled that vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe.” Those were their exact words. Where there is a risk, there must be a choice.

The state of California passed a bill which made a significant change in the ability of families to have a choice in giving a potentially harmful medical procedure to their babies and children if they want to participate in schools.

The rationale behind this push to force vaccines on all children is hard to grasp. A healthy child who has not received the Hepatitis B vaccine (which is given in three doses and contains 0.25 mg of aluminum per dose) cannot attend school in California, Mississippi, and West Virginia, yet a child diagnosed with an active case of Hepatitis B can go to school and no one would ever know, because that child’s medical status is protected by law as privileged medical information – and rightfully so. But is this logical?

A further question that must be asked by those considering vaccines is, “Do vaccines even prevent the diseases for which they are intended?” Recent incidents of multiple outbreaks of various diseases in the mostly vaccinated populations in both the USA, India, and China demonstrate that the vaccines are not delivering on their promised protection from infectious diseases.

Most parents who find themselves strongly opposed to mandatory vaccines were once quite pro-vaccine. They have learned through a long difficult experience that sometimes what you think is good for your child can actually cause a great deal of harm. In fact, for some families who have watched their child die immediately following a ‘well’ baby visit where they received multiple vaccines given at one time injected into the thighs while they helped hold baby down, the guilt is enormous. They were not told that the CDC recommended shot schedule has never been tested for safety. Many vaccines have been added to the schedule without ever considering the combined impact of multiple vaccines on the infant’s body.

Other families have watched their precious baby regress in their previous abilities and become challenged with numerous physical symptoms demonstrating severe damage in the body. When they return to the same doctor who gave their baby the vaccines, and ask for help to understand and fix the host of symptoms, those same doctors deny any connection to vaccines and often dismiss them from their practice. The doctors are unable to address the myriad of physical symptoms resulting from vaccines, from non-stop diarrhea, constipation, neurological digression, seizures, tics, head banging, loss of speech, failure to thrive, etc. Parents recognize something is severely wrong with their child and are left helpless. They know their child is in pain and the severe gastrointestinal connection is obvious, but they don’t know where to begin to heal or fix the damage caused by vaccines.

Parents are left with the aftermath of a debilitated child and absolutely no support. The vaccine manufacturer is indemnified. No matter what happens after a vaccine, the manufacturer is not responsible. The CDC, who recommends nearly 80 vaccines to all children during their childhood, is also free from liability. The doctor and/or nurses who inject the vaccines have no legal responsibility for what happens, and further, are deeply indoctrinated that vaccines are ‘safe and effective’ and thus often cannot recognize the overwhelmingly obvious impact of the vaccine on the overall health of the child in front of them. They do not want to see it, and they have no understanding of how to help heal the child.

Do you believe in vaccines? That’s an interesting word. It seems a word that should be connected with a religion. Perhaps it is. Perhaps the whole system of vaccination promoted by the western medical system is just a man-made religious system.

This information is not designed to make you feel guilty for what you did or didn’t do as a parent. 99% of all parents want the best for their child. Every action towards our infant is done from the depths of our loving hearts. We want the BEST for our babies. Sometimes we are misled by those we trust and respect. They may be misled because they respect the ‘experts’ who perhaps have undisclosed vested interests, or complete ignorance. Doctors are generally very busy and don’t have time to research each topic in depth. They trust “experts” to do unbiased analysis and evaluations. It is time for more unbiased science to fully examine all the facts surrounding the vaccine debate.

The point of understanding vaccines and the potential harm they can have on babies is to help educate those making this decision today. We can’t change the past, but we can warn the generations to come so that they make wise choices. It’s all about choice.

Here are some excellent resources to help you on your journey towards understanding the vaccine debate:

  • Dr. David Ayoub presents vaccine safety issues and autism causation to a group of doctors who support giving recommended vaccines.
  • Vaxxed the Movie: From Coverup to Catastrophe provides a detailed account of the confessions made by Dr William Thompson, the CDC Whistleblower, interviews with pharmaceutical insiders, doctors, politicians, and parents of vaccine-injured children, which reveal an alarming deception that has contributed to the skyrocketing increase of autism and potentially the most catastrophic epidemic of our lifetime.
  • Dr Suzanne Humphries has spent years and thousands of hours reviewing the science behind vaccines for herself after discovering that the information she received in her medical training was far from thorough. I’ve linked one of her videos here.
  • District Attorney Nico LaHood, with his wife, Davida, tell their story of vaccine injury and their journey to discover and share truth. As a district attorney he has great insight into the role of evidence in drawing conclusions.

Thanksgiving 2015Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth seeker. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

Vaccine Wars

Conflict stick figuresHelp! I have a family member who wants to vaccinate a child I love. What can I do to get them to change their mind????

Sometimes significant family members refuse to research factual information, yet strongly disagrees when we present the true dangers and risk of vaccines. Vaccine debates in families can become extremely emotional. Both sides feel committed to their point of view.

If you are having vaccine safety discussions with someone you love, who also loves your child, it is critically important for you to remember that you are on the same team. You both want the best for your precious baby. It’s not about who is right and who is wrong, but it is about what is truly best for your baby. It is also important to recognize that the media and the medical system push vaccines on the public through well designed fear campaigns. Many times conversations about vaccines can become a heated topic. It is best to avoid that. Sometimes asking a friend to play the role of arbitrator can be helpful. It is always helpful to pray. God can truly work miracles, even today.

Understanding the point of view of the other person is a priority and will help open up calm rational discussion. Seek first to understand. Don’t even try to change their mind. Have a few conversations just exploring their background beliefs on the topic of vaccines.

  • Is the pro vaccine stance rooted in a fear of disease? Which particular disease? Where is their information or fear coming from?
  • Does their pro vaccine stance stem from social fear? Maybe their own parents or family has drummed it into their mind that anyone that doesn’t give vaccines is just stupid or irresponsible, and they don’t ever want to have ‘that conversation’ with them.
  • Are there any medical/educational factors in their background? Maybe a course they took where a teacher stressed vaccines were safe and effective and everyone should get them.
  • Is there a previous tragedy in the family that they think might have been prevented with vaccines?
  • Lack of education, yet pride. Sometimes when a person is bombarded with ‘scientific evidence’ it makes them feel inferior so they dig in their heels just to demonstrate their strength and power. By listening and showing respect for their views it can give them space to let go of their pride.

When you are reasonable and listen, it will enable you to slowly ask questions and impart important information about the specific risk of vaccines. Many of us have been researching the harm of vaccines for years and could give several hours worth of lectures on the topic. That is WAY TOO MUCH information to share. We need to simplify and make very simple requests like, can we read the vaccine package insert together? Many people find exploring the vaccine package inserts supplied by the manufacturer for each shot contains valuable information to understand both the ingredients in the vaccine and the adverse events noted when it was studied.

Another step is to research the disease which the pro-vaccine family member fears the most. Look at the actual number of cases of the disease so you know the risk and learn how to treat it.

A critically important area to research is the design and function of the infant’s immune system. Scientific understanding of the development of the immune system in the last 10 years has exploded. So much new information is now available on the gut/brain link and the lymphatic system that all medical textbooks need to be re-written. Most doctors are not able to keep current on the latest scientific discoveries.

A parent’s most important role in the early years of a child’s life is to protect their babies brain. Ask your pro-vaccine family member to look into the blood brain barrier. No parent will knowingly put their baby into a faulty car seat, yet we inject baby with chemicals we would never let them touch or put into their mouths. Stick to limited information. One ingredient of particular concern is aluminum.

I highly recommend watching any video on Youtube by Dr Suzanne Humphries, especially the videos in which she explains exactly HOW the infant immune system develops. All her talks contain the latest unbiased SCIENCE. Everything she explains is evidence-based with REAL science, not the bought and paid for type. I linked her video on this blog. Stress the importance of finding unbiased scientific support for any decision you make. You are on the same team and both parents want the best for your precious baby – safety from illness and a long healthy life. The question is, how is that achieved?

Regarding the recommendation implemented in 2013 by the CDC for every woman to get a TDaP for every pregnancy, please research carefully before you inject anything into your body when pregnant. I wrote about shots recommended for pregnancy here.

If you have tried everything and your partner still feels strongly about giving your baby vaccines, as a last resort, may I respectfully suggest that you ask to schedule a face to face conversation to discuss one specific request. Don’t rely on texts, or sending links via email. Make an appointment like this, “Hey, when would be a good chance for us to have an important conversation? I just want to make sure it’s a time when we won’t face any other distractions, so that we can truly hear each other.” Set a day and time.

Plan what you want to say. It might be something like this, “I know you think vaccines are really important for ____ to receive. I know you are concerned about infectious diseases and would never want our baby to suffer. I know you trust ______ (the doctor) and want to be a great parent. You are a great parent, by the way. I have one request. Could we please delay all vaccines until we are able to have some more rational conversations about this topic. We might need someone to come and help us talk about it. I would like to recommend specifically that we delay all vaccines at least until the baby’s blood brain barrier is fully formed. My particular concern is that the ingredients in the vaccines which are injected will make their way to the brain.”

There are differing opinions on when the blood brain barrier closes (perhaps your partner would want to do more research), but experts agree that it is sometime between 2 – 8 years. If you can get an agreement to wait until 2 years, research, pray like crazy, and try to understand your partner’s point of view! Asking questions and try to understand where they are coming from, without trying to win every argument will go a long way in helping them eventually come to understand the truth about the vaccine debate.

Finally, if for whatever reason, your baby is given vaccines, please read this first so that you are fully prepared and understand the process, and how to make it easier on everyone.

You might not agree, but I believe the issue of vaccine safety is part of a spiritual battle we face. Paul gave Timothy, his young prodigy, this profound advice:

“Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.” 2 Timothy 2:25-26

Thanksgiving 2015

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

Parenting 101: Raising Little Sinners

watching-the-sun-set-croppedIs there an approach to parenting that is 100% guaranteed to help me raise the type of children I desire? Is there a magic method of getting my children to respect my words and comply with my instructions as a parent?

Grandparenting must be one of the most wonderful roles a person could ever have in life. I LOVE spending time with my grandchildren, every one of them is delightful in a unique way, and they are teaching me so much!

After having my five and three year old grandchildren come for ‘four sleepovers with Granny and Grandpa’, without their parents, I have arrived at a clearer understanding of the word sin and the primary struggle of parenting. Of course I experienced these issues many times in raising my five children, but this fresh immersion into parenting brought some vivid reminders.

Sin is an uncomfortable word for most of us. We don’t easily see ourselves as sinners. The word ‘sinner’ sounds like an extremely heinous description of ‘bad’ people. Sin is actually a lot simpler and a lot subtler; the essence of sin is simply wanting our own way. We are born with a desire to get what we want and to pursue our own desires, with little thought for the needs of others. As we grow older, most of us get trained to some degree or another that we need to also respect other people in our lives, but that does not come naturally.

What does God say about sin? Sin is the thing that separates us from God. Sin prevents us from the loving connection He wants most to have with us. Sin is ignoring God’s sovereignty over us, as our Designer and Creator, and saying, “I have a better plan.” Sin is thinking God’s desires for me will limit me, but I will find happiness through pursuing the things I think will bring satisfaction.

Why is parenting so difficult? Because we are raising little sinners. Little independent people who have their own ideas about what will bring them satisfaction. Some of these little people seem to have a personality that wants to buck every single event or decision throughout the course of a day. Others may be mostly agreeable, but every once in awhile their independence will exert itself. Why can’t children just be agreeable? Why don’t they understand that we only want what is best for them, that we have years of experience that has given us insight, understanding, and wisdom for every decision we make? Why don’t they just eat the healthy food we provide? Why don’t they immediately respond when we have given them warnings and prepared them for the fact that a fun activity must now end? Why do they sometimes randomly physically attack their sibling?

Why do we feel like we are in a constant battle to see who is in charge in this relationship? Why can’t they just accept our authority?

Have I done something wrong? Am I a bad parent? Did I miss a window of “training” at a certain age?

Should I have spanked my children? Should I have spanked my children more? Should I have not spanked my children? Is there a formula for raising compliant “yes, ma’am” children that I missed? Did I read the wrong books? Did I follow the wrong advisors?

What is the answer? Is there actually an answer?

How did God ‘parent’ His people?

God’s kindness towards us leads us to repentance. Repentance is the goal. Repentance means getting off the train heading for “my way” and boarding the train heading to “God’s destination.” Every sermon given by the early followers of Jesus, which we read in the book of Acts, explains the necessity of repentance. As parents, or grandparents, our goal should be to gently help our children or grandchildren to understand what repentance looks like, and why it is desirable.

Having a “see I told you so” attitude, while very tempting, generally doesn’t lead a child toward repentance. Repentance involves a bending of our will towards God’s will. God never forces us. As parents we are often tempted to force our children to our will. This may seem to work for some children, yet this adage is true for adults and children, “a man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.” Our goal in training children is not a compliant child. Our goal is a child with a heart that delights in God and obeying Him.

Some parenting techniques may result in a very well behaved young child. However, our goal should not focus entirely on the moment, but should also consider the long term. When I think in terms of raising a well adjusted thirty something adult, my interactions with my child may be significantly impacted. The methods of achieving my goal require a longer commitment. Sometimes having a long-term view can result in momentary embarrassment, especially in a public setting where there are people who may judge my child or me unsatisfactorily. My goal is not to please the public audience around me. My goal is not personal pride in a ‘well-behaved’ little child. My goal is raising a human being with a deep knowledge of His Creator, an understanding of their own propensity towards their own direction, and a humble submission to seeking God and His way.

Parenting with these goals is not an easy task. The other problem I face is that I am also a sinner. I naturally desire my own way. I easily fall prey to pride and judgment. It’s hard for me to see my sin or my pride. I am a sinner, raising little sinners. In my parenting journey I also need to repent. I need to get off my train toward my own perceived destination for my children, and myself and get on the train that takes me towards God’s outcome. How do I do this? Parenting requires a daily surrender and a daily seeking of wisdom from God, through His Word, and laying down my own ways. Parenting is trusting God in the way we desire our children would trust and respond to us. Parenting is modeling for our children what trusting God looks like.

Acknowledging that I will never be a perfect parent and my children will never be perfectly obedient takes a huge weight off of my shoulders. Trying to force perfection on our children or ourselves is a source of extreme stress.

Jesus wants so much more for us. He wants to refresh us with His presence. “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.” Acts 3:19

Immediate Vaccine Reaction

A guest post…

Hey!I wanted to share my story with the hope that I can raise awareness on the reality of vaccine injury. Every vaccine is a risk. A much greater risk than any parent is every told.

A few days ago, I was…

Praying really hard that A’s tests come back good and we are on the road to recovery!

I’m listening to screams from the back hallway and I’m praying it isn’t my sweet two year old boy. I know these appointments are so traumatizing for him.

We thought we were being wise parents. We knew vaccines could be a risk. We only allowed one shot at a time, spaced out, and delayed. Our first pediatrician ‘kicked us out of their office’ because we dared think for ourselves. What did we do? We refused to give vaccines at the 12 month appointment because baby was sick.

Baby's mom vacc injuryHis first shot was right around 4 months. He seemed to do fine on single shots. After we were refused service at the first office, we found another paediatrician. At the first visit in the new office we were pushed hard to give more vaccines than I was comfortable with. He was given the DTaP, Hib, and Prevnar (3 shots, but 5 vaccines in total) and my spouse and I watched our son convulse on the table right before our eyes.

We got dismissed from the second paediatrician the same day my son convulsed on the table during/after his shots. The reason? We refused to give him the Hepatitis A, Varicella, MMR, and Hepatitis B. They wanted to give him 4 additional needles with a total of 6 vaccines. We refused. They dismissed us.

I pray that every Mom out there will question everything that goes into their child. Most of my ‘friends’ ignore my posts about my son’s vaccine injury after receiving those shots a year ago, but vaccine injury is serious and it does happen more often than anyone wants to acknowledge.

Vaccine injury is SEVERELY under reported. I’m in the medical field and have seen it first hand. Doctors and nurses love to tell parents: “It’s just a coincidence, it couldn’t have been the vaccines.” I’m positive my child’s reaction to those vaccines happened less than 2 minutes after being injected. My child’s reaction was most certainly due to the vaccines. My child had ABSOLUTELY NO ISSUES PRIOR TO THIS EVENT. Doctors, nurses, all the assistants, and the office staff are all in absolute denial. When I recently went to collect my son’s medical records, including batch numbers of the shots, there was absolutely no note in his record of his reaction to the shots he was given. There was no documentation anywhere in his charts, even though they made us stay in the office for an hour of observation after his traumatic reaction.

I feel so alone in this journey because NOBODY wants to talk about the fact that vaccine injury occurs. I have to pray hard not be angry with all of this and with the people in my life that want to ignore that this happened to us. I’m just so thankful I didn’t agree to the other 6 vaccines they wanted to give him on the same day. If I had said yes, I might not have my son with me today. I trusted my Mommy instincts to at least limit the number of vaccines he received. My advice to other mothers is, follow your gut instincts, they are rarely ever wrong. This has been a very long journey for our family over the past year.

If I could say one thing it would be that nothing in medicine is ONE SIZE FITS ALL. Every drug has side effects and that includes vaccines.

Take time to read the ACTUAL INSERTS, not the sugar coated version the doctor hands you. Look at the ingredients, REALLY get the vaccine package insert and find ALL the ingredients (most of which aren’t safe for an adult, much less a baby). Make your informed choice because it’s your right as a parent. I wish I had done this.

It’s okay to say, “NO. I don’t want my child to have 5-10 vaccines pumped into him at once.” It’s okay to say, “I want to wait until baby is older and the chance of injury is less.” It’s okay to say, “I don’t want them to have vaccines at all until I’ve thoroughly researched.” It’s okay to research and come to your own decisions. It’s okay to not follow the herd and it’s okay to refuse to sacrifice your child for the supposed “greater good”. I assure you it’s better than living with the guilt of knowing that you were a part of your child’s injury by allowing it to happen.

What’s NOT OKAY is our society ostracizing parents of vaccine injured children and pretending it didn’t happen. THAT’S NOT OKAY!

If I said I’m being abused then I’d have everyone’s attention. If I said I was in a car wreck, I’d have everyone’s condolences. When I say a vaccine injured my child, NOTHING! It’s heartbreaking. I’ve never felt so alone on a journey in my entire life. Whether you agree with my current thoughts on vaccines or not, it’s okay to support me during a difficult time.

If our family’s journey can open the eyes of one person, then I guess it wasn’t for nothing! There are some who have been a great support to me, most of whom are also walking this journey.

It’s been almost a year now and we are doing biomedical healing and he is doing much better. It’s been a long hard road and I wish I could go back. I would trust my gut and protected my precious boy from vaccines.

On a side note: it will be over my dead body before anyone vaccinates my children again.

S. Andrews, mother of four