240+ Doctors Question Vaccine Safety

Doctor 2What are doctors taught about vaccines in medical school?

Doctors are taught that vaccines are safe and effective and are the reason for the decrease of infectious diseases in childhood. Most doctors do not know that VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) exists, that vaccine injury is real, and that nearly four billion dollars has been paid out on vaccine injury claims by the VICP (Vaccine Injury Compensation Program). Further, most doctors are unaware that vaccine manufacturers are 100% liability free or that there is a mechanism for parents to receive compensation for vaccine injury or death through a special court set up under HHS.

Doctors graduate from medical school and residency blind to the vaccine issues apart from the idea that there is a very small group of “anti-vaccine” crazies with “low cognitive complexity in thinking patterns,” which prevents them from realizing the vaccines are victims of success, and that these crazy people spread misinformation and disease, and are a danger to us all. Today, new doctors are told to refute the rumors of vaccine damage and danger that circulate due to the nutters in the “anti-vaccine movement.” Dr Suzanne Humphries, Rising From the Dead, p 384.

Sometimes it seems lonely to make a decision contrary to mainstream medical opinion. This is a list that started with 80 doctors, but has quickly grown to 240+ doctors in various fields who have spent significant years of their lives investigating the vaccine issue. They had to do the research on their own time, it was not part of their training. All of them conclude that vaccines are not as safe nor as effective as we are being told. Some of them say it with a lot stronger words and phrases than that. If you have a doctor to add to this list, please let me know in the comments below.

I have identified 240+ Vaccine Truth Doctors boldly speaking out, but have removed it from this blog. You can easily find many highly educated, intelligently doctors boldly speaking out by doing a search on Youtube.

These doctors have critically examined the facts and learned that there is no evidence to support the use of vaccines. Why do most doctors and parents still blindly follow the recommendation to give vaccines to their precious baby? A thoughtful discussion in this video called The Truth About Vaccines.

I am sorry that I needed to remove the list of nearly 300 doctors committed to sharing vaccine truth. I have written a blog with many ideas to help you locate a respectful doctor in your area: Choosing Your Baby’s Doctor.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counsellor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

What Helps Labor go Easier, Faster, Better?

IMG_1725Proverbs 14:12 says “There is a way that seems right to a MAN, but its end is the way of death.” I think this particularly applies to childbirth. If it seems right to a MAN, it might not be the best way for a woman. Of course there are some rare men, such as Michel Odent who left his OB practice to become a midwife, but overall most women, most times, are going to have a much better birth outcome by trusting the way God has made their body, and trusting a woman who respects the natural birth process, to be her birth attendant.

There is a little booklet, called The Basic Needs of a Woman in Labor, written by an acquaintance of mine from Cape Town, South Africa. This short powerful book is a gleaning of information gained through working alongside Michel Odent and is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for all pregnant couples.

Through Dr Odent’s many years (more than half a century) of attending births (around 15,000 births) in both hospitals and at home, Dr. Odent has come to the conclusion that a laboring woman needs not much more than to be left alone, simply to be attended to by a quiet, non-invasive and low profile midwife.

If you’d like to read more information on the safety of homebirths, this is an important study recently published:

Outcomes of Care for 16,924 Planned Home Births in the United States: The Midwives Alliance of North America Statistics Project, 2004 to 2009, Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health, Volume 59Issue 1pages 17–27January/February 2014 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jmwh.12172/abstract

And this is a discussion of the study by the Midwives Association of North America: http://mana.org/blog/home-birth-safety-outcomes

[The study] confirms the safety and overwhelmingly positive health benefits for low-risk mothers and babies who choose to birth at home with a midwife. At every step of the way, midwives are providing excellent care. This study enables families, providers and policymakers to have a transparent look at the risks and benefits of planned home birth as well as the health benefits of normal physiologic birth.

Birth is such a wonderful, incredible event in the life of a woman. Most of us don’t have enough children to allow us to “get it wrong” too many times. I urge all pregnant or wanting to be pregnant women to choose your birth attendants with much information and awareness.

Once you have made important decisions about your baby’s birth, you need to do some research on the necessity and risk of giving your newborn vaccines. I’ve written extensively on this topic.

Author Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, writer and speaker, is passionate about health, Jesus, and joy, and has been helping mothers breastfeed their babies for over 22 years. Becky blogs at https://journeyboost.com and shares health information on her Facebook page. Please like Journeyboost on Facebook!


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