Protect Your Baby’s Brain

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As a parent your number one priority is the health of your child.

As a government organization the CDCs number one priority is to maintain their vaccine schedule – at all costs. You could call this self preservation. Their careers, income, reputation and much more are at stake. To them, the lives of a few children, or the robust health of many children are not as important as maintaining their point of view, their reputation, their existence as a government organization.

These two priorities conflict. Parents desperately need the facts.

When thinking about the health of your child, the most important thing you need to consider is how best to protect your baby’s developing brain. Our world is full of toxic assaults, so we need to be as wise as possible in reducing potential harm to our children’s brains. When thinking about vaccines, your primary question should be, ‘What are the ingredients in this, and how can they impact my baby’s brain?’

I am trying to say this in a loving gentle way, as if each one of you were one of my adult children.

Many parents and grandparents ask questions along the lines of “If you had to choose just the ‘good’ vaccines which ones would you choose?” or “If I’m going to delay and just selectively give ‘some’ vaccines, which ones are really important to give?”

My question to you, is, if the mechanism of the function of vaccines is flawed, is it not flawed across the board? If the basic understanding of the immune system is flawed, if our understanding of how injecting neurotoxins and other harmful chemicals into an infant’s system is flawed, then would there be one vaccine that might be the exception?

Car Seat 2It’s like you are saying, mostly I reject ‘hocus pocus potions,’ but in the case of a couple of big bad diseases, I am sooooo terrified of them that I need to use a hocus pocus potion just for those.

Since pharmaceutical companies have no (zero, nada, nothing) liability for their vaccines, they have no incentive for improving safety and efficacy. The safety studies required for vaccines is significantly less than what is required for pharmaceutical drugs – and we all know at least some of the horror stories of drugs that were approved for use, but later recalled for the harm, or death, they caused. We have all heard of at least one of the many lawsuits and cases brought against pharmaceutical companies for one reason or another. Most of them have paid incredibly large fines for admissions of guilt. All these facts combined, yet we still trust these companies? We still support their products and believe they are only going to provide what is good for our precious babies?

When we decide to give our child a ‘delayed’ or ‘selective’ vaccine schedule, is it because, in this case, in this one instance for this one disease, I’m sure they’ve made a good product; I am sure that this vaccine I am choosing to voluntarily inject in my baby or child will safely deliver the protection I desperately seek?

Please examine the logic in this. Here are some searching questions:

  • Is this a response of overwhelming fear that has hit me as a result of the media hype, or my social circle hype? Any action prompted by fear should be carefully examined.
  • Am I basing my decision on facts and available evidence?
  • Do I understand exactly how the immune system develops? (see Dr Suzanne Humphries brilliant lectures which thoroughly examine the science of the infant’s immune development.)
  • Have I read the latest science that shows the amazing link between the gut and the brain, microorganisms and health, etc.?
  • Have I fully read every package insert for all the shots I am considering? Have I concluded that the potential benefit outweighs the risk, or am I merely going on the advice of my ‘very nice doctor‘, or a ‘very pushy’ family member?
  • Do I know all the ingredients in the shot that I am considering for my child?
  • Have I researched these ingredients and the impact they could have especially on my baby’s brain?
  • If my child were to develop the illness I fear, is there a safe, effective, non harmful treatment option?

Dr Nils Bergman, pioneer of Kangaroo Mother Care, emphasizes that the most important role of parents is to protect the brain of their baby. The parent alone is the primary steward of the infant/child brain. Your number one job is to protect your baby’s brain from all outside attack. Pregnant women spend nine months carefully protecting their unborn baby from all types of potential harm. Wise parents don’t allow a stranger to hold their baby. Someone without experience of a brand new baby often doesn’t understand the important of supporting an infant’s head and neck. That’s why we are so careful. We carefully monitor when our older children want to hold the new baby. Also, a parent would never knowingly allow anything into the mount of their baby that could harm the brain.

Parents spend hours researching car seats because they want to make sure baby’s brain will be protected in the event of a crash. Parents insist their children wear bike helmets to protect their brain while biking!

In the same way, make sure you have done a thorough job of understanding the impact of every single vaccine you think about injecting into your baby. Think especially about the impact it could have on your baby’s brain.

Becky Isaac 11 months

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus Christ and truth seeker, especially in the areas of health and children. Facing a world quite different from the one in which I grew up, I seek to research and understand the true route to health, freedom and joyful family living!

Is Vaccine Injury Real? A True Story

Lora's 3 Boys

This is an absolutely beautiful photo taken by a photographer mom. I was so traumatized after reading her story of vaccine injury, but THRILLED to learn of how she has learned the truth, recognized the damage the vaccines caused to her older boys, and chosen to keep her new precious son healthy without injecting him with toxins! This is a warrior momma sharing truth learned the hard way! She gave me permission to share her story in the hope that others would avoid all the trials she has gone through. Learning from experience is a good teacher, but learning from the mistakes of others – so that we can avoid those mistakes – is the best teacher.

These are my three sons, two suffered damage after being vaccinated for YEARS according to the current CDC schedule and their pediatrician’s recommendations. My eldest has experienced numerous tics* and G.I. issues. My second son, I had to stop breastfeeding at 4 months due to his serious digestive issues, so sad. He was born in December and was fully vaccinated and sick for almost a year straight. He ended up contracting whooping cough even though he was vaccinated against it…….hmmmm……vaccine failure much? He also contracted measles, but his pediatrician would not even CONSIDER he had the measles because he was vaccinated against it — this medical response is dangerous! and pure laziness! We have been working on the gut issues with diet; eating more organic, non-GMO, less pesticides and additives, less milk and more fluoride free water. Our youngest (the baby pictured above) was born peacefully at home this month, delivered by my husband and is EBF, and NO, he has not had the Hep B vaccine AND we have actually lost very close family members because of the medical decisions we are making for OUR children. It’s very sad, but we need to protect our children and keep them healthy.

When you know better you do better……’s not easy, but it is WORTH IT.

*Transient tic disorder…Transient tic disorder is a temporary condition in which a person makes one or many brief, repeated, movements or noises (tics). These movements or noises are involuntary (not on purpose)…….the first tic to present itself was the RAPID EYE BLINKING, this was called “normal” by his pediatrician. He said, ‘Boys are more susceptible than girls, he will most likely outgrow it,’  bla, bla, bla…….It may be the “NEW NORMAL” but it is NOT normal and it’s NOT okay! He is turning 11 this year and he STILL has not outgrown them! We thought he had Tourette’s syndrome at one point, it BREAKS MY HEART.


Please do your own independent research before agreeing to any medical procedure. Your baby is too precious to experiment with. These might provide more information:



Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, health enthusiast. I have been blessed through Jesus to come to an understanding of truth and health. I seek only to share this blessing with others. I pray you will be led on a journey towards abundant health.



The Best Curry You Ever Made, Mom!

curry-powder-1554845-640x480Once upon a time, I didn’t know how easy and delicious curry was! I didn’t know the wonderful medicinal properties of the spicy combinations. Then I started practicing. I realized it was a lot easier than I thought, and I’ve been getting better and better at getting just the right mix of flavors! When you cook curry on low heat and add lots of beneficial spices, it delivers great nutrition.

I like to cook by intuition. It’s gotten easier over the years. Every once in a while I will cook something so tasty I have to stop and write down every step so that I’ll be able to do it again, or share it with my daughters.

This is my curry recipe that received rave reviews by my 15 yo daughter so I thought I should write down EXACTLY what I did! I must apologize for not taking a picture.

Please try it and let me know how it works for you. I’m happy to answer any questions you may have. I generally try to use all organic ingredients.

CurryUPDATE Slow Cooker/Crock Pot Versions: Alternatively, you can throw it all in a slow cooker and cook on high for about 2 hours, or on low for 4-6 hours! You don’t even need to brown the chicken! Just put any vegetables on the bottom, then the uncooked chicken, topped with all the other ingredients that you sautéed in the pan (including the coconut milk). You can add some kefir or yogurt just before serving. Delicious and EASY!

IMG_0423Becky Hastings, married to John for 34+ years, mother of 5, author and curry loving grandmother of 4 so far! I have a passion for Jesus, health and family. 



God’s Expansive Reach

CrowdThe encounter between Cornelius and Peter demonstrates God’s grace for ALL and reveals His capacity to deliver His grace, far beyond our understanding and expectations, to other cultures and traditions.

The exclusivity of the message of Jesus is often a barrier to belief and acceptance of the message of Jesus. Someone I admire GREATLY, wrote this,

And has it ever occurred to you that Jesus Christ, who said to “Love thy neighbor as thyself” and told a parable about a “Good Samaritan” (that made it clear that “thy neighbor” included everybody, not just those who think as you do), would approve of “cultural acceptance of other religions”? Do you honestly think that the God Jesus speaks of (remember, “God is love”?) would reject the majority of the world because they were born into other cultures and traditions?

The inherent assumption in this statement is that God is rejecting the majority of the world.

I believe the story of Cornelius, among many others throughout the ancient collection of writings known as the Bible, demonstrates God’s ability to transcend cultures and traditions. Scattered among the Old Testament, we find the stories of Ruth, Rahab, Tamar, Naaman, and many others as a demonstration of God’s capacity and desire to impact those of other religious traditions. The story of Cornelius is described in detail in Acts 10.

Cornelius was a Roman soldier. He worked for the oppressors of Israel, i.e., the enemies of God’s people, yet he feared God. He might not have fully understood God, but he is described as “a devout, God-fearing man, as was everyone in his household. He gave generously to the poor and prayed regularly to God.”

God noticed.

God notices all whose hearts incline towards Him. Everyone, no matter what culture, understands inherently that we are made, created, and are drawn to know our Creator. We can reject this idea because with the concept of a Creator comes a responsibility. Many reject the concept of a Creator in an effort to be free of any moral obligation. Additionally, there is an opposition force. We are drawn towards serving ourselves. We find ourselves capable of cruelty. We don’t live up to even our own standards for ourselves, never mind the standards of a supreme deity. We have a yearning in our heart to live according to a high ideal, yet we seem prone to sabotaging ourselves.

God understands. He sent an answer. Some think His answer is narrow and confining.

Yes, the answer is narrow. God’s word makes it very clear there is only ONE access point; One route; One narrow funnel; Jesus.

But life in Jesus, is not narrow and confining. It is the true freedom we were created for.

So, how is that fair, that there is only one narrow access point to God? Paul explained to Cornelius and his entire family,

This is the message of the Good News,
It started with the people of Israel:
There is peace with God through Jesus Christ,
Who is Lord of all.
God appointed Jesus
With the Holy Spirit and with power.
Jesus went around doing good and
Healing all who were oppressed by the devil,
For God was with Him.
But, He was not accepted.
He was put to death.
But, God raised Him from the dead.
He instructed His followers,
Who ate and drank with Him after
(try to imagine the reality of that for the first time).
He instructed them to “preach everywhere and to testify that
Jesus is the ONE
Appointed by God to be the judge of all –
The living and the dead.
He is the ONE all the prophets testified about
He is the ONE that everyone who believes in Him will
Have their sins forgiven through His name.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERACornelius accepted Paul’s narrow message.

God had primed Him with a visit from an angel – a heavenly messenger.

God is not limited. He has methods – dreams, visions, obedient messengers, circumstances – all designed to awaken hearts to hear His message.

It is beyond our imagination and understanding. He is able to offer His message to every person in every culture and tradition.

The real question is, what is YOUR choice? Your choice is going to impact your eternity, and your entire family. Will you accept the message Paul explained to Cornelius?

Cornelius and His entire family experienced God’s powerful outpouring of grace. They accepted. They believed the narrow message from another religious tradition; from another culture. They praised God together.

Will you accept or reject
God’s narrow message.
His likeness, His exact image,
His messenger sent into the world
To proclaim His love
To clearly demonstrate His love
So we could be set free from the power of sin.
So we could be set free from the enemy’s delusions.

Sometimes the burden of our intellectual understanding is too heavy to bear.

Is the ONE
The prophets testified about
Saying everyone who believes in Him
Will have their sins forgiven through His name.

It is a narrow entry point, but Gods grace is expansive and
He is able to offer it to all.
The question remains, what will you do?
How will you respond to His invitation?

For those reading these words who have already
Accepted His grace and walk in it,
The question for us is,
What are we doing to advance His message,
To make it known
To reflect His love
As parts of His body
To our lost world?

These are the questions I wrestle with daily. I seek to know God, fully and completely, not on my terms, but on His. And, I seek to make Him known, albeit never adequately, I continue to try.


Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus Christ and truth seeker, especially in the areas of health and children. Facing a world quite different from the one in which I grew up, I seek to research and understand the true route to health, freedom and joyful family living!