Some Babies WILL Die

Angel BabyIt is an acknowledged fact.

Some healthy babies will die as a result of receiving vaccines.

The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) will even pay out up to $250,000 per infant death by vaccine.[1]

Every baby subjected to the CDC recommended vaccine schedule – actually any baby subjected to even just one dose of one vaccine – has the potential of death as one of the outcomes. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-660) created the VICP, a fund based on a contribution of 75 cents from every vaccine sold, that will compensate families in the USA if they can prove that their baby’s death resulted from the vaccines.[2] So everyone who participates in the vaccine program, pays a ‘vaccine tax’ towards the inevitable injuries that WILL happen.

Vaccine injury happens.        How often?

No one really knows. Deaths related to vaccines are often denied by doctors, although some do admit vaccines as the cause. Sometimes there is an autopsy, but coroners are encouraged not to find evidence of vaccine involvement in the sudden unexplained death of a previously healthy infant in close proximity to receiving the standard recommended vaccines.[3]

While deaths have been compensated by the VICP, the medical establishment in general is taught that vaccine reactions are ‘very very rare.’ They are trained to view the reactions following a vaccine as some strange phenomenon – but probably in no way related to the vaccines the healthy baby was given. Thus most parents do not file a claim with the VICP after the death of their baby, but 1,164 claims for death and 14,874 claims for injury from vaccines have been filed.[4]

The process of receiving the $250,000 payout for a death from the fund is complex and challenging.[5] Parents who are struggling to come to terms with the sudden unexplained death of their otherwise healthy infant, with a strange correlation to the time of their shots, often do not possess the physical and emotional strength necessary to complete the cumbersome application process and a $400 payment is required up front, just to submit a claim.

Russian RoulletteSo the numbers don’t really reflect the reality.

The truth is, every vaccine given is somewhat like a game of Russian roulette. However, it is slightly different. In Russian roulette some of the barrels hold blanks. In the vaccine game, every shot holds poison. The only question is what will this dose of poison do to this baby?[6]

Leviticus 19:16 is clear,

“Do not stand idly by when your neighbor’s life is threatened. I am the Lord.”

I cannot stand idly by while vaccines are killing and harming babies. We must speak out for those who cannot speak and those who do not understand the harm inflicted by vaccines, especially the many shots recommended for babies today.

12Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate seeker of Jesus, truth and health. I pray that every family who has been a victim of vaccine injury and death will find hope and healing through Jesus Christ, our true hope. I further pray that all parents and doctors will wake up to the harm that vaccines have caused to far too many and that they will seek the TRUTH above all.

For more blogs on vaccine induced death:

[1] The age is not specified, but includes infant deaths: “Compensation varies, depending on the injury, and can include as much as $250,000 for pain and suffering, lost earnings, legal fees, and/or a reasonable amount for past and future care. For a death, you may receive as much as $250,000 for the estate and legal fees.” USDHHS, Health Resources and Services Administration, National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, How To File a Claim,

[2] USDHHS, Health Resources and Services Administration, National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program,

[3] In the tragic circumstance of you or anyone you know facing the death of a child after vaccine, a lot of helpful information has been compiled in A Parent’s Guide: What to do if Your Child Dies After VaccinationGuidelines to Autopsy Medical Tests, by Norma Erickson, President SANE Vax & Catherine J Frompovich, Consumer Health Researcher & Author.

[4] US Dept of HHS, HRSA, Data and Statistics, link updated 06/26/2018.

[5] USDHHS, Health Resources and Services Administration, National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, How To File a Claim,

[6] There are known increased risks of harm from vaccines, but the government has avoided most attempts to identify the risk factors for specific individuals. Known risks include, but are not limited to: a genetic predisposition based on mutation of the MTHFR gene, family history of autoimmune disorders, premature birth with other risk factors, family history of adverse events following vaccines.