More on CPS visits

Front DoorI compiled information on how to handle a visit from CPS earlier. Here is another view with supporting information on how to be prepared in case you experience a visit from CPS. Expect the best, be prepared for the worst, like Jesus said, be as wise as serpents and innocent as doves (Matthew 10:16). 

“I hope no one ever has to go through this, but here is some advice by someone who has experience in a crooked perverse system. I believe there are some truly good and fair people involved in CPS. Unfortunately there is more evil in the world (and our country) than we could imagine. The following information was shared by a licensed foster parent in WA state. This case is scary, but sadly, happens all the time. We have trained our own bio kids in the following steps just as we adults are well aware of them. Hopefully these will help readers here:
Ten Things You Must Do if CPS Knocks at Your Door
Parents are routinely accused of ridiculous things: trying to sell their children to relatives for drug money; molesting a child in the living room during a family party; beating a child with a baseball bat – without leaving bruises. Yes, those were real calls to CPS – all taken as true by investigators. I don’ t care how absurd or unbelievable the case worker sounds. Understand that SHE is serious, and likely presumes – no, likely “KNOWS” that you are guilty as accused. Even if she doesn’t flat-out say that she’ s there to take the children, she is quite possibly intent on doing just that. In testimony to Congress, Chris Klicka, senior counsel for the Home School Legal Defense Association, stated that a case worker with 30 years’ experience once confided in him that “When I started working, we tried to prove the family was innocent. Now we assume they are guilty until they prove they are not.”
Most of the time, the case worker wants to keep you in the dark as to what you have been accused of. despite being required by federal and state law to tell you details of the accusation at her first contact with you. Don’t settle for the answer of “abuse” or “neglect.” Those are categories, not details. You are entitled to know what specific actions you are accused of committing.
It is imperative that you not submit to a CPS interrogation before talking to your attorney. It is natural that innocent parents who have nothing to hide want to explain everything so that a reasonable person can see that there’s no problem here. But CPS agents are not reasonable. To them, the accusation IS the evidence against you. That case worker is there to find evidence to support what she already believes to be true – that you abused your child.
If you say nothing to them, you have taken away their greatest weapon, which is their ability to twist your words. Let me give you some examples of what was done to parents who did talk to them:
The husband of a client of mine had been accused of sexually molesting their autistic, non-verbal daughter. The CPS investigator asked the mother if her daughter had exhibited any unusual behavior lately. The only thing she could think of was that a couple of times the month before, the girl had wanted her mother to come lay down with her for a few minutes. Usually, she would just go in by herself and go right to sleep. The investigator stated to the court that the mother admitted her child had become afraid of her own bedroom.
One father I defended told the case worker that he had disciplined his daughter over a 20 minute period, where he would talk to her about what she had done wrong, swat her a few times, and then talk some more. The investigator stated to the court that the father admitted to beating his child non-stop for 20 minutes.
When? As soon as you realize your family is being investigated. The sooner an experienced attorney enters the picture, the sooner he or she can put a stop to abusive CPS tactics. Please note that I said experience in FIGHTING CPS. Many attorneys – if not most – believe their role is to find out what CPS wants and make sure their clients do it. That way often leads to disaster – and the loss of your children.
Hostility toward the investigator is considered evidence of guilt. Your perfectly natural angry reaction to being accused of harming your child will be used as evidence of an abusive personality. This is where an attorney can be a valuable asset. He or she can stand up to the bully on your behalf.
Under no circumstances should you let any government agent in your home unless he or she has a court order. Ask to see the warrant or order, because the CPS worker may lie and say she has one when she doesn’t. When she doesn’t have one, politely but firmly tell her that she will have to stay outside until she gets one. If she claims it’s an emergency, make her tell you what it is. Call her bluff – if it were a true emergency, she would not be asking – she’d be there with armed police officers, forcing her way in. Do not even open the door to let her look at the children.
There is no compromise on this. There are no exceptions. If you invite a case worker into your home, you have waived your fourth amendment protection. And if the case worker is intent on taking your children, SHE WILL FIND SOMETHING IN YOUR HOME TO JUSTIFY IT. THAT IS A GUARANTEE.
Understand that you may be threatened. You may be lied to. She may tell you that the 4 th amendment doesn’ t apply to caseworkers. That is a lie. She may tell you that she doesn’ t need a warrant. That is a lie. She may tell you that she’ll return with armed police officers. And she very well may. But that changes nothing. Even a man with a gun on your porch doesn’t change the fact that she has no right to enter your home.
Listen to the words of an ex-CPS investigator:
“I wish I could shout from the highest mountain to parents to vigilantly learn their rights! If they knew what their legal rights were there would be significantly lower numbers of child removals. Social workers, unlike policemen making an arrest, are not required to inform the parents of their legal rights. All we had to do to remove a child was to show up at the home and tell the parents we came to remove the kids. Often times we would take a police officer with us (never telling the parents he was there for MY protection, not to enforce an order or warrant). 99% of the time we never had to get a warrant or court order to remove kids because the parents would be so intimidated by the officer that they would just hand their kids over and show up for court the next day. But if they had legally known their parental rights, they could simply have told me that I could not take the children unless I had a court order signed by the judge or had a warrant to remove the kids. … the majority of times parents were just intimidated and gave consent for the whole process to begin; completely unknowing of what rights they just waived.”
If officers do force their way in, do not physically resist. Make your objections clear, but stand aside. There’s no point in getting arrested, or risking injury or death. Your children need you fighting for them, and you can’t do that from a jail cell or hospital. Demand that you not be separated from your children, and that your children be interrogated only with your attorney present. (This demand will likely be ignored, but demand it anyway. The fact that they ignored you may become important in later court proceedings.)
Demand that CPS tape any interrogation of your child. They are required by Texas law to do so. Bring your own recorder in case the CPS agent “loses” hers.
Tape record every conversation you have with a CPS worker – but do it secretly. Nothing in my experience enrages a CPS worker – leading to rash action – faster than finding out she’s being recorded. So don’t tell her. In Texas, it’s perfectly legal to secretly record any conversation that you are a part of.
If the accusation is one of physical abuse, have YOUR OWN doctor give your child a thorough physical exam. Ask him to write a letter stating that no bruises, marks, or health concerns were found on the child that would create suspicion of child abuse or neglect. Go to a doctor you trust. Never never never go to a doctor recommended by CPS.
Gather names of friends and relatives who are willing and able to care for your children if CPS takes them. They are required by law to place with family or friends before considering a foster care child warehouse, but will often ignore that law if you let them. Don’t let them. If your children must spend time away from you, it’s far better that they do so with people you know and trust than in an abusive foster facility.
Also, get your friends, family, co-workers, pastor – anyone who has seen you parenting your child – to write a letter on your behalf, stating what a good parent you are. CPS investigators are required to take such information into consideration, and it’s much harder for them to illegally snatch your child without cause when they know a crowd is watching them.
Never, ever admit to anything. Even if CPS has taken your children and offers to give them back if you do (they won’t), it would be immoral to do so if you truly haven’t done anything. Even if you did make a momentary mistake, admitting so may be a quick way to jail and to lose your kids forever.
CPS agents are not above lying to you to prove you guilty of something, so don’t trust what they say. They won’t understand. They won’t give you a break. They will use anything you say against you, and even make stuff up. Don’t make it easy on them.”

Charleston June 2015

NewspaperLet’s be clear.

We don’t know what happened in Charleston. We weren’t there.

There are many disturbing facts involved in this event. Nearly everyone who has heard about it is disturbed, but depending on the individual, they may be disturbed in different ways for different reasons.

Some things that may impact your perception of the events in Charleston:

  • Your personal background and beliefs;
  • Your awareness and interpretation of world events;
  • Your level of trust in the media;
  • Your level of trust in the US government and affiliated organizations;
  • Your personal religious connections and affiliations.

These things play a significant role in how we view the facts and evidence presented about the events in Charleston. Discussions of the evidence can make for some lively debates, or heated arguments.

Whatever our interpretation or understanding of the facts, we can all feel unsettled, and perhaps personally threatened. We might feel our own personal safety is eroding. We may be confused. We may experience strong emotions like fear, anger, or betrayal. We may have someone or some group we target with these emotions or we may have no idea where to direct our strong feelings.

What is the answer? How can we live in such a tenuous state? How do we make sense of the information available to us?

No matter what your conclusions are about who was involved in the Charleston incident, who is to blame, and what the real facts are, here is a viewpoint that can bring insight and comfort to anyone willing to listen and seek truth. In this radio interview aired on prime time in Atlanta, Pastor Andy Stanley, Leader of North Point Ministries, seeks to answer questions like, “How does something like this happen?”, “What is God’s role in it?”, “What do I do with this fear; this emotional sludge?” Here is the link to a 12-minute very interesting discussion.

No matter how you perceive or interpret the events in Charleston, it is clear that this event sparks fear, confusion, hatred and anger.

As a Christian I know Jesus taught that all those negative emotions originate from one place. “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10).

We are in the midst of a spiritual battle. Wether we know it or not; whether we acknowledge it or not. There are forces of evil who seek to steal our peace, hope and confidence.

Jesus is not surprised by the state of our world, but He wants so much more for us. He has defeated the enemy (the thief) and can bring peace, confidence, clarity, wisdom, and discernment in the midst of all circumstances – for all who accept Him.

“And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle over them, triumphing over them through the cross.” Colossians 2:15

Are you His?

In these crazy troubling times I find my anchor in Jesus. I need a daily refreshing shower in His life-giving word. I stopped listening to most news broadcasts in January of 1997. I realized most of the news was negative and beyond my control. When something important happens someone usually tells me about it.

I thrive by seeking the wisdom of Jesus through the ancient texts we know as the Bible, every single day. I pray you too will experience the peace and comfort of Jesus in these stormy turbulent times.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate about Jesus, seeking truth and health.


I will NOT shrink back

Pinochio Told Lies

Beware of those who lie

Christians – I’ve got an important message to share with you. If you’re not a Christian, you need to know, Christians aren’t perfect. We make a lot of mistakes. One of our biggest mistakes has been putting 100% trust in the schemes of men – especially the medical schemes. Modern medicine has made some wonderful accomplishments. If you have a serious accident they do an amazing job of putting you back together. But western medicine has a rather abysmal record in helping healthy people stay healthy.

I seek to love God with all that I am. Nothing would give me greater delight than sharing the great message that Jesus came to demonstrate: God’s grace. I’ve experienced His grace personally and dramatically and seek to share all that I’ve been blessed to receive with others.

Inspired by Paul in Acts 20, I never want to shrink back from sharing this powerful truth – the same message the early followers of Jesus recorded and which has been collected into what we call the New Testament – the necessity of repenting from sin and turning to God, and having faith in Jesus.

This message has changed the entire world, has powerfully brought transformation to individual lives throughout all cultures for 2000 years, has transformed my world, and can transform yours as you fully embrace it.

In the same way, I can’t shrink back from sharing facts and evidence I have discovered in the arena of health. Jesus warned us to watch out for false prophets and deceivers, those who twist truth for their benefit and our harm (read more in these two chapters: Matthew 7 & 24). He specifically said we need to watch out for the doctrine, i.e. teaching, of the leaders (Mark 8:15). Paul, Peter and John all repeatedly warned about deceivers.[1]

Deceivers distort truth for their own gain and often cause harm to others. Nowhere is this distortion more evident than in the arena of healthcare, and particularly the realm of pregnancy, birth and neonatal care practiced by most sophisticated highly trained professionals in western countries. There is a lot of money at stake. Not every professional knowingly practices deception. Some are victims of the deception themselves. Their training has been built on a false foundation.[2]

Too many parents have learned the hard way and experienced devastating health outcomes that impact their family forever. Vaccine injury is real. Some babies die. Some are severely injured. (see further Healthy Babies Don’t Just Die, Healthy Babies Don’t Just Develop Autism, How Many Shots?, It Wasn’t the Truck, Are Non-vaccinated Kids Healthy?).

We need to seek truth in every realm of life. We need to beware of deceivers. We need to ask more questions. We need to question the answers we are given and the source of those answers. We live in a fallen world. We have a real enemy. We need to seek Jesus and the wisdom He wants to give us.

Christian doctors, grandparents, parents, and educators need to seek truth and real scientific support for every procedure they agree to for their children. We also need to be bold enough to find helpful ways to share the truth we discover with others. Our children have been entrusted to us. Jesus said we should welcome children and never harm them. The punishment is severe for those who harm children.[3]

Becky on stageAuthor: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate about following Jesus, truth and health.

[1] Warnings about deception and deceivers. Read the whole chapters to get more context.  Paul: 2 Thessalonians 2:11, Colossians 2:4 and 8, 2 Timothy 2:26, 1 Timothy 4:1, 2 Timothy 2:26, 2 Timothy 3:13, Galatians 1:7, Acts 20:28-30; Peter: 2 Peter 2:2-3, 2 Peter 3:16-17; John: 1 John 4:6, 2 John 7-8, Revelation 13:14; James: James 1:16.

[2] Jesus explains that the foundation of our lives is critically important in Matthew 7 “Everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like the wise man who built his house on the rock. The rains came down, the streams rose, the winds blew and beat against that house, yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mind and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams  rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”

[3] Mark 9:42 “If you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone hung around your neck.”