A Tragic Loss

Dr Bradstreet AutismOne 2015I was not privileged to meet Dr Bradstreet, I have learned of him from his patients and from his highly informed talks at Autism One in May 2015.[1] I can assume his message to us might be something like this: “Be a difference maker, even if it costs you everything.” Dr Bradstreet was by no means perfect – he was a man who struggled – as we all do. Yet, he was brave in the face of adversity, he was compassionate with those overlooked by society, he demonstrated strength and hope and sought to bring healing and inspiration to many despite enormous obstacles. May his life inspire many to great levels of courage.

A Tribute to a Man Whose Work I Admire

We may not understand how and why Jeff Bradstreet died. But countless families can tell you why he lived.[2]

Dr Bradstreet didn’t claim to have the last word or know everything, but he valiantly explored and experimented with many treatment options and brought healing to many who had been given a diagnosis of ASD. He tirelessly researched ALL the science available on the topic of autism. His depth of knowledge of all the factors related to autism, and the personalized treatment protocols for individual children were epic. He was a walking PubMed reference resource. His primary goal was to understand what was going on in the body and brain of children trapped in a non-responsive body that had been discarded by mainstream practitioners. He focused on helping parents and caregivers understand that the many overwhelming behaviors displayed by their autistic child had a physical cause and when symptoms were diagnosed and treated, behavior improved.

He was thrust into the autism arena through the reality of autism he experienced with his own son. He candidly describes his journey of having a six-year-old non-verbal, self-injurious, fecal obsessed and fecal smearing son for whom no one would have given any hope of education. He relates his long journey towards healing involving many novel treatments and proudly shared the announcement that his son had just graduated from high school on 25 May 2015 at age 21 AND had been accepted to a college in Florida. Perhaps only those closely associated with a severely autistic child can understand the enormity of such an accomplishment.

The death of Dr Bradstreet is a tragic loss to all.

He was a man with answers, hope, and great insight into healing autism. He didn’t claim to have 100% cure rates and he recognized that many methods that achieved great success for some children might not work for others. Each child was unique. He possessed great optimism that he would find even more answers, better personalized healing programs and faster, more effective healing for many more families through the amazing collaborations he had going with several different partners on the cutting edge of brain research.

Dr Bradstreet demonstrated incredible love for the children and families that he served. He understood their pain because he shared it. He listened to the mothers and encouraged them to be active participants in observing the symptoms and effective treatments for their own children. He called them “Dr Mom.” He said they had earned their degree. He shared love, healing and hope with all who came into contact with him.

Dr Bradstreet wasn’t too worried about pandering to mainstream thinking. He sought effective healing modalities. He was willing to experiment and think outside the box. He sought wisdom from others and collaborated widely with great innovation. He recognized many evil forces in the world that had collided to cause severe illness to an incredible number of children – impacting the entire family. He recognized evil forces colluding in cover-up and harmful drug based treatment promotion and the acceptance of lifelong sickness and labels. He worked tirelessly against the malaise brought on families overwhelmed by the burden of severe autism. He brought restored hope for healing.

Every life cut short – especially a vital life overflowing with helping others and making the world a better place – is tragic. Sorrow is natural. As we reflect on the pain of life, God wants to use it to lead us to a better place.

“For the kind of sorrow God wants us to experience leads us away from sin and results in salvation. There is no regret for that kind of sorrow. But worldly sorrow, which lacks repentance, results in spiritual death.” 2 Corinthians 7:10.

Life is too short to hate or to allow bitterness to fester. Evil is real. Ignorance of the evil abounds. Our best opposition is love. We love others as we share truth – even in the face of opposition. Dr Bradstreet demonstrated this. He chose a life of honor. He sought truth. He did not seek mainstream praise and popularity. He sought justice and brought hope and healing to many.

Dr Bradstreet will be sorely missed by his family and his many patients. He will be missed by his collaborative partners with whom he designed unique healing modalities. I pray that through this tragic loss, the healing protocols he pioneered will be multiplied exponentially among those who currently suffer with any type of autism/brain injury. I pray that there will be great triumph as we remember his life and the help he brought to so many.

I pray new brave doctors will rise up to continue his bold research in autism cures.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother with a passion for health, Jesus and joy. 

[1] Dr Bradstreet, Autism One Conference, May 2015, How Close Are We To An Autism Cure? Part 1

[2] Sheila Rogers DeMare, MS, Founder and Director of the nonprofit Association for Comprehensive NeuroTherapy (ACN), is a leader in the field of integrative therapies for neuropsychiatric and behavioral disorders. http://latitudes.org/tragic-loss-of-jeffrey-bradstreet-md/




I am a writer, truth seeker and conference speaker

I pray daily that through Jesus, God will anoint my mind, my writing, my connections

No one knows everything;
No one has all the answers.
The nature of deception
is you don’t know when you are deceived.
God is the source of all truth.
It is His desire to lead His people
into TRUTH.
TRUTH is ultimately found in Jesus.
Absorbing ourselves in Jesus
Will lead to discovering TRUTH
In every important area of life.
Absorbing ourselves in seeking truth
Will ultimately lead to Jesus.
To understand the conflicts of today
You need to know the foundation of all conflict.
There are many interpretations of history,
Ultimately it is HIS story –
The work God has been doing
In the world from the beginning.
Satan told Eve lies. She questioned God and
God’s intentions for her and for mankind.
Satan continues to spread lies,
Manipulating humans
to doubt God and rebel against Him.
There are many theories
about what’s wrong with
Our world and how to fix it.
If we leave God out of our thoughts
We’ll never get the big picture right.
If we don’t acknowledge the conflict
Between good and evil;
The existence of Satan;
Realize His tactics, strategy and goals,
We are especially vulnerable to deception.
What if much of the history we’ve been
Taught is actually manipulation –
Distortions designed to fool us?
What if much of the news reported
in our present world
Is a distortion of facts
Designed to impact our behavior and response?

I don’t have all the answers,
But many rational intelligent people
Are asking questions.
Serious, important questions.
About the Reserve Bank, the economy,
wars, Presidential Assassinations,
current events, journalism,
media ownership, health treatments.

Jesus was sent to earth by God.
His purpose was to bring salvation
to all nations – not just Jews.
He was promised by God LONG ago.
Jesus is the fulfillment
of God’s promise to ALL mankind;
A light to reveal God.
“This child is destined
to cause many to stumble,
But will be a joy to many others.
He is the revealer of the
deepest thoughts of our hearts.“[1]
“In Him all the fullness of the Godhead
dwells in bodily form.”[2]
He has shared His fullness
with those who accept Him.
“You have been given fullness in Christ,
Who is head over every
power and authority.”[3]

There is no need to fear.
Jesus wants to connect with you.
Once connected, He lives in you.
He is more powerful than anything you will ever face.
He will lead you to truth, light and life.

DSC_0062Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus, seeker of truth and health. Facing a world quite different from the one in which I grew up, I seek to research and understand the very real dangers threatening the health and freedom of today’s parents, providing information to navigate towards joyful family living!


  • [1] Simeon, Luke 2:34-35
  • [2] Paul, Colossians 2:9
  • [3] Paul, Colossians 2:10

Leaders and others

(Reflections from Mark 14:33-71)

Righteous, God-fearing, clear thinking,
compassionate leaders are hard to find.
A leader that starts that way
has a difficult time
maintaining his integrity
in light of his power and position above others.
Power truly corrupts.

Jesus was taken before the leaders –
the main stakeholders of the time –
for judgment.
Mark tells us,
“They took Jesus before the High Priest,
leading priests, elders
and teachers of religious law.”
The ‘important’ people;
The people of standing in the community;
The people who had the ability
to determine your future;
The people you didn’t want to offend.

Yet the entire High Counsel
Found no substantial evidence.
There was nothing in anything
Jesus had ever done
That they could fault.

Yet they wanted desperately
For Him to die.
They were worried about
Their own positions;
Their careers;
Their authority.

So they tried to get false witnesses
To make up stories;
To tell lies;

To support their desires,
Their conclusions.
Important people make significant decisions.
They rebel against God,
Deny His power and authority.
Their decisions reverberate to
Impact communities, countries, the world.

Small people also deny God
In our own small way –
For self-protection.
We don’t want to stand out in the crowd;
Don’t want to put ourselves in jeopardy.
We are afraid to declare our personal experience
with the living God.
We curse ourselves instead;
Seek to blend into our culture.

While Jesus faced the significant leaders,
Peter blended in the crowd of onlookers.
Jesus was cursed – He was taking our curse.
Peter cursed Himself,
“A curse on me if I’m lying –
I don’t know this man.”

Inside Jesus was declaring His Godhead:
Outside Peter wallows in fear.

Where am I today?

There is hope
Peter’s life profoundly demonstrates hope.
From coward to confident.
Read the book of Acts.

How did he do it?
A contrite heart, he broke down and wept.
Seeking Jesus, desperately running
To the news of His resurrection, He
Experienced hope, restoration and power.

The bold power of God
Working through Peter.

God is looking for agents of
His power on earth today.
Leaders who will maintain Him as Lord
Despite any responsibility they receive.
Leaders who will not fear man,
But Fear only God.

God is looking for small people
Willing to proclaim Jesus
As their source of hope and truth.


Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus Christ and truth seeker, especially in the areas of health and children. Facing a world quite different from the one in which I grew up, I seek to research and understand the true route to health, freedom and joyful family living!


Some Babies WILL Die

Angel BabyIt is an acknowledged fact.

Some healthy babies will die as a result of receiving vaccines.

The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) will even pay out up to $250,000 per infant death by vaccine.[1]

Every baby subjected to the CDC recommended vaccine schedule – actually any baby subjected to even just one dose of one vaccine – has the potential of death as one of the outcomes. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-660) created the VICP, a fund based on a contribution of 75 cents from every vaccine sold, that will compensate families in the USA if they can prove that their baby’s death resulted from the vaccines.[2] So everyone who participates in the vaccine program, pays a ‘vaccine tax’ towards the inevitable injuries that WILL happen.

Vaccine injury happens.        How often?

No one really knows. Deaths related to vaccines are often denied by doctors, although some do admit vaccines as the cause. Sometimes there is an autopsy, but coroners are encouraged not to find evidence of vaccine involvement in the sudden unexplained death of a previously healthy infant in close proximity to receiving the standard recommended vaccines.[3]

While deaths have been compensated by the VICP, the medical establishment in general is taught that vaccine reactions are ‘very very rare.’ They are trained to view the reactions following a vaccine as some strange phenomenon – but probably in no way related to the vaccines the healthy baby was given. Thus most parents do not file a claim with the VICP after the death of their baby, but 1,164 claims for death and 14,874 claims for injury from vaccines have been filed.[4]

The process of receiving the $250,000 payout for a death from the fund is complex and challenging.[5] Parents who are struggling to come to terms with the sudden unexplained death of their otherwise healthy infant, with a strange correlation to the time of their shots, often do not possess the physical and emotional strength necessary to complete the cumbersome application process and a $400 payment is required up front, just to submit a claim.

Russian RoulletteSo the numbers don’t really reflect the reality.

The truth is, every vaccine given is somewhat like a game of Russian roulette. However, it is slightly different. In Russian roulette some of the barrels hold blanks. In the vaccine game, every shot holds poison. The only question is what will this dose of poison do to this baby?[6]

Leviticus 19:16 is clear,

“Do not stand idly by when your neighbor’s life is threatened. I am the Lord.”

I cannot stand idly by while vaccines are killing and harming babies. We must speak out for those who cannot speak and those who do not understand the harm inflicted by vaccines, especially the many shots recommended for babies today.

12Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate seeker of Jesus, truth and health. I pray that every family who has been a victim of vaccine injury and death will find hope and healing through Jesus Christ, our true hope. I further pray that all parents and doctors will wake up to the harm that vaccines have caused to far too many and that they will seek the TRUTH above all.

For more blogs on vaccine induced death:

[1] The age is not specified, but includes infant deaths: “Compensation varies, depending on the injury, and can include as much as $250,000 for pain and suffering, lost earnings, legal fees, and/or a reasonable amount for past and future care. For a death, you may receive as much as $250,000 for the estate and legal fees.” USDHHS, Health Resources and Services Administration, National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, How To File a Claim,  http://www.hrsa.gov/vaccinecompensation/fileclaim.html

[2] USDHHS, Health Resources and Services Administration, National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program,  http://www.hrsa.gov/vaccinecompensation/index.html

[3] In the tragic circumstance of you or anyone you know facing the death of a child after vaccine, a lot of helpful information has been compiled in A Parent’s Guide: What to do if Your Child Dies After VaccinationGuidelines to Autopsy Medical Tests, by Norma Erickson, President SANE Vax & Catherine J Frompovich, Consumer Health Researcher & Author.

[4] US Dept of HHS, HRSA, Data and Statistics, link updated 06/26/2018. https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation/data/index.html

[5] USDHHS, Health Resources and Services Administration, National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, How To File a Claim,  http://www.hrsa.gov/vaccinecompensation/fileclaim.html

[6] There are known increased risks of harm from vaccines, but the government has avoided most attempts to identify the risk factors for specific individuals. Known risks include, but are not limited to: a genetic predisposition based on mutation of the MTHFR gene, family history of autoimmune disorders, premature birth with other risk factors, family history of adverse events following vaccines.

More on CPS visits

Front DoorI compiled information on how to handle a visit from CPS earlier. Here is another view with supporting information on how to be prepared in case you experience a visit from CPS. Expect the best, be prepared for the worst, like Jesus said, be as wise as serpents and innocent as doves (Matthew 10:16). 

“I hope no one ever has to go through this, but here is some advice by someone who has experience in a crooked perverse system. I believe there are some truly good and fair people involved in CPS. Unfortunately there is more evil in the world (and our country) than we could imagine. The following information was shared by a licensed foster parent in WA state. This case is scary, but sadly, happens all the time. We have trained our own bio kids in the following steps just as we adults are well aware of them. Hopefully these will help readers here:
Ten Things You Must Do if CPS Knocks at Your Door
Parents are routinely accused of ridiculous things: trying to sell their children to relatives for drug money; molesting a child in the living room during a family party; beating a child with a baseball bat – without leaving bruises. Yes, those were real calls to CPS – all taken as true by investigators. I don’ t care how absurd or unbelievable the case worker sounds. Understand that SHE is serious, and likely presumes – no, likely “KNOWS” that you are guilty as accused. Even if she doesn’t flat-out say that she’ s there to take the children, she is quite possibly intent on doing just that. In testimony to Congress, Chris Klicka, senior counsel for the Home School Legal Defense Association, stated that a case worker with 30 years’ experience once confided in him that “When I started working, we tried to prove the family was innocent. Now we assume they are guilty until they prove they are not.”
Most of the time, the case worker wants to keep you in the dark as to what you have been accused of. despite being required by federal and state law to tell you details of the accusation at her first contact with you. Don’t settle for the answer of “abuse” or “neglect.” Those are categories, not details. You are entitled to know what specific actions you are accused of committing.
It is imperative that you not submit to a CPS interrogation before talking to your attorney. It is natural that innocent parents who have nothing to hide want to explain everything so that a reasonable person can see that there’s no problem here. But CPS agents are not reasonable. To them, the accusation IS the evidence against you. That case worker is there to find evidence to support what she already believes to be true – that you abused your child.
If you say nothing to them, you have taken away their greatest weapon, which is their ability to twist your words. Let me give you some examples of what was done to parents who did talk to them:
The husband of a client of mine had been accused of sexually molesting their autistic, non-verbal daughter. The CPS investigator asked the mother if her daughter had exhibited any unusual behavior lately. The only thing she could think of was that a couple of times the month before, the girl had wanted her mother to come lay down with her for a few minutes. Usually, she would just go in by herself and go right to sleep. The investigator stated to the court that the mother admitted her child had become afraid of her own bedroom.
One father I defended told the case worker that he had disciplined his daughter over a 20 minute period, where he would talk to her about what she had done wrong, swat her a few times, and then talk some more. The investigator stated to the court that the father admitted to beating his child non-stop for 20 minutes.
When? As soon as you realize your family is being investigated. The sooner an experienced attorney enters the picture, the sooner he or she can put a stop to abusive CPS tactics. Please note that I said experience in FIGHTING CPS. Many attorneys – if not most – believe their role is to find out what CPS wants and make sure their clients do it. That way often leads to disaster – and the loss of your children.
Hostility toward the investigator is considered evidence of guilt. Your perfectly natural angry reaction to being accused of harming your child will be used as evidence of an abusive personality. This is where an attorney can be a valuable asset. He or she can stand up to the bully on your behalf.
Under no circumstances should you let any government agent in your home unless he or she has a court order. Ask to see the warrant or order, because the CPS worker may lie and say she has one when she doesn’t. When she doesn’t have one, politely but firmly tell her that she will have to stay outside until she gets one. If she claims it’s an emergency, make her tell you what it is. Call her bluff – if it were a true emergency, she would not be asking – she’d be there with armed police officers, forcing her way in. Do not even open the door to let her look at the children.
There is no compromise on this. There are no exceptions. If you invite a case worker into your home, you have waived your fourth amendment protection. And if the case worker is intent on taking your children, SHE WILL FIND SOMETHING IN YOUR HOME TO JUSTIFY IT. THAT IS A GUARANTEE.
Understand that you may be threatened. You may be lied to. She may tell you that the 4 th amendment doesn’ t apply to caseworkers. That is a lie. She may tell you that she doesn’ t need a warrant. That is a lie. She may tell you that she’ll return with armed police officers. And she very well may. But that changes nothing. Even a man with a gun on your porch doesn’t change the fact that she has no right to enter your home.
Listen to the words of an ex-CPS investigator:
“I wish I could shout from the highest mountain to parents to vigilantly learn their rights! If they knew what their legal rights were there would be significantly lower numbers of child removals. Social workers, unlike policemen making an arrest, are not required to inform the parents of their legal rights. All we had to do to remove a child was to show up at the home and tell the parents we came to remove the kids. Often times we would take a police officer with us (never telling the parents he was there for MY protection, not to enforce an order or warrant). 99% of the time we never had to get a warrant or court order to remove kids because the parents would be so intimidated by the officer that they would just hand their kids over and show up for court the next day. But if they had legally known their parental rights, they could simply have told me that I could not take the children unless I had a court order signed by the judge or had a warrant to remove the kids. … the majority of times parents were just intimidated and gave consent for the whole process to begin; completely unknowing of what rights they just waived.”
If officers do force their way in, do not physically resist. Make your objections clear, but stand aside. There’s no point in getting arrested, or risking injury or death. Your children need you fighting for them, and you can’t do that from a jail cell or hospital. Demand that you not be separated from your children, and that your children be interrogated only with your attorney present. (This demand will likely be ignored, but demand it anyway. The fact that they ignored you may become important in later court proceedings.)
Demand that CPS tape any interrogation of your child. They are required by Texas law to do so. Bring your own recorder in case the CPS agent “loses” hers.
Tape record every conversation you have with a CPS worker – but do it secretly. Nothing in my experience enrages a CPS worker – leading to rash action – faster than finding out she’s being recorded. So don’t tell her. In Texas, it’s perfectly legal to secretly record any conversation that you are a part of.
If the accusation is one of physical abuse, have YOUR OWN doctor give your child a thorough physical exam. Ask him to write a letter stating that no bruises, marks, or health concerns were found on the child that would create suspicion of child abuse or neglect. Go to a doctor you trust. Never never never go to a doctor recommended by CPS.
Gather names of friends and relatives who are willing and able to care for your children if CPS takes them. They are required by law to place with family or friends before considering a foster care child warehouse, but will often ignore that law if you let them. Don’t let them. If your children must spend time away from you, it’s far better that they do so with people you know and trust than in an abusive foster facility.
Also, get your friends, family, co-workers, pastor – anyone who has seen you parenting your child – to write a letter on your behalf, stating what a good parent you are. CPS investigators are required to take such information into consideration, and it’s much harder for them to illegally snatch your child without cause when they know a crowd is watching them.
Never, ever admit to anything. Even if CPS has taken your children and offers to give them back if you do (they won’t), it would be immoral to do so if you truly haven’t done anything. Even if you did make a momentary mistake, admitting so may be a quick way to jail and to lose your kids forever.
CPS agents are not above lying to you to prove you guilty of something, so don’t trust what they say. They won’t understand. They won’t give you a break. They will use anything you say against you, and even make stuff up. Don’t make it easy on them.”

Charleston June 2015

NewspaperLet’s be clear.

We don’t know what happened in Charleston. We weren’t there.

There are many disturbing facts involved in this event. Nearly everyone who has heard about it is disturbed, but depending on the individual, they may be disturbed in different ways for different reasons.

Some things that may impact your perception of the events in Charleston:

  • Your personal background and beliefs;
  • Your awareness and interpretation of world events;
  • Your level of trust in the media;
  • Your level of trust in the US government and affiliated organizations;
  • Your personal religious connections and affiliations.

These things play a significant role in how we view the facts and evidence presented about the events in Charleston. Discussions of the evidence can make for some lively debates, or heated arguments.

Whatever our interpretation or understanding of the facts, we can all feel unsettled, and perhaps personally threatened. We might feel our own personal safety is eroding. We may be confused. We may experience strong emotions like fear, anger, or betrayal. We may have someone or some group we target with these emotions or we may have no idea where to direct our strong feelings.

What is the answer? How can we live in such a tenuous state? How do we make sense of the information available to us?

No matter what your conclusions are about who was involved in the Charleston incident, who is to blame, and what the real facts are, here is a viewpoint that can bring insight and comfort to anyone willing to listen and seek truth. In this radio interview aired on prime time in Atlanta, Pastor Andy Stanley, Leader of North Point Ministries, seeks to answer questions like, “How does something like this happen?”, “What is God’s role in it?”, “What do I do with this fear; this emotional sludge?” Here is the link to a 12-minute very interesting discussion.

No matter how you perceive or interpret the events in Charleston, it is clear that this event sparks fear, confusion, hatred and anger.

As a Christian I know Jesus taught that all those negative emotions originate from one place. “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10).

We are in the midst of a spiritual battle. Wether we know it or not; whether we acknowledge it or not. There are forces of evil who seek to steal our peace, hope and confidence.

Jesus is not surprised by the state of our world, but He wants so much more for us. He has defeated the enemy (the thief) and can bring peace, confidence, clarity, wisdom, and discernment in the midst of all circumstances – for all who accept Him.

“And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle over them, triumphing over them through the cross.” Colossians 2:15

Are you His?

In these crazy troubling times I find my anchor in Jesus. I need a daily refreshing shower in His life-giving word. I stopped listening to most news broadcasts in January of 1997. I realized most of the news was negative and beyond my control. When something important happens someone usually tells me about it.

I thrive by seeking the wisdom of Jesus through the ancient texts we know as the Bible, every single day. I pray you too will experience the peace and comfort of Jesus in these stormy turbulent times.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate about Jesus, seeking truth and health.


I will NOT shrink back

Pinochio Told Lies

Beware of those who lie

Christians – I’ve got an important message to share with you. If you’re not a Christian, you need to know, Christians aren’t perfect. We make a lot of mistakes. One of our biggest mistakes has been putting 100% trust in the schemes of men – especially the medical schemes. Modern medicine has made some wonderful accomplishments. If you have a serious accident they do an amazing job of putting you back together. But western medicine has a rather abysmal record in helping healthy people stay healthy.

I seek to love God with all that I am. Nothing would give me greater delight than sharing the great message that Jesus came to demonstrate: God’s grace. I’ve experienced His grace personally and dramatically and seek to share all that I’ve been blessed to receive with others.

Inspired by Paul in Acts 20, I never want to shrink back from sharing this powerful truth – the same message the early followers of Jesus recorded and which has been collected into what we call the New Testament – the necessity of repenting from sin and turning to God, and having faith in Jesus.

This message has changed the entire world, has powerfully brought transformation to individual lives throughout all cultures for 2000 years, has transformed my world, and can transform yours as you fully embrace it.

In the same way, I can’t shrink back from sharing facts and evidence I have discovered in the arena of health. Jesus warned us to watch out for false prophets and deceivers, those who twist truth for their benefit and our harm (read more in these two chapters: Matthew 7 & 24). He specifically said we need to watch out for the doctrine, i.e. teaching, of the leaders (Mark 8:15). Paul, Peter and John all repeatedly warned about deceivers.[1]

Deceivers distort truth for their own gain and often cause harm to others. Nowhere is this distortion more evident than in the arena of healthcare, and particularly the realm of pregnancy, birth and neonatal care practiced by most sophisticated highly trained professionals in western countries. There is a lot of money at stake. Not every professional knowingly practices deception. Some are victims of the deception themselves. Their training has been built on a false foundation.[2]

Too many parents have learned the hard way and experienced devastating health outcomes that impact their family forever. Vaccine injury is real. Some babies die. Some are severely injured. (see further Healthy Babies Don’t Just Die, Healthy Babies Don’t Just Develop Autism, How Many Shots?, It Wasn’t the Truck, Are Non-vaccinated Kids Healthy?).

We need to seek truth in every realm of life. We need to beware of deceivers. We need to ask more questions. We need to question the answers we are given and the source of those answers. We live in a fallen world. We have a real enemy. We need to seek Jesus and the wisdom He wants to give us.

Christian doctors, grandparents, parents, and educators need to seek truth and real scientific support for every procedure they agree to for their children. We also need to be bold enough to find helpful ways to share the truth we discover with others. Our children have been entrusted to us. Jesus said we should welcome children and never harm them. The punishment is severe for those who harm children.[3]

Becky on stageAuthor: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate about following Jesus, truth and health.

[1] Warnings about deception and deceivers. Read the whole chapters to get more context.  Paul: 2 Thessalonians 2:11, Colossians 2:4 and 8, 2 Timothy 2:26, 1 Timothy 4:1, 2 Timothy 2:26, 2 Timothy 3:13, Galatians 1:7, Acts 20:28-30; Peter: 2 Peter 2:2-3, 2 Peter 3:16-17; John: 1 John 4:6, 2 John 7-8, Revelation 13:14; James: James 1:16.

[2] Jesus explains that the foundation of our lives is critically important in Matthew 7 “Everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like the wise man who built his house on the rock. The rains came down, the streams rose, the winds blew and beat against that house, yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mind and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams  rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”

[3] Mark 9:42 “If you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone hung around your neck.”

California Vaccine Mandates #SB277


1. Diphtheria – primarily a problem in overcrowded areas with poor sanitation. There was 1 case in the U.S in 2014. Vaccine possible side effects include seizures.http://www.cdc.gov/vacci…/vpd-vac/diphtheria/fs-parents.html
2. Hep B – primarily a sexually transmitted disease which is also spread through sharing of needles. Currently, children diagnosed with active hepatitis B are allowed to attend school, because they are not considered a risk to others, yet a child who does not have the disease will not be allowed to attend school without the vaccine.
3. HiB – Haemophulis Influenzae B. “Children over five years old and adults usually do not need Hib vaccine. But it may be recommended for older children or adults with asplenia (no spleen) or sickle-cell disease, before surgery to remove the spleen, or following a bone marrow transplant. It may also be recommended for people 5 to 18 years old with HIV. “ according to http://www.vaccines.gov/diseases/hib/
4,5,6. Measles, Mumps, Rubella – the vaccine commonly given in one shot is called the MMR. Side effects “may include high fever that could cause a seizure” according to http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd-vac/measles/fs-parents.html. According to the vaccine insert possible side effects include “Encephalitis; encephalopathy; measles inclusion body encephalitis (MIBE) (see CONTRAINDICATIONS); subacute sclerosing pan encephalitis (SSPE); Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS); acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM); transverse myelitis; febrile convulsions; afebrile convulsions or seizures; ataxia; polyneuritis; polyneuropathy; ocular palsies; paresthesia.”, “Nerve deafness; otitis media” and many more. http://www.merck.com/…/…/pi_circulars/m/mmr_ii/mmr_ii_pi.pdf
7. Pertussis – much controversy about this one but there does seem to be consensus about two things, the vaccine wears off quickly and “Even vaccinated people may still be carriers and spread whooping-cough without realizing it.” http://www.webmd.com/…/whooping-cough-rising-despite-new-va…
8. Poliomyelitis – according to CDC’s information, the polio vaccine, like any medicine, could cause serious problems, such as a severe allergic reaction or even death.” http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vac-gen/side-effects.htm#polio. The “IPV induces very low levels of immunity in the intestine. As a result, when a person immunized with IPV is infected with wild poliovirus, the virus can still multiply inside the intestines and be shed in the faeces, risking continued circulation.” – See more at: http://www.polioeradication.org/…/Inactivatedpoliovaccine(I…
9. Tetanus – completely non transferable and vaccine carries the risk of seizures
10. Varicella – The vaccine targeting chicken pox, once a common childhood illness. Death rates from the disease were on decline prior to the introduction of the vaccine due to improved sanitation, nutrition and medical treatment. According to CDC “Some people who are vaccinated against chickenpox may still get the disease” http://www.cdc.gov/chickenpox/vaccination.html They go on to list some possible side effects: “Moderate problems
• Seizure (jerking or staring) caused by fever (very rare).
Severe problems
• Pneumonia (very rare)
Other serious problems, including severe brain reactions and low blood count, have been reported after chickenpox vaccination. “

In addition to those 10 vaccines, #SB277 makes an eleventh provision:

11.  “Any other disease deemed appropriate by the department, taking into consideration the recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Academy of Family Physicians.”

So we now all know that seizures are a moderate reaction to vaccines and the risk of death does exist with vaccines. We know that no vaccine is 100% effective, and therefore a vaccinated child can also obtain a disease and pass it on to others, sometimes asymptomatically from the vaccine itself.

Knowing all this and more how can we possibly think there is enough added protection from mandating the current vaccines to strip parents’ rights and force a product that has the potential for harm?

Author: Lyn E, vaccine truth activist

SB277 Freedom

How many shots?

49 shots by age 2


This is the average child’s vaccine record. Luca’s mom shared this “immunization record” of all the shots her precious baby received from birth to 24 months. She trusted her doctor and the US Medical system 100%. She grew up in Eastern Europe and many of her dreams came true when she arrived as an adult in the USA. She never suspected that maybe the U.S. vaccine recommendations could actually harm her child.

Here is another way of looking at those vaccines:

How Many Shots

Born on 5 January 2010 baby Luca got his Hepatitis B shot in the hospital as standard procedure. No one ever asked or explained the risk or benefits of either Hepatitis or the Hep B injection.

At two months of age his mom dutifully took him back to the doctor where he received another Hepatitis B, DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis), HIB (Haemophilus influenza B) and IPV (polio); three needles and one oral dose for a total of six vaccine antigens. Luca’s mom said she hated the fact that Luca had to have shots. She couldn’t even hold him while they injected him, it was too traumatic for her. She cried at every doctor’s visit. But she continued to trust the doctor.

All those vaccines can take a toll on a two month old infant’s immune system. Of course the infant’s body must also deal with all the other vaccine ingredients like formaldehyde, aluminum, foreign protein cells, etc.

Warning TylenolHow could a two month old baby tell you if something about that combination wasn’t quite right for his body? He would cry of course, that is the only way a two month old baby can communicate – or he could possible go lethargic. But if baby cries – even inconsolably for hours – parents often call their doctor’s office and are told such crying is normal and to give Tylenol so baby will feel better. Many babies cry and are extremely fussy for days or weeks after vaccines. Some otherwise completely healthy babies, so overloaded by the toxins, simply don’t wake up. Their deaths are often labeled as SIDS.

Luca’s mom grew up in the politically volatile country of Serbia. She wanted a better life for her children. She had absolute trust in the U.S. because of such a stable government. She was extremely compliant with her doctor’s recommendations. She not only brought Luca for the 2, 4, and 6 month old vaccine visits, she also brought Luca in for the Pneumococcal vaccine at 3 months AND 5 months.

Luca’s next big round of vaccine assault was at four months: another DTaP, another HIB, and another IPV. Again, moms are told to expect crying and fussiness – after all, baby just had his shots. Sometimes moms, in anticipation of the normal reaction to vaccines (crying, miserable baby) give Tylenol BEFORE going to the doctor, trying to offset the reaction in advance. Luca’s mom  felt ‘lucky’ because Luca didn’t have really bad reactions after receiving his shots; he just got quiet.

At six months Luca again received shots: Pentacel which is a ‘5 in one’ vaccine containing: DTaP, IPV, and HIB. With Pentacel baby only gets one needle so it seems to be less traumatic – from the onlooker’s point of view. Mom is still not comfortable with shots, but continues to have faith in the medical system and her doctor.

At ten months Luca got his third dose of Hepatitis B. The CDC recommends giving the third dose between 6 – 18 months. I don’t know exactly why baby Luca had another appointment for just one shot at 10 months. Perhaps his mom took him to visit the doctor for some other reason and when they saw he was due for his last Hepatitis B series, they gave it to him despite his illness. Many moms think giving a vaccine to a sick child is an extremely bad idea, but doctors just take it in stride. A cold or other illness is no reason for them to avoid administering a vaccine. They know that if they miss the opportunity to give a vaccine when baby is in their office, mom may not bring him back when he is well.

Baby Luca had been injected in the hospital at birth, and was back to his doctor for more shots at two, three, four, five, six, ten, twelve, fifteen, eighteen and twenty-four months. That is a lot of traumatic doctor’s visits by a very dutiful mom. Of course, there is a significant financial implication to all those office visits. It costs the parents money and brings financial benefits to the doctor.

Luca Bugarin Christmas 2011 Luca Bugarin after shotsWhile this seems like an incredible number of toxic shots to inject into a baby, the CDC actually recommends that babies get EVEN MORE. Baby Luca did not get the Rotavirus series of vaccines because for some unknown reason, his doctor did not suggest it was needed. He also did not get any flu vaccines because his mom declined those.

Notice Luca’s eyes in these two photographs. The first was taken at eleven months – before he received the MMRV. The picture on the right was taken ten days after receiving the MMRV. Notice his eyes. There is a distinct droop which is evidence of the micro ‘strokes’ caused by the vaccines.

SH Aluminum in shotsMany times a baby’s body reacts to the cumulative impact of all the ingredients in the vaccines over time. The known neurotoxins, especially aluminum, impair brain function. Luca had received a lot of aluminum in all of those shots.

Here is a list of all the ingredients, provided by the CDC, that the vaccines injected into baby Luca contained. Remember that he was injected with multiple doses of many of the vaccines.

Vaccine Ingredients LucaThe latest scientific information gleaned on the development of the immune system continues to shed light on how amazing it is. Anyone wanting to understand how to keep a baby healthy needs to understand the neonatal immune system development. Many of the facts of the immune system, especially the gut/brain/immune system connection coming to light, turn the foundation of vaccine science on its head.[1]

Dr Suzanne Humprhies describes the natural state of the infant’s body as “anti-inflammatory”. This anti-inflammatory state is purposeful. An infant is not born deficit of vaccines. The complex mechanisms of the immune system gradually identify foreign substances and ‘learn’ to mount an appropriate response, but it takes time. Injecting and bombarding infants with intramuscular injections of inflammatory substances contained in vaccines, causes the infant to mount an inappropriate inflammatory condition – often with detrimental long-term impact. Many people suggest that we need “safe” vaccines. However, aluminum and other harmful additions to vaccines are done purposefully – called adjuvants – in an attempt to “wake up” or cause a more inflammatory reaction in the infant.

As a parent, Luca’s mom wanted the absolute best for her baby. She trusted that her doctor also wanted the best for her baby. She assumed that the CDC recommendations were in the best interests of HER baby. Regretfully she saw her son regress. She saw him having neurological challenges which forced her to begin to look into the science and ingredients in vaccines.

Luca experienced sensory processing challenges, muscle tone weakness, and ADD symptoms. His mom learned that the vaccines contain ingredients that can harm the developing brain and she saw her son struggling every single day with obvious vaccine injury. She began incurring huge expense in occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, nutritional therapy and other therapies to help Luca detox and heal from his vaccine injuries. He has made progress, but his mom lives daily with the guilt any parent feels when they realize they have unknowingly contributed to severely harming their baby. Luca’s mom also feels betrayed by a system built on a false foundation of vaccine safety. She is also angry because she trusted doctors and government agencies who perversely refuse to admit the harm daily experienced by thousands, if not millions of children. Anger of that level can be very challenging to deal with. She also experiences emotional and physical exhaustion in seeking to understand the harm Luca’s body was subjected to and find solutions that will benefit him.

How does Luca’s mom know vaccines harmed her baby?

She has had the opportunity of having another baby who is completely vaccine free. At every stage of development the difference in the babies progress is overwhelmingly obvious. Luca’s mom rejoices in the blessing of her new precious baby, but every day is a reminder that her first baby was deprived of a natural normal healthy development.

Luca’s mom has decided she wants to use her anger and betrayal as a stimulus to educate and inform other parents. At first, she was eager to save every single child from vaccine harm. She is actively involved in encouraging and educating parents on the reality of vaccine injury.

Becky on stageAuthor: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate about Jesus, health and truth. If my writing can help even one baby avoid vaccine injury that will be a great victory. I pray it will effectively help many more.

More info on Vaccines: 30 Ways in 30 Days to Explore Vaccines

[1] Dr Suzanne Humphries provides a brilliant explanation of how exactly the infant immune system develops based on the latest scientific discoveries. Dr. Suzanne Humphries – Neonatal Immunity: The First Three Years Pt 1


I confess – I want to be Great

handsI confess: I have this insatiable desire to be noticed, to be right, to be appreciated.

I remember observing the same quality in my five children as they grew up. “Mom, did you see that?” It comes naturally.

At one point in my life this desire propelled me in a negative direction. I wanted to be stronger and more popular – so I was a bit of a bully.

I wanted to be noticed – so I tried hard to fit into the crowd – much to my personal detriment.

I desperately wanted acceptance. It seems humans are hard-wired as acceptance magnets.

Fortunately, Jesus knows all about this desire – AND – He says it’s OK – AND – He explains exactly how we can be TRULY GREAT!

In Matthew 18 Jesus describes exactly what it takes to be great

I tell you the truth, [i.e. pay attention]

unless you turn from your sins

and become like little children

you will never get into the

Kingdom of Heaven.

So anyone who becomes

as humble as this little child

is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Wow. I find this soooooo encouraging. Greatness is actually within my capacity. I can be childish. I know I can. I can figure this out. I can be great in the eyes of Jesus who communicated to us the heart of God! Wow.

What best characterizes a child?

  • Absolute trust. They are bonded to their adults and they trust implicitly.
  • Absolute dependency. They know they need help. Growing up is all about growing in ability, but children recognize they need help from the adults in their life.
  • Confidence in their adults. They sometimes ask the impossible with absolute confidence that the powerful people in their life will be able to make it happen.
  • Effusive in affection. Babies and toddlers have moments when they will absolutely smother you with affection; Not always, but delightful precious moments.
  • Relaxed and at peace in the loving arms of their parent – when they are asleep they are angelic!
  • Seek safety and refuge in storms. They know where to turn when they are having challenges.

Jesus says I need these qualities – directed towards HIM, and that is my route to greatness. It’s not a secret. It is simple.

Nurturing this dependence, trust and confidence in my Heavenly Father will mold and re-shape my selfish bent.

My Father wants only the best for me. And I’m not unique – He desires to connect with every single soul – He doesn’t want to lose a single one.

He wants me to walk with a constant awareness of His presence and His desire for my good. He wants to HELP ME ACHIEVE GREATNESS!

DSC_0062Author: Becky Hastings, wife to John, has enjoyed the delightful experience of raising five children and is now blessed to watch the growth and development (albeit from too far away and too infrequently) of four grandchildren. Becky has been meeting with mothers regularly for over 30 years and blessed to have the privilege of watching a lot of children in action.