Vaccines & DNA

My heart is heavy as I write this. I do not claim to have all the answers. I know there are better ways to express this information, and I’m sure many of the facts could be refined to be more precisely accurate. However, the foundation of these facts is undisputed. I’d love ideas for how to better express them.

DNAIs our current schedule of vaccines containing animal DNA and residual virus particles a risk for our very survival?

Vaccines are known to contain foreign cell proteins in a variety of forms from aborted human fetal cell fragments to monkeys, pigs, dogs[1], insects[2], guinea pigs, cows, chicks, eagles and more. Every vaccine can contain a variety of these foreign proteins, DNA fragments and accompanying viruses known to infect these animals.[3]

Animals and animal cells have been used in creating vaccines from the earliest efforts to “protect” the population from infectious disease. There have always been residual amounts of these cells that are being injected intramuscularly into the body with every vaccine given.

What impact does injecting foreign proteins, DNA and virus have?

Close contact with animals has been known to cause transfer of viruses specific to animal populations to humans.[4] One concern (and there are many others) is that injecting these foreign animal cells, known to be vehicles for retroviruses particular to those animals, has a much broader impact on human health than has been recognized. Simian virus 40 (SV40) is a commonly known retro virus from monkey kidney cells. The n

Most people by now have probably heard of SV40 which came from rhesus monkeys that were used to grow the polio virus cells in the late 1950s in the process of vaccine manufacture. The CDC admitted that polio vaccines given in the early 1960s were contaminated with this virus and the impact is becoming more apparent as the millions of people injected is aging and experiencing specific cancers associated with SV40. Lab analysis of brain and other tumors confirms the presence of SV40.[6]

SV40 has also been found in the tumors of children with cancer today, although the vaccine has not been used for 40 years or so. How is this possible?

Either there is still residual SV40 in current vaccines, or these viruses have changed the human genome and have been passed from their mothers.

RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) is now a serious risk for infection for babies. It is actually, Simian Coryza Virus, a virus common to monkeys which was renamed. It is a new viral risk for human children, unknown previously.

Is the animal DNA we have injected into our bodies, and that is being injected into our babies, negatively impacting our optimal health?

Keep in mind it has taken 50 years for scientists working in this field to realize (or admit) that these viruses are here and that they are causing sickness and cancer now. How long will it take to realize that the current contaminated vaccines have infected the human race?

There are many important questions raised, yet it is so taboo to ask questions regarding the vaccines recommended by the CDC that all scientific discourse is shut down. Has our vaccine program become the sacred cow? Are scientists, medical professionals and thinkers confined to staying in one paradigm in understanding this topic?

Can we release our infatuation with the idea of vaccines long enough to examine the true evidence and follow the science until we find answers to these important questions? Have we been ensnared by a lie?

However difficult, we need to have these discussions, especially in the Christian community.

Author: Becky Hastings, a truth seeking, ardent Christ following, wife, mother and grandmother, passionate to help the next generation raise healthy offspring for the glory of God.


[1] CDC: Cell-Based Flu Vaccines

[2] Insect cell technology is a versatile and robust vaccine manufacturing platform.

[3] You can examine the CDCs own list of ingredients and excipients, noticing these words: Bovine Extract, Bovine Serum Albumin, Fetal Bovine Serum, Calf Serum Protein, Egg Protein, Egg Albumin, Chick Kidney Cells, Monkey Kidney Tissue, Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium, Madin-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK), Porcine circovirus type 1 (PCV-1), Human Serum Albumin, MRC 5 DNA and Cellular Protein (human fetal cells, WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts, and DNA. Complete list of all ingredients and excipients in vaccines from CDC.

[4] Viruses Transmissible From Laboratory Animals to Man, J. O’H. TOBIN, Lab. Anim. (1968) 2, 19-28.h, Public Health Laboratory, Withington Hospital, Manchester, 20. Downloaded from on April 28, 2015

[5] Simian Virus 40 (SV40): A Cancer Causing Monkey Virus from FDA-Approved Vaccines

[6] Simian Virus 40 and Human Disease