How Has Our Country Gone so Wrong?

MonkeysIn our times many people are coming to greater awareness and understanding that there are serious evil forces at work in the world. This information is hard to comprehend in light of the vast history of mankind and the “civilized” cultures that we have come to accept as the norm. Yet, evidence continues to build that there are powerful individuals who seemingly perpetuate significant harm, illness and death on others for their personal gain. How can this be? This is my imperfect attempt to help understand the evil that seems to be growing all around us. It is based on my repeated reading of the Bible and seeking to understand the whole of God’s work in history.

I’ve been practicing a discipline of once a week fasting for 24 hours to pray and focus on these hopes and aspirations:

  • Seek Truth through God’s word, the Bible
  • Discern how to apply God’s word to my life
  • Effectively share God’s word with others

So I can KNOW God, repent of my sin and experience the full joy of salvation, encouraging others to do the same.

Reading Romans 1 brings to mind the many relevant comparisons applicable to our world today. This passage of Scripture, written by Paul to a group of people living in Rome, describes the depravity man can descend to when they ignore God and leave Him out of their life equation.

Since the domination of Charles Darwin’s book, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, the theory of evolution has gained a strong foothold in nearly every area of science and medicine. The theory of evolution underpins the training and thinking of most scientists and medical professionals in a technical system that denies God’s design and creative authorship. How has this caused deception and confusion that extends even among God’s own people?

cosmosLike the people Paul was describing:

They know the truth about God because He has made it obvious to them. For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see His invisible qualities – His eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.

God can be known when we seek to discover Him through all He has made.

Yes, they knew God. But they wouldn’t worship Him as God or even give thanks to God. They began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like.

Like people today. We don’t want to acknowledge God, because that might impact our life choices. So we deny Him, because we don’t want to worship Him.

As a result, their minds became dark and confused. Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools. And instead of worshipping the glorious, ever-living God. They worshipped idols made to look like mere people.

The people Paul referred to worshiped idols in the form of statues and images. Today we consider ourselves too civilized for that kind of thing. However, I think if we open our eyes we can see how people today also worship many things other than God. We may worship modern medicine, specific procedures, like vaccines, technology, gadgets, education, status, etc. When we worship, we show adoration or devotion toward a person or principle. There is a lot of false worship going on today. There are so many ways in which we worship the technologies we have developed with our own hands, or worship our  own ideas and our own intelligence.

When we develop our own sources to worship, we declare we do not need God. Today doctors and scientists feel they have defeated disease through their wonderful vaccines. They have now abandoned a sensible approach to healing in deference to their wonder drugs. They have stopped seeking real science and believe the lies they have had repeated over and over. The drug and vaccine culture have also had the power to make many people very wealthy. Over the years many of these drug companies have accumulated massive profits. Buying stock in these companies has often been a good investment. Do these companies follow ethical practices and seek truth? Do you, as a Christians investor even care?

So God abandoned them to do whatever shameful things their hearts desired. As a result, they did vile and degrading things with each other’s bodies. The men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved.

Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, He abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done.

Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, quarreling  deception, malicious behavior, and gossip. They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They invent new ways of sinning and they disobey their parents.

There are many signs all around us of an abundance of evil. We see evidence of a corrupt government, corrupt science, dangerous medical practices pushed on unsuspecting public in the name of profit, unprecedented levels of murdering of unborn children, unjust wars, human trafficking and killing innocent women and children, and sexual perversion of all kinds. We see government agencies like the NSA, CIA, FBI, DHS, CPS amassing power that causes the average citizen to tremble. We see injustice all around us and don’t know who to believe any more.

God is looking for individuals to give up their idols, repent and seek Him. He wants a relationship with individuals. His judgment will come, but those who seek salvation through Jesus Christ will be saved.

There is an explanation for the evil around us. It has occurred because people have forsaken God and He has abandoned them to their own wicked desires. He offers salvation through Jesus to all who will humble themselves and turn from their wicked selfish desires. The level of evil and suffering is bound to increase. The Bible has a lot to say about the future. In these crazy evil times, the most important, protective thing any person can do, is seek Jesus.

For I have a great sense of obligation to people in both the civilized world and the rest of the world, to the educated and uneducated alike…

For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes… This Good News tells us HOW God makes us right in His sight. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith. As the Scriptures say, “It is through faith that a righteous person has life.”

If I am successful in sharing information that gives light in matters of health, but ignore these essential truths, what have I gained? The most important information anyone needs is a knowledge of God leading to faith. Knowing God and accepting Jesus Christ, “in whom is hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Colossians 1) is the foundation that leads to all truth. He gives light in every single subject when you seek Him.

I pray my reflections will be beneficial. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the evil developing and becoming more obvious in so many areas of modern ‘civilized’ societies. Please use the comments box below.

Author: Becky Hastings, a truth seeking, ardent Christ following, wife, mother and grandmother, passionate to help the next generation raise healthy offspring for the glory of God.

Vaccines & DNA

My heart is heavy as I write this. I do not claim to have all the answers. I know there are better ways to express this information, and I’m sure many of the facts could be refined to be more precisely accurate. However, the foundation of these facts is undisputed. I’d love ideas for how to better express them.

DNAIs our current schedule of vaccines containing animal DNA and residual virus particles a risk for our very survival?

Vaccines are known to contain foreign cell proteins in a variety of forms from aborted human fetal cell fragments to monkeys, pigs, dogs[1], insects[2], guinea pigs, cows, chicks, eagles and more. Every vaccine can contain a variety of these foreign proteins, DNA fragments and accompanying viruses known to infect these animals.[3]

Animals and animal cells have been used in creating vaccines from the earliest efforts to “protect” the population from infectious disease. There have always been residual amounts of these cells that are being injected intramuscularly into the body with every vaccine given.

What impact does injecting foreign proteins, DNA and virus have?

Close contact with animals has been known to cause transfer of viruses specific to animal populations to humans.[4] One concern (and there are many others) is that injecting these foreign animal cells, known to be vehicles for retroviruses particular to those animals, has a much broader impact on human health than has been recognized. Simian virus 40 (SV40) is a commonly known retro virus from monkey kidney cells. The n

Most people by now have probably heard of SV40 which came from rhesus monkeys that were used to grow the polio virus cells in the late 1950s in the process of vaccine manufacture. The CDC admitted that polio vaccines given in the early 1960s were contaminated with this virus and the impact is becoming more apparent as the millions of people injected is aging and experiencing specific cancers associated with SV40. Lab analysis of brain and other tumors confirms the presence of SV40.[6]

SV40 has also been found in the tumors of children with cancer today, although the vaccine has not been used for 40 years or so. How is this possible?

Either there is still residual SV40 in current vaccines, or these viruses have changed the human genome and have been passed from their mothers.

RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) is now a serious risk for infection for babies. It is actually, Simian Coryza Virus, a virus common to monkeys which was renamed. It is a new viral risk for human children, unknown previously.

Is the animal DNA we have injected into our bodies, and that is being injected into our babies, negatively impacting our optimal health?

Keep in mind it has taken 50 years for scientists working in this field to realize (or admit) that these viruses are here and that they are causing sickness and cancer now. How long will it take to realize that the current contaminated vaccines have infected the human race?

There are many important questions raised, yet it is so taboo to ask questions regarding the vaccines recommended by the CDC that all scientific discourse is shut down. Has our vaccine program become the sacred cow? Are scientists, medical professionals and thinkers confined to staying in one paradigm in understanding this topic?

Can we release our infatuation with the idea of vaccines long enough to examine the true evidence and follow the science until we find answers to these important questions? Have we been ensnared by a lie?

However difficult, we need to have these discussions, especially in the Christian community.

Author: Becky Hastings, a truth seeking, ardent Christ following, wife, mother and grandmother, passionate to help the next generation raise healthy offspring for the glory of God.


[1] CDC: Cell-Based Flu Vaccines

[2] Insect cell technology is a versatile and robust vaccine manufacturing platform.

[3] You can examine the CDCs own list of ingredients and excipients, noticing these words: Bovine Extract, Bovine Serum Albumin, Fetal Bovine Serum, Calf Serum Protein, Egg Protein, Egg Albumin, Chick Kidney Cells, Monkey Kidney Tissue, Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium, Madin-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK), Porcine circovirus type 1 (PCV-1), Human Serum Albumin, MRC 5 DNA and Cellular Protein (human fetal cells, WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts, and DNA. Complete list of all ingredients and excipients in vaccines from CDC.

[4] Viruses Transmissible From Laboratory Animals to Man, J. O’H. TOBIN, Lab. Anim. (1968) 2, 19-28.h, Public Health Laboratory, Withington Hospital, Manchester, 20. Downloaded from on April 28, 2015

[5] Simian Virus 40 (SV40): A Cancer Causing Monkey Virus from FDA-Approved Vaccines

[6] Simian Virus 40 and Human Disease

Our Children, Our Future

Baby funny croppedOur children are absolutely our most precious possession. Not that we own them, but we have been entrusted by God with their care. Their life and health is in our hands. They are precious. We owe it to our children to get the facts about vaccines. We are bombarded by sound bites in the media. What is the truth?

Much of the information in this blog was gleaned from the powerful presentation by Dr Russell Blaylock, retired neurosurgeon, which I have included below. Dr Blaylock has dissected every bit of science related to the vaccine questions for many years and is highly qualified to describe the function of vaccines on the human body, particularly the brain. You can read his full biography.[1]

Vaccine ‘science’ that promotes vaccines to the medical community and the public is a sector based on collective lies, false data and misunderstanding. As the scientific understanding of the exact nature of the function of the immune system has developed, the early understanding of how vaccines were thought to work has been turned on its head. Enough evidence is available today to expose the entire false foundation of vaccine ‘science.’

Blow in her faceAt one time doctors recommended smoking – even for pregnant women. Advertising abounded as the media extolled the virtues of cigarettes.[3] In our lifetime we have seen medical understanding change in many different areas.

A similar phenomenon has happened in many other areas of medicine. At one time it was thought that bleeding a patient was beneficial. Leeches were sometimes used. It was the treatment that George Washington received just before his death.[2]

Today Dr Semmelweis (1818-1865) is considered the “savior of mothers” in Vienna, Austria, but he was ignored and scorned among his medical colleagues because he recommended hand washing. He observed a correlation between women who died as a result of sepsis after childbirth and the doctors and students who attended them. He deduced that not washing their hands after working on cadavers was the cause of childbed fever and showed that hand washing saves women’s lives. Today he is honored as the father of infection control and scientists recognize the clear facts and results of his scientifically valid studies, but his colleagues rejected him and his theory and he died prematurely in an insane asylum without recognition.[4]

Despite hundreds of scientific studies showing the harm caused by vaccines, the recommendations of the pro vaccine voices continue to repeat “vaccines are safe and effective.”[5]  The field of vaccine research remains sacrosanct. At the time of the widely promoted polio vaccine in the early 1960s it was recommended for children – not babies, but children – to get a total of three or four vaccines. Since then, an incredible number of  vaccines has been added to the recommended list by the CDC in a most cavalier manner. Today babies are supposed to receive their first vaccine on the first day of life, followed in quick succession by a horde of vaccines at 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 12 months, and 15 months.

Today the CDC and the AAP recommends, and most pediatricians adhere to 37 doses of 14 different vaccines given to all babies by 18 months. By the time they go to school they will have received a total of 50 doses.[6] The US recommends more vaccines and more doses than any other country, yet in 2009 the USA was 34th in the list of infant mortality rates. In 2014 the USA has dropped to 56th in the world. This chart compares the Infant Mortality Rate with the number of vaccines given per country.

IMR with vaccines given

Despite the repeated phrase “vaccines are safe and effective,” the CDC recommends a  vaccine schedule that HAS NEVER been tested for safety. In fact, no long-term testing has been done on ANY VACCINE. They have never been tested for carcinogenicity (i.e. if it causes cancer) or for any impact on future fertility, a fact that can be confirmed by reading the “package insert” for any vaccine.

Vaccines involve the immune system in a process that leads to compromised immunity, yet pediatricians and doctors think they “protect from infectious disease.”

Actually, vaccines can harm the immune system itself, causing a variety of life-long susceptibilities to illness. Instead of making our babies healthy, vaccines are actually making them sick. We need to realize that the early scientists developing vaccines did not understand how the immune system works and how it develops. Dr Suzanne Humphries has devoted her career to searching the science and clearly explains how parents can best their baby achieve true life-long health. [7]

An elaborate false history has been concocted to convince the public (including medical doctors and others trained in the medical field, politicians, and parents) that vaccines are safe and effective. Many involved in conveying this wrong understanding did so with the best of intentions – but that doesn’t make them any less WRONG.

Contamination is a frequent occurrence in vaccine manufacturing facilities. Most vaccines utilized today are actually manufactured in China. The labs are not physically inspected for adherence to safety standards, yet parents are repeatedly urged to trust in the safety of the vaccines.

Vaccine ‘science’ involves circular reasoning; it is a closed system which admits no fault. It goes like this…

Vaccines have saved us from millions of deaths. Vaccines are safe and effective. Vaccines have eradicated all the infectious diseases. If we stop vaccines we will have massive epidemics and many will die? Why? Because vaccines have saved us from millions of deaths

THOUSANDS of babies have adverse reactions after vaccines – including severe seizures, permanent neurological damage and even death. Vaccine manufacturers and the CDC, which makes the recommendations, have NO LIABILITY for any injury caused by any vaccine – EVER. They make and recommend a product with a great potential for harm, but bear no responsibility for the safety to recipients.  A small fraction of the vaccine injury cases have received compensation through the US National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program that has paid out nearly $4 Billion  to roughly 4,000 families.NVICP Awards Paid FY 2015

Serious vaccine injury reactions should spark the most intensive investigation by those concerned about vaccine safety, i.e. the CDC. These ‘servants of public health’ should be eager to find out HOW MANY are impacted and WHY. But those charged with vaccine safety are not interested in exploring or revealing these connections. Their primary goal seems to be the preservation of their vaccine program, and thus their jobs, careers and the entire enterprise. They churn out ‘scientific studies’ with authors who have been indicted for fraud, they falsify data, they hold secret meetings to discuss serious links between vaccines and autism with the goal of hiding the results from public knowledge, and they boldly and blatantly lie before Congressional hearings.[8][9][10][11][12]

The medical cartel zealously guards the sanctity of vaccines. Blind guides seeking babies on their altar. Many families whose child (or children) suffered severe vaccine injury remain captive to the medical system throughout the life of the child because of the damage done in the name of “protection.” These families suffer enormously. Most marriages end due to the stress of caring for a severely neurologically damaged child. These parents worry about who will care for their children after their death.

While not every child receiving vaccines will suffer severe disability, the burden of vaccine injury impacts all of society. It is time for everyone to become fully informed on how the immune system functions and exactly HOW vaccines harm a child’s brain development.

Could our world and the health of our children be BETTER WITHOUT vaccines?


Head Shot BAuthor: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus Christ and truth seeker, especially in the areas of health and children. Facing a world quite different from the one in which I grew up, I seek to research and understand the true route to health, freedom and joyful family living!


  3. NIH Article on Cigarettes
  5. 87 PUBLISHED works on Vaccines and Adverse Health Concerns
  6. 0-18yrs-schedule from
  7. Dr. Suzanne Humphries – Neonatal Immunity: The First Three Years Pt 1
  8. Office of Inspector General Most Wanted Fugitives
  9. OFFICIAL COMPLAINT to the Office of Research Integrity (ORI), and the CDC
  10. Simpsonwood Transcript complete

Vaccination Notice

An alternative approach and legal form can be found here.

Notice to agent is notice to principal

Notice to principal is notice to agent

As the parent of Sally Doe, I am prohibited by law from endangering my son or daughter; therefore, I declare the following: Sally Doe’s address: 2525 Maple Lane, Grove City, Ohio

1) I am aware that those ordering and/or administering vaccines have been granted immunity from liability should my son or daughter suffer from a vaccine-caused injury or illness. The Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund is not an acceptable alternative to me. (Reason listed below – #10)

2) Unless I receive the vaccine manufacturer’s package inserts, I have not been given full disclosure regarding any vaccine. CDC or public health vaccine information sheets and/or websites are not acceptable alternatives. (Reason listed below – #4 & #5)

3) I am aware that vaccine schedules have been established by the CDC and are promoted by public health departments, the American Academy of Pediatrics and other organizations. I do not accept CDC recommendations as science-based. (Reason listed below – #4 & #6)

4) I do not recognize the CDC as a government health advocacy organization. It is a corporation listed on Dun and Bradstreet and headquartered in the STATE OF GEORGIA, with strong ties to the pharmaceutical industry. Therefore, their recommendations are influenced by the ‘fiscal’ health of their corporation.

5) I am aware that physician or institutional records are frequently reviewed by the HEALTH, OHIO DEPARTMENT OF, a corporation headquartered in COLUMBUS OH and listed on Dun and Bradstreet that receives monetary compensation from the CDC to perform this function. Therefore, the state public health department’s recommendations and actions are influenced by the ‘fiscal’ health of their own corporation.

6) I do not recognize the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS nor the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF FAMILY PHYSICIANS as health advocacy organizations. They are both corporations (listed on Dun and Bradstreet) that are head-quartered in the STATE OF ILLINOIS and the STATE OF KANSAS respectively, whose monetary compensation from the vaccine manufacturers contributes to the ‘fiscal’ health of their corporations.

7) I am aware that many physicians are paid higher reimbursement rates for administering vaccines.

8) I am aware that LEGISLATORS for the corporation known as the STATE OF OHIO, listed on Dun and Bradstreet, vote on statutes for the STATE OF OHIO. These include statutes mandating certain vaccines for attendance in educational institutions. As the LEGISLATORS have no medical training and can easily be influenced by drug company lobbyists and/or the CDC, I do not accept their mandates as science-based. To the best of my knowledge, I have signed no contract with these LEGISLATORS. Therefore, their corporate vaccine statutes do not apply to me or my son or daughter unless I consent to abide by them.

9) I am aware of multiple scientific peer-reviewed papers that have exposed the dangers of many vaccines as well as the “herd immunity myth” of 1933.

10) I am aware that the corporation HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF (listed on Dun and Bradstreet and headquartered in WASHINGTON DC) determines claims paid from the Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund via a secret administrative procedure and also profits from vaccine patents.

11) I have concluded that failure to follow CDC vaccine recommendations is less likely to endanger the health of my child or others than following their recommendations.

As parent or guardian I am prohibited by law to endanger my child. So, for the reasons I have listed and more, I deny permission for anyone to administer CDC recommended vaccines to my son or daughter unless they provide me with the vaccine package insert, allow me to determine if the health risks are acceptable, and sign a document stating that they personally, not me, (and/or my spouse) will be responsible for any injury or illness (as defined by the International Medical Council on Vaccination) the vaccine they administer might cause.

NOTE: This document can be used to protect those that administer vaccines (physicians, nurses or others) or are obliged to adhere to corporate statutes (including educational institutions) from any punitive statutory actions or penalties.

Parent/Guardian: Jane Doe Signature: ___________________ Date: ______

Parent/Guardian: John Doe Signature: ___________________ Date: ______

Witness: Richard Smith    Signature: ___________________ Date: ______

Witness: Anna Thomas     Signature: ___________________ Date: ______

This form in easily printable version: Vaccination Notice Template 6-17-14