The Shocking Truth about aborted human fetal cells in vaccines

Aborted Fetal Cells

Vaccines have been hailed as ‘one of the modern wonders of the world.’ Many staunch pro-life supporters do not realize that the vaccines they have grown up thinking normal and essential for health and well-being, have a darker side. I am writing this primarily for my Christian friends to explain my views on this controversial topic.

Aborted baby for vaccinesMany vaccines are derived using cell lines which were established by using aborted human fetal tissue a.k.a. human diploid cells (HDC). These cells were intentionally harvested from abortions in order to do scientific research. It was not a matter of randomly collecting the “wastes”. There was a scientist alerted and on standby to collect and properly  preserve the human embryo extracted from its mother. The scientific journal, Nature, explains the history and gives a detailed inside look into the background of this less known side of science.[1]

As a Christian I am strongly opposed to any product which relies on an abortion. Other Christian authors have come to opposing conclusions. One particularly well-known author is not satisfied with having a different conclusion than I do, he also attacks Christians like me who disagree with him as being naive and promoting bald face lies, of a particularly evil nature. I am confident that I am not naive, am not repeating lies and I have no evil agenda. My sole aim is to help parents understand the science behind our amazing immune system – a system that was perfectly designed by our Creator. If someone has a different view, and even if they claim to be a Christian, that is fine for them. We will all answer to God for the choices we make and the influence we exert in the world.

Swedish abortionsIt has been stated that there was only one abortion involved, so people like me are promoting lies. For the WI-38 cell line there were 38 abortions performed before the cell line was successfully cultured – thus the number, ’38’. {edit: while the number 38 may not indicate 38 abortions, from Hayflick’s paper we know at least 20 abortions were performed[8].} Other cell lines derived from aborted human fetal tissue are MRC-5, HEK-293, RA27/3 (’27/3′ refers to the 27th abortion, 3rd attempt before the cell line grew). This tissue has been used in developing vaccines for chickenpox, Hepatitis A, MMR, MR, Rubella, Polio, Shingles and Smallpox (Acambis 1000) which are currently in use today and injected into babies and children (and now more frequently recommended for adults).[2]

Is there an impact on health?

Another very profoundly disturbing aspect of using human fetal cells to culture viruses which are injected into human babies has to do with the DNA fragments. The aforementioned Christian author insists that there is no DNA contained in the vaccines, but the FDA has a legal limit for the amount of DNA, which is routinely exceeded.

In 1986: WHO established a DNA limit for vaccines manufactured in cell lines at ≤ 100 pg per dose. At the very least, that means since 1986 there has been an ‘acceptable limit’ and an acknowledgement that DNA fragments are injected into babies.[3]

But what is the impact of the human DNA when injected into babies? and others?

Fetal cells Vaccines

The implication and health impact of injecting foreign DNA (including DNA from other animals, which is also used in vaccine production) is not completely understood and those wishing to explore the science are often discouraged from doing so.[4] DNA cells present in vaccines has been debated for over 40 years and those promoting vaccines claim the amounts to be “in such infinitesimal amounts” that they are GRAS (generally regarded as safe) yet they resist further study.[5] At the very least there should be more urgent honest investigation. In the meantime all children are victims of this experiment.

I find it incomprehensible that any Christian organization would encourage parents to knowingly put their children at risk of great harm based on a tightly controlled system of lies, spin and marketing.

I find it perplexing how many peer-reviewed scientific publications, old and recent, clearly indicate the multiple dangers that are associated with vaccines yet the public is often bombarded and heavily marketed with how safe vaccines are.

Just as there is data suggesting vaccines are safe, there is also data suggesting that they aren’t. This is why it’s so important to do your own research, and not just accept what you are told blindly without investigation.[6]

Paul warned us in 2 Thessalonians 2 that there are evil forces on earth which are secretly at work. Could the pharmaceutical industry be a key player in the deceptive tactics Jesus, Paul, Peter and John all warned us about?[7]

Baby funny croppedOur babies are precious. We have been given the task as parents to protect them from harm. We have an enemy in this world who is seeking to steel, kill and devour (John 10:10). Jesus wants to give us life and protect us from evil. I urge all parents to diligently do the research necessary for themselves. You need to know which shot your doctor is recommending. You need to evaluate the full risk of the shot compared to the risk of the illness with appropriate treatment.

As far as the argument pushing parents to get the shot for the good of the community or of immuno compromised individuals – The best gift you can give to yourself or your community is a healthy child with a well-functioning immune system. Vaccines fail miserably in both safety and efficacy. Children who receive vaccines are probably a greater risk to the community. A healthy non vaccinated child poses no risk.

You need to study this topic BEFORE you agree to any vaccine, particularly in pregnancy and for newborns. Give more time to this decision than your choice of car seat, cell phone, or anything else. It is critically important.

Parents need to demonstrate discernment and seek truth. Acting out of fear, inspired through the media and marketing, is contrary to what Jesus called us to. There are  many peer-reviewed scientific publications, and many professionals speaking out on the unanswered questions regarding vaccine safety. There are known dangers  associated with vaccines, with a separate court system set up to provide compensation for victims of vaccine injury, yet the public is often bombarded with scary stories and marketing materials claiming how safe vaccines are.

Don’t take my word for it. Begin exploring the science behind vaccines. I am absolutely confident that Jesus Christ, the source of all wisdom and knowledge, can lead you to truth. I pray daily for the Christian community to wake up to the deception that is trying to engulf us and take us captive with serious physical consequences for ourselves, our children and our future. God needs us all to be awake, aware and ready for the soon return of Jesus our Lord.

If you have questions, please comment below. If you agree, please comment below. If you disagree, please leave a respectful comment. This is a discussion that needs to happen among Christians.

UPDATE: Children of God for Life examine the newest fetal cell line from China, WALVAX 2, and its implications in this discussion.

Further reading that may be of interest to Christians exploring this topic:

Further reading aimed at Christians regarding the vaccine debate, by the same author:

Post Script: It’s wonderful for me to read other Christian authors who have investigated the details of the science and ingredients in vaccines, ask some serious questions, and reach similar conclusions:

Do Vaccines Violate The Christian Faith? by Courtney Charles, A Holistic Health Practitioner and Instructor since 1997, pH Miracle Certified Nutritional Microscopist, and full time mom of 2 and wife dedicated to raising an alkaline family. Above all of that, my ultimate aim in life is to be a disciple of Christ.

God Does Not Support Vaccines, by Megan Heimer, blogger at who has personally experienced healing through natural treatments from: Crohn’s Disease, depression, Hashimoto’s, hypo function pituitary, severe adrenal exhaustion, gastroparesis, hypoglycemia, infertility, and more (and I have the medical documentation to prove it).

12Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus, seeker of truth, health and joy. I seek answers to difficult questions, engaging in discussions some would rather avoid.
