8 Questions to handle a Pro Vax Assault

Conversation PramIt might be a neighbor, a relative, or a casual acquaintance. It might even be your pediatrician or other health care provider. They make some outrageous or attacking comment about how the non-vaccinated (they usually say Unvaccinated, but it’s not possible to “un” vaccinate a person, so I prefer the term “non” vaccinated) are putting everyone at risk, are harming their own kids and others, etc.

The interesting thing is most of these people have no idea about the science behind the vaccination debate nor the forces promoting the oft repeated mantras “vaccines are safe and effective; they’ve saved the world; you’re stupid if you don’t get one; if there are risks they are very very rare.”

What is a thinking person to do? If you care about this person, or if you are going to have to bump up against this person at some future points in life and really don’t want the whole litany to come out again, you might like this plan.

Learn a couple of key questions to ask your staunch vaccine proponent and tell them, “If you can answer a couple of questions, I’d be happy to discuss this topic further with you.”

Here is a sample of some of the questions that might be helpful, complete with the answers, or you may like to think up your own questions.

#1 What is MRC-5 and WI-38 and what vaccines are they in?

Aborted Fetal CellsAnswer – MRC-5 and WI-38 are the names of two fetal cell lines derived from aborted human fetal tissue (aka human diploid cells or HDC) and used in the production of the mumps, rubella, measles, MMR, smallpox, polio, hepatitis A, chicken pox and shingles vaccines. RA-273 is another fetal cell line.

#2 Name three ingredients in vaccines

SH Truth on AluminumAnswer – Aluminum, Polysorbate 80, and Glutaraldehyde. Aluminum is a known neurotoxin and the FDA only allows 25 mcg in an IV for an adult. Polysorbate 80 is a surfactant known to facilitate access through the blood brain barrier and has been linked to sterility and other issues. Glutaraldehyde is used as a cleaner for oil and gas pipelines and medical equipment, and is currently in the DTaP and TDaP. Formaldehyde is another concerning ingredient in many vaccines and I’ve written a lot more about formaldehyde in this blog post.

#3 What are hexavalent and pentavalent vaccines and at what age are they recommended?

Answer – Hexavalent and Pentavalent vaccines deliver either five or six different vaccines in one injection. Popular variations include diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, HIB and polio. Babies are recommended to receive the initial dose at two months of age, followed by three boosters of most of the vaccines. See the complete CDC schedule in a chart below.

#4 What is a commonly used hexavalent vaccine that includes the DTaP and what is the total aluminum content as well as the EPA safe limit of aluminum for an adult IV?

Answer – PEDIARIX is a hexavalent vaccine targeting diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B virus, and poliomyelitis and is currently recommended in three doses for babies at  2, 4, and 6-months.[1] It is commonly given without parental knowledge or sometimes parents are told “It’s easier now, because there is only one needle.” This vaccine contains 850 mcg of aluminum, which is 825 mcg over what the EPA mandates as safe in an IV for an adult, and does not take into account the aluminum contained in other vaccines given at the same time.

Related question: What are the contraindications for PEDIARIX? or, should anyone NOT receive this vaccine?

YES. This information is provided in the full vaccine package insert, which ALL doctors should read, but rarely will you find a doctor who is familiar with this content. For one thing, a previous vaccine reaction is a reason NOT to give future shots. This is part of the contraindications as listed in both the PEDIARIX and INFANRIX vaccine package inserts:

“4.2 Encephalopathy (e.g., coma, decreased level of consciousness, prolonged seizures) within 7 days of administration of a previous dose of a pertussis-containing vaccine that is not attributable to another identifiable cause is a contraindication to administration of any pertussis-containing vaccine, including PEDIARIX.

4.3 Progressive Neurologic Disorder progressive encephalopathy is a contraindication to administration of any pertussis-containing vaccine, including PEDIARIX. Pertussis vaccine should not be administered to individuals with these conditions until a treatment regimen has been established and the condition has stabilized.”[2]

Recomended Vaccines 83-2015#5 How many vaccines are recommended for a baby by 18 months?

Answer – 42 vaccines are recommended by the CDC for all babies by the time they are 18 months old.[2] Each containing toxic chemicals including Aluminum, formaldehyde, Glutaraldehyde, Polysorbate 80, Propylene Glycol, and foreign DNA fragments from human foetuses, monkeys, pigs, guinea pigs, dogs and insects.[3] Additional vaccines are recommended from 4-6 years old and more vaccines are recommend to be given to adolescents.

Related question – How many vaccines are currently in production?

Answer – ±270 new vaccines at this time.

#6 Explain the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. When was it passed and what did it accomplish?

Answer – The US Congress passed the NCVIA in 1986 when the pharmaceutical companies came to them and threatened not to make any more vaccines unless they would be protected from any liability of lawsuits for damages or deaths resulting from vaccines. Doctors and pediatricians are also protected from liability. No drug company or doctor can be sued if a baby, child or adult dies or suffers from permanent damage from any vaccine.

#7 Who is Dr Paul Offit?

Answer – Dr Paul Offit is one of the most vocal proponents for the vaccine industry and is from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. He put together patents on the RotaTeq vaccine that earned him multi millions of dollars and has written several books targeting those who seek to expose the risks of vaccines.

SH Aluminum in shots#8 How many vaccines has Dr Offit said a child can receive at one time?

Answer – Dr Offit was quoted in the Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Addressing Parents’ Concerns: Do Multiple Vaccines Overwhelm or Weaken the Infant’s Immune System? “A baby could respond safely and effectively to around 10,000 vaccines at any one time.”

SH Paul Offit on AluminumFurther, Dr Offit maintains that since aluminum is found in all tissues of the body it plays an important role in the development of a healthy fetus, despite the fact that researchers in the field of aluminum have determined that “aluminum has no healthful function in the body. It is a toxin and a toxin only.”  http://vaccinepapers.org/dr-paul-offits-aluminum-deceptions-academic-misconduct/

If you would like to learn more about aluminum in vaccines, this 30 minute video by Dr Suzanne Humphries is extremely well researched and provides vital clarity.

If you would like a printable version of these questions, a print version (pdf) is available here: 8 Questions to handle a Pro Vax Assault

Happy Grandparents June 13Compiler and editor: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus Christ and truth seeker, especially in the areas of health and children. Facing a world quite different from the one in which I grew up, I seek to research and understand the true route to health, freedom and joyful family living!

[1] Vaccine Package Insert for PEDIARIX http://www.fda.gov/downloads/BiologicsBloodVaccines/Vaccines/ApprovedProducts/UCM241874.pdf

[2] Vaccine Package Insert for INFANRIX http://www.fda.gov/downloads/BiologicsBloodVaccines/Vaccines/ApprovedProducts/UCM124514.pdf

[2] CDC recommended immunization schedule for persons aged 0 through 18 years – United States, 2014. See further.
