It wasn’t the Truck

Truck accidentDoc: Your child can’t walk?

Mom: That’s right, he can’t walk. He was hit by a truck a couple of days ago. Could that be the cause?

Doc: Hmm, correlation does not mean causation so don’t jump to conclusions.

Mom: He was absolutely normal in every way before he got hit by the truck. He was walking, talking, learning new words everyday. He was such a happy delightful baby. Now he can’t walk.

Doc: Sometimes babies do that.

Truck warningMom: You don’t think getting hit by the truck was the cause? I did some research and I found out that getting hit by a truck has adversely affected many children.

Doc: Woman where did you get your info? From Google? That is ridiculous! A great source for all kinds of lies.

Mom: Well sir I checked on pub truck sites and they are reputable.

Doc: Nonsense, the peer reviewed literature is trustworthy and there is no evidence that trucks affect a child’s ability to walk.

Mom: Well my child can’t walk. What are you going to do?

Doc: Well he probably could walk if he tried. Has he walked before?

Mom: Oh yes he walked before he was hit by a truck.

Doc: Well the best thing I can do is run some tests. Sometimes these things are genetic and only appear to be caused by trucks. A truck could not cause this. Parents make unreasonable connections but we know.

Mom: What do you mean?

Doc: Trucks are one of the amazing inventions of all times… They do a lot of good. Children in Africa suffer for lack of trucks.

Mom: Do something. My child can’t walk.

Doc: We will have to wait for the blood work. I will let you know.

One week later

Doc: The tests came back. They were all clear.

Mom: But my baby can’t walk.

Doc: It looks like he has a bruise… Kind of purple.

Mom: Could that be caused by the truck?

Doc: Well I will call social services to investigate.

Mom: Why? Don’t you think the truck might be responsible?

Doc: I tell you I have spent thousands on medical school and you still don’t believe me. Why do you question me when you are uneducated?

Mom: Well I know he was hit by a truck driven by your partner down the hall.

Doc: This child has a bruise. The bruise is darker than last week. Research tells us a bruise occurs when blood vessels are broken.

Mom: Could it have been the truck?

Doc: It appears you may be responsible. Bruises can occur from striking or hitting. An investigation is warranted.

Mom: You are blaming me?

Doc: We need to look into this more. We know trucks do not cause bruises. There is nothing in all the literature that connects trucks and bruises. The blood tests showed nothing.

Mom: But I remember clearly he was hit by a truck and you keep telling me it’s got nothing to do with his condition. You are clueless. Regardless of your fancy education you cannot help me. I came to you for help and nothing has been accomplished. You are defending trucks! I think the truck industry can defend itself. What about my son who can’t walk?

Doc: How dare you challenge me? Your pompous demeanor betrays your possible guilt. I am reporting this.

Mom: I am furious.  I am getting out of here. I came for help and now I have to hire a lawyer.

by Connie Newcome

_DSC1724Please investigate every medical procedure recommended for your child. Vaccines have caused many children to have permanent injury, a lifetime of auto-immune disease, disability and sometimes even death. Denial of vaccine injury and damage by a medical professional does not change the facts. Vaccines have been legally classified as “unavoidably unsafe” and all vaccine manufacturers are legally shielded from any and all liability if their products cause harm. Learn more about vaccine safety.