Don’t Accept Sickness

so cute!How do we stay healthy in our sin sick world?

Christians understand the cause of sin in the world. What we don’t often connect is the role of sickness. It seems every day I hear about some Christian who is sick, or their kids are sick, so they can’t attend something or they are asking for prayer. Everyone knows someone recently diagnosed with a life-threatening condition like cancer, diabetes, etc. And we commonly hear people describing everything from ulcers to rare and serious auto-immune disorders.

I would like to boldly propose that sickness does not have to be your normal experience. We will all die one day – we know that. But we don’t have to live out our life in sickness until that day comes. We don’t have to expect a complete decline of health as part and parcel of the aging process. While there may be a few things outside of our ability to control, like our parents and where and how we spent our childhood, there are many ways we influence our health, or lack of it, every day.

God wants His people to be robustly strong and healthy. We are fighting a spiritual battle and we need to be armed, strong and ready. Our enemy is real and is trying to deceive us in every sphere of life.

As Christians we need to keep in mind two principles which provide the means to conquer sickness.

Firstly, we need to understand the power of the resurrected Jesus Christ to heal our bodies. Many Christians today have trouble believing in Jesus’ healing power for today and will give many explanations on why we don’t see healing happening around us. I choose to believe in the power of God vibrantly alive and well today just as it was when Jesus walked on earth and when the early disciples travelled around sharing the news of Jesus’ resurrection and the hope of eternal life accompanied by the power to heal the sick. Today, Jesus uses many means to bring healing, light and life in the midst of our dark world.

Secondly, we need common sense. If we see animals drinking from a dirty water hole and we know it is being fed from a toxic source up-stream, then we notice the same animals getting sick, we conclude the water is causing the problem and we figure out a way to give the animals better water and prevent the animals from drinking the polluted water.

Cows waterOur country, and world, is filled with sick people, who continue to drink from polluted water and wonder why there is so much sickness and disease among them. This is true in the most wealthy populations as well as among the poor – it crosses all socio-economic classifications.

We are doing something wrong. The source of our food, water and medical treatment is making us sick.

My heart is grieved every time I hear about a new diagnosis of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis or other chronic debilitating condition. It is especially troubling to hear of these illnesses in children. So many Christians think a yearly bout with flu is normal, aging brings dementia and ill-health, and having several colds or ‘tummy bugs’  per year is normal. Basically, we are all just victims in this sin sick world.

Not true. I believe our life-style, habits, and our go-to medical care choices are causing our illness. It is not our portion to be sick. We are choosing sickness when we ignore God’s natural laws and pollute our body with toxic food, water and drugs. When we get symptoms, we pollute our body even more with more drugs or over-the-counter medications because we want a simple quick fix. We don’t want to have to change anything or do a serious analysis and assessment of the polluted water we are daily drinking from. We want to continue everything we’ve always done – we don’t want to change water holes. It is too much work; too much trouble.

I want to encourage you that it doesn’t have to be that hard, and that the wellness that results is MORE than worth any effort it may take to choose the ‘clean water source’ and shut down the ‘toxic watering hole.’

Pray for wisdom. Your heavenly Father knows exactly what you need and He desires for you to take some time to seek His answers. He can guide you to sources of wisdom as you begin to apply common sense.

Many wise people have been on the road before you. They are eager to share the natural ways God has used to cure them from many serious illnesses.

Don’t settle for the sickness system. Don’t reach for the quick fix or take the course chosen by other sick people.

Begin a journey to a healthier future. It is never too late to stop drinking from the poisoned watering hole. You will feel much better when you seek the life-giving water Jesus guides you to.


Have we made an idol of Western Medicine?

Do we seek God’s solution to our sickness or rush to our doctor for his diagnosis of our symptoms and embrace the usual drug oriented treatment?


Natural ways to boost your immune system


How Safe is Acetaminophen?

PillsMost of my life I thought acetaminophen was a rather harmless pain reliever. We grow to accept something that we hear advertisements about since forever. Turns out, acetaminophen could be causing havoc with babies – and can harm people of all ages.

Please read the research before you take any drug when pregnant, or before giving any drug to a baby. Acetaminophen included.

Shiny BrainAcetaminophen should NEVER be given after a vaccine. It can cause a synergistic effect with the chemicals in the vaccine which can result in significant harm to baby’s brain.

Why is so little known or discussed about this? That is a great question. If you want to learn more about Acetaminophen here is a collection of articles to help you.

Acetaminophen (Tylenol) linked to Autism? 

By Dr. Anke Zimmermann, BSc, ND, FCAH, a naturopathic physician specializing in naturopathic pediatrics with an emphasis on homeopathy. She offers 20 years of clinical experience and a warm, comfortable, child-friendly practice.

What Depletes Glutathione Levels in Your Body 

By Raymond and Olga Klein who promote a proactive approach to understanding what fuels our immune system.

Acetaminophen (paracetamol) use, measles-mumps-rubella vaccination, and autistic disorder: the results of a parent survey. 

A study on Acetaminophen use and the MMR vaccine published in 2008 in Autism journal.  This preliminary study found that acetaminophen use after measles-mumps-rubella vaccination was associated with autistic disorder.

Acetaminophen and/or antibiotic use in early life and the development of childhood allergic diseases.

A study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology.

“Acetaminophen Use and the Symptoms of Asthma, Allergic Rhinitis and Eczema in Children “

Iranian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology 2006.

“Our findings suggest that taking more acetaminophen may be associated with increasing allergic symptoms in children.”

Prenatal Acetaminophen Linked to Behavioral Problems in Kids,

“Prenatal exposure to acetaminophen ― a drug considered safe in pregnancy ― may raise the risk for behavioral problems in children, including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and hyperkinetic disorder (HKD), a severe form of ADHD, new research suggests.”

Acetaminophen Use During Pregnancy, Behavioral Problems, and Hyperkinetic Disorders 

Published in JAMA Pediatrics in 2014.

“Maternal acetaminophen use during pregnancy is associated with a higher risk for HKDs and ADHD-like behaviors in children. Because the exposure and outcome are frequent, these results are of public health relevance but further investigations are needed.”

Evidence that Increased Acetaminophen use in Genetically Vulnerable Children Appears to be a Major Cause of the Epidemics of Autism, Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity, and Asthma

Journal of Restorative Medicine, 2013.

“It appears that the marked increase in the rate of autism, asthma, and attention deficit with hyperactivity throughout much of the world may be largely caused by the marked increase in the use of acetaminophen in genetically and/or metabolically susceptible children, and the use of acetaminophen by pregnant women. Toxicity of acetaminophen may cause autism by overloading the defective sulfating pathway…”

Risk factors for eczema in infants born in Cuba: a population-based cross-sectional study.

Did Acetaminophen provoke the Autism epidemic? by Peter Good. Published in the Alternative Medicine Review. A 9 page article which states:

Acetaminophen taken during pregnancy may provoke autism present at birth; acetaminophen given after birth (e.g., for vaccine reactions) may provoke autistic regression.

Please share any links you have that help give more understanding to the harmful potential of Acetaminophen.


What’s a Parent with a Teenager to Do?

Parenting teens can be challenging. There are no rules, no easy answers. Most of us figure it out as we go. Books and information can be helpful, but mostly we need God’s wisdom to mature us, so we can be the mature parent our teen needs.

All Glory to GodSo what do you say when your teenager storms out of the kitchen after a frantic look into a limited selection of food, saying “There’s nothing for me to eat in this house. If there are no bananas, you know I can’t have breakfast.”

Most of us moms, as the procurement officers in the household, would take that as a personal attack, assault, and an extremely rude, definitely ‘correctable’ behavior.

As a parent I need to be very aware of my own feelings. Am I seeking to defend myself? Do I take the teen’s assaulting words personally as a punch to the gut? Do I immediately want to ‘put them in their place’ and let them know I will NOT tolerate that sort of outburst? Do I fly into a tailspin trying to prepare something for their breakfast in order to ‘make them happy’? Do I allow their strong emotions to control me?

Teenagers, by no fault of their own, are immature. They are developing. They are learning. It is important as parents to recognize that they are a work in progress and reflect on our desired outcome. What is my hope and dream for this teen?

Having my overarching goal in mind will help me respond wisely in the moment.

My overarching goal is that my teen will grow in maturity and develop self-control which comes from a heart which puts Jesus first. Of course, I expect that along the way to learning socially acceptable methods of communication, they will fail. What do I do with the failure?

If I berate them for their failure I am preventing them from learning and understanding. If I punish them for their immaturity I may alienate them from me and push them towards exasperation and rejecting all the values I hold dear. As a child of God I am urged to treat others in the way that I would like to be treated – to love them as I love myself. My teen is, after all, part of the group Jesus called “my neighbor.”

So what’s a mom to do?

I’m not sure this is a prescription for everyone, but this is what I did. I just went on with my task and allowed the teen to have that moment of ‘tantrum’ without it piercing my heart in any way. I chose not to respond. I chose not to be angry or offended. I knew there were a few foods that could be eaten – albeit the selection was extremely limited – but I didn’t accept any guilt. Sometimes life just doesn’t serve us what we desire, and I knew this is a lesson we all need to learn. I’m sure it is a lesson I haven’t fully perfected.

So what happened?

The teen finished preparing for school, returned to the kitchen and quickly fixed something to take for a breakfast on the run. I asked the teen to please keep my negligence in not having food for breakfast quiet as I didn’t want anyone at school reporting me to CPS. I got a smile. All was well.