Flu Shots & DTaP in Pregnancy?

pregnant220 years ago it would have been unthinkable – maybe even 10 years ago. It is still unthinkable to many medical professionals and thinking people, so why has the public acceptance changed? Why are women encouraged to get a flu vaccine and/or a TDaP vaccine (the ‘adult’ version of the DTaP) when pregnant? Why are pregnant women accepting this? Why are OB/Gyns and even midwives (whom I always considered the bastions of things natural and healthy) now recommending these shots to their patients? Why do CDC recommendations blatantly contradict the information supplied by the manufacturers of vaccines?

Pregnant women need to know that there was a major change in the recommendations for shots in pregnancy in the last 10+ years. Perhaps this change came out of a decision to try and make the vaccine/autism link hazy. Officials at CDC openly spoke to each other about their fear of “angry Autism Parents.”

Simpsonwood quoteCDC is very aware of angry Autism Parents and has been doing their best since at least 2000 to dodge responsibility for the damage their recommended vaccines have caused. 

When the idea of giving pregnant women flu vaccines was first proposed at scientific meetings: “hey, lets start vaccinating pregnant women for flu, then there won’t be such an obvious autistic regression, because babies will be ‘born’ autistic” (spoken in more scientific terms because they ‘needed’ to ‘protect’ the vaccine program in the ‘interests of public health’). At first the response to this suggestion was “there is NO ways OB/Gyns are going to buy into this.” After so many drugs exposed babies to danger historically resulted in their withdrawal and a very restrictive use of drugs or even exposure to toxins in canned fish in pregnancy, the CDC/Pharma knew it would have trouble convincing doctors, let alone mothers that shots in pregnancy were a good idea. However, OB/Gyns have been assaulted with information over the last 12 or so years. This information is actually marketing disguised as “science” and they are at last making headway and getting the buy-in of OB/Gyns who are under their influence.

It seems like pharmaceutical companies have been so successful in their marketing campaigns targeting OB/Gyns, pregnant women and the population at large that most doctors are now recommending a flu shot at every visit – so if you refuse it the first time, they will continue to hound you about it during your whole pregnancy. Not only that, but nurses and midwives are also pushing shots to pregnant women. AND, I am amazed to read of many pregnant women DEMANDING both the flu and the TDaP vaccines because they have been indoctrinated to believe it is beneficial. Most doctors are not aware that they have been targeted with this heavy indoctrination, they are likely to tell their patients all the reasons why it is good for them to get the vaccines – because that is exactly the info the drug rep has been repeating to them over and over.

They are not exposed to the science or the vaccine insert which states that the shots have never been approved or tested for safety during pregnancy. They are not informed (or choose to ignore) the fact that miscarriage is significantly higher among women getting these shots. Women get shots one week and have a miscarriage or early labor the next week (or two) and never put the facts together.

Flu PregnancyIf you are pregnant I encourage you to read the package inserts of the vaccines made by the manufacturer themselves which state that they have never been tested on pregnant woman. Ask your doctor “How are you okay recommending treatments that haven’t been proven safe for pregnant women, considering the very sordid past in OB medicine recommending meds that caused birth defects?

Flue pregnancy memeBig Pharma has managed to completely turn the tide of medical and public opinion when doctors, midwives and pregnant women are all convinced there is benefit to receiving the flu vaccine and/or the TDaP when pregnant. It is quite a marketing feat. They are probably very impressed with themselves and could get written up in a business school for a successful turn around of public opinion.

A successful marketing campaign does not mean science supports injecting a woman carrying our most vulnerable citizens with a toxic chemical cocktail that could kill or maim that precious new life. Please educate before your accept this dangerous medical procedure. I have nothing to gain by your decision. There are many others who have much to lose if you choose life and health by not vaccinating. Think about that.

Are you outraged?

If you are outraged – like me – then please share this with your pregnant friends and even with your fertile, but not yet pregnant friends. We all need to vote with our feet and our wallets and say NO to vaccines during pregnancy.

Flu Vaccines in Pregnancy? 

For more information on the Simpsonwood meetings where the CDC discussed the mercury/autism “strong signal” and planned their strategy to help obscure it: http://www.putchildrenfirst.org/chapter2.html

To read the complete 286 page transcript of the Simpsonswood meeting: http://skeptico.blogs.com/Simpsonwood_Transcript.pdf

Thanksgiving 2015

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.