Urgency versus Complacency

2000 years ago a man named John rose out of complete obscurity to proclaim an unusual and extremely urgent message.

CrossHe spoke with absolute confidence and power about someone who would come to prominence after Him. He didn’t fully understand the message he proclaimed, but his heart was tuned to God and he spoke as God led him. These are some of his pronouncements:

  • Someone is coming
  • He will separate the chaff from the wheat
  • He will clean up the threshing area
  • He will gather the wheat into his barn
  • He will burn the chaff with never-ending fire

The historical context in which he spoke was to a people experiencing oppression a dominant international force at the time, Rome. Many who heard his words expected a political clean up and an end to the Roman occupation of their land.

John spoke in metaphor so there can be much debate on his exact meaning, but there is no denying his sense of urgency and an impending judgment which would result in a positive experience for some and extreme judgment for others.

The same urgency was reiterated by Jesus, Paul, Peter and James in the writing we have preserved for us in the collection of books now known as the New Testament.

  • 2000 years have passed since these urgent words were recorded.
  • Many who claim to believe them have understandably slipped into complacency in their life.
  • It can be deduced that God did not bring a heaven here on earth experience during Jesus’ lifetime, as many expected. His mission was not for governmental or social reform and a clean-up mission. He didn’t do it 2000 years ago so is that His purpose today?

CrowdWhat is God’s mission? What was the urgent purpose started with the words of John the Baptist 2000 years ago? What does God want crowds of people to understand today?

From a complete reading of the historic collection of literature we call the Bible, we can see that God’s overall mission is calling individuals, one by one, to repent of their sin and follow Him. He created humans to worship Him. Perhaps the biggest sin committed by every human on earth is not worshipping God. Not seeking God in every area of life. Not surrendering unequivocally to God’s direction.

Faith surrenderPerhaps God is looking for simple faith which trumps hectic theological understanding and knowledge.

Too much theoretical discussion can lead to complacency. Children who have grown up in an environment formed on God’s truths (i.e. governments with a Judeo Christian foundation) can easily take the benefits for granted and feel protected because of the choices made by others who lived before them. God doesn’t want to be taken for granted. He wants every individual to surrender and allow Him to show them even more of His blessings.

His blessings do not translate into material accumulation. Sometimes we think those with the most stuff are favored by God, or we might think those with the most power are favored by God.

While there are many who live in the western world with an abundance that is easy to take for granted, the state of the world overall may arguably be considered more horrific than at any previous point in history.

  • The number of people, including young children, trapped in a life of slavery is a fact not easily acknowledged or understood by those of us who have never seen it.
  • Greed driven business has led to corruption beyond our imagination. Lives of people have become statistics willingly traded for bottom lines and growth of markets.
  • We live in a world where children are exposed to extreme violence and evil on a daily basis, either through media or their own personal experience.
  • Many eagerly call evil good and good evil. Confusion abounds on what is right and what is wrong. The motto seems to be whatever I can get away with and make a profit from is good.

So many of us are relatively comfortable and safe from these daily realities that it is easy for us to become complacent.

Paul traveled the world of his time urgently sharing what God had revealed to him. When Paul went to Ephesus he began to teach people about the Creator God. For a full understanding of all that Paul taught you can read through his many letters written during his lifetime, as well as the book of Acts where some of his speeches are recorded. He wrote his letters as a follow-up to encourage and instruct those who accepted his teaching and embraced Jesus Christ as God’s answer to the mess the world was in.

Paul’s teaching resulted in major life change for many people. As they surrendered to God and began to prioritize worshiping and serving God above all previous pursuits, they experienced a dramatic transformation. The things they had previously served became abhorrent to them. They realized that in their cultural traditions and rituals they had actually been serving God’s enemies and wanted to openly declare their new loyalty to the living God.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThey accumulated every item they owned which they associated with worshiping and following false gods and made a big bonfire. They included books instructing them in sorcery and incantations. They made a clear demarcation that they would only follow and worship the Creator God, source of all light.

This demonstration of dramatic life change was noticed by some powerful people. One significant leader, Demetrius, became worried because his business was founded on the concept of the local people continuing to serve false gods. If everyone in town accepted the truth of worshiping the Creator God as the only way to happiness and fulfillment in life, his business and livelihood would be ruined. He was not worried about truth or what was best for each person. He was worried about his profits and his bottom lines.

He called together everyone in his industry and stirred them up to act together to protect their industry and their future. He led them to mount an attack on the God followers and began spreading hatred and lies. Everyone in his industry was eager to join.

In reading this account in Acts 19 it is impossible for me not to think of the boardrooms of many corporations in the western world.

  • Secret meetings with alphabet agencies who are charged with protecting the population and delivering truth become vehicles of propaganda and indoctrination to support their corporate agendas.
  • Think tanks convened to figure out how to adjust data and invent new strategies to hide the truth from the unsuspecting public.
  • Deliberate plans orchestrated to discredit or remove all opponents.
  • Campaigns organized to target and attack using any and all means available.
  • Hectic marketing strategies devised to promote their agenda with a pretty face.
  • Money invested to ensure cooperation with mainstream media outlets and keep opposition silenced.
  • Writers planted to infiltrate social media channels to influence the public at every level of life.
  • Convincing everyone involved in the industry that those sharing the light and truth of God are dangerous to the corporate bottom line and future.
  • Profits, salaries, careers, reputations, and personal security are prioritized about truth and lives of the innocent.

Whistleblowers occasionally arise but are discounted and discredited. Most large corporations have legal armies that can outwit anyone with a heart to expose the truth.

We think we are very sophisticated because we live in a high-tech modern world and we have so many incredible inventions that make our life so easy. Yet it would seem that we are easily led into the same mindless chanting engaged in by the Ephesians:

“Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!”

Today it might sound like this: ‘Great is our vaccine program.’ ‘We’ve conquered disease because we are so smart.’ ‘Great are our psychotropic drugs; we are making everyone’s life better.’ ‘You don’t need God.’ ‘You were created with an inadequate immune system.’ ‘Vaccinate everyone.’ ‘Our vaccines are great.’ ‘Drug everyone, especially children.’ ‘Our drugs are great.’

Money statueWhen a group of people, armed with a lot of money, seeks to spread their message on an unsuspecting population, they will make an impact.

When a group of people fiercely motivated by huge profits has a desire to make science support their beliefs, they can make it happen.

It doesn’t make them right.

Just because they are powerful, does not mean they are right.

There may be many good people involved in various aspects of these industries. That does not make the industry good. Every day I meet new families whose lives have been forever impacted by the errors of modern medical practice. Babies born healthy are subjected to vaccines promoted as safe and effective, yet how many young lives are sacrificed on an altar to a false god? Just because every baby receiving a vaccine does not die does not negate the thousands or hundreds of thousands who have died.

Seek God. Seek His truth. Beware of all evil associated with rejecting God.

Baby napThere is an urgency today. There are children being sacrificed every single day on the altar of greed. Babies are born healthy, injected with multiple doses of vaccines for which science attests to more danger than hoped for good, who die. Others are injured and severely impaired for life. Families are thrust into an unimagined life of suffering.

There is hope. But we need to educate each other so we can recognize truth versus lies.

Isaiah’s words written nearly 3000 years ago can inspire and encourage us even today:

Look, a righteous king is coming!
And honest princes will rule under him.
Each one will be like a shelter from the wind
and a refuge from the storm,
like streams of water in the desert
and the shadow of a great rock in a parched land.
Then everyone who has eyes will be able to see the truth,
and everyone who has ears will be able to hear it. Isaiah 32:1-3

I was once deceived, lost and enslaved by the world’s system. I believed the lies perpetuated in our culture. I was dramatically saved through the grace of God. He opened my eyes and has helped me to understand the truth and the joy of surrender to Him. I now seek to be like a great rock offering shade to those who live in a parched land. I want to be like a stream of water in the desert offering refreshment and life in the midst of draught. I want to help everyone to see the truth of God and come to a personal knowledge of His answer, Jesus Christ. I want to be a means of hope and healing to families that have suffered.

Paul’s words to Titus seem incredibly appropriate for us, nearly 2000 years later:

“We should live in this evil world with wisdom, righteousness and devotion to God while we look forward with hope to that wonderful day when the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, will be revealed. He gave His life to free us from every kind of sin to cleanse us, and to make us His very own people, totally committed to doing good deeds.” Titus 2:12-14

Isaiah pageAgain Isaiah’s words strike a chord in my heart:

“In that day ungodly fools will not be heroes.
” [anybody think of celebrities?]
“Scoundrels will not be respected.” [Big corporate bosses? Corrupt politicians?]

“For fools speak foolishness
and make evil plans.
They practice ungodliness
and spread false teachings about the Lord.
They deprive the hungry of food
and give no water to the thirsty.
The smooth tricks of scoundrels are evil.
They plot crooked schemes.
They lie to convict the poor,
even when the cause of the poor is just.” (NVICP “vaccine court” proceedings? Alphabet agency officials?)
“But generous people plan to do what is generous,
and they stand firm in their generosity.

Listen, you women who lie around in ease.” (Parents whose kids aren’t vaccine injured?)
“Listen to me, you who are so smug.” (Pro vaxers on social media?)

“In a short time—just a little more than a year—
You careless ones will suddenly begin to care.
Tremble, you women of ease;
Throw off your complacency.
Strip off your pretty clothes,
and put on burlap to show your grief.” Isaiah 32:6-11

God is raising up righteous warriors for truth. He is calling people to stop placing their trust in false Gods and serve and worship Him alone. He provided Jesus so we could have a new life and a living relationship with our Creator God. Will you join Him? Will you surrender? Will you allow Him to guide you to the urgent task He has designed for you?

IMG_1723Sometimes those of us who understand the world this way can feel isolated and alone. We need to join together to encourage each other in the urgency of the task God has for us. His purpose is still to reveal His truth and call individuals into a relationship with Him. He can do that in the midst of the evil and suffering in our world, just as He did in the time of Paul. He wants His children to be lights in a dark place.

For the sake of the children.

This is Day 30 of Encouraging people to Seek Jesus: 30 ways in 30 days. See list below for the first 30 topics.

Head Shot BAuthor: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus Christ and truth seeker, especially in the areas of health and children. Navigating our present day world can be challenging, God’s timeless truths in the Bible are my guide.

If you have been helped in any way through my musings, please give glory to God. If you find anything disappointing or offensive or just have a question, please leave a comment below.

Are Non Vaccinated Children Healthy?

Family HandsThis is a Guest Post by my friend Amber.

This is Amber’s story, which God prompted her to write some time ago. I was thrilled when she shared it with me and I am glad to share it with you, here, with all the details, for the first time.

My name is Amber. I have 6 kids. I want to explain my journey: how I lost faith in the mainstream medical world.

You might think I am crazy. Sometimes I wonder myself, but I am what I am because of the journey I have been on. I am surprised at my destination, since it is not one I would have ever expected, but I am thrilled with what I have learned along the way.

I am a parent and I have used my parental rights to choose to vaccinate my children. Granted, I didn’t realize at the time that I was exercising that right of parental choice. I did whatever the doctors said to do. I completely trusted them and never did any research.

I didn’t even know that there was anything to research.

As a new mother, I thought that children needed food, water and vaccines to live. I never once questioned anything about them.

Family HeartI had been fully vaccinated as a child, wasn’t everyone? As a new mother, I knew one family that blamed their 4-month-old son’s SIDS death on his recent vaccines, but I assumed they were just trying to throw stones because they were hurting.

Don’t get me wrong, I HATED taking my babies into the creepy health department and getting them stuck. They always handed me those colored sheets of paper where I read all about how safe and necessary vaccines are.

The side effects part freaked me out a bit, but side effects never really happen, right? Then I got to the part that IF my child had a severe reaction, I could depend on the government to help us out with any medical or financial needs, and that was a comfort because I figured that they wouldn’t offer that if people were really having reactions, right?

Hey!I always felt so bad when their little faces went from peaceful trust to sudden pain and then crying, but life is about pain and suffering for the greater good, right? I would hold them and nurse them to console them afterwards. Rubbing the hard little bump where the shot was given and giving them children’s Tylenol to bring down their fever, like the good doctor recommended. (Because that’s another thing I had been taught to fear… fevers.)

I would come home and record the shots in their baby books, along with the sticker they got that said, “I was so brave!”

There were always those terrifying posters on the walls in the health department of mutilated babies that had gotten chicken pox. I would sit there and remember having chicken pox in the 4th grade, in fact our entire class got it that year, but thank God none of us lost half our face like the poor children on the posters and at least my kids wouldn’t even have to worry about the inconvenient, itchy spots at all!

Things were normal for my kids childhood: ear infections every month, antibiotics every month, allergies to dairy, a couple of cases of strep, an ER visit for croup… All normal stuff, right?

Perhaps my trust in the medical field began to crumble a bit when our 6-month-old was made to endure a dislocated elbow (commonly known as “Nurse-maid’s Elbow”) for 2 days, when the hospital ER doctor sent us home with instructions to safety-pin her sleeve to her shirt in a make-shift sling and wait for the elbow to go back in place.

She whimpered constantly and screamed when her arm was bumped until it went back on its own. Her elbow popped out 6 times in her first 2 years of life, and every time we just waited, while she suffered, till it corrected itself.

Lest anyone get suspicious of why this kept happening to her, let me clarify just how easy her elbow would pop. The first time it happened her 2-year-old brother had jumped on her arm when she was napping in bed. Once, it happened when I lifted her out of a grocery cart by her hands. Another time it happened when her grandpa was swinging her around in a circle. Finally on the last time it happened we were around a kind doctor friend who gently showed us how to “pop” it back immediately. So all those times she had to suffer and wait for it to go back on its own were unnecessary!!!

Another encounter with the medical establishment began when I was 27 years old, with 3 young children. I became covered in bruises and discovered I had ITP (Immune thrombocytopenia [THROM-bo-si-toe-PE-ne-ah], a blood disorder that causes the spleen to destroy the platelets in the blood, which makes you a “bleeder”). I now have a completely different outlook on healthcare thanks to ITP.

My faith in the “drug and Dr” world was torn down piece by piece and my faith in God has been renewed. I have learned to put off the fears of the unknown and question every side of every issue. I have learned that it pays to be responsible for your own healthcare and to research, research, research.

Oh, I went into ITP with the same blind faith I had entered the child healthcare world. I listened to my blood doctor explain the “possible” side effects of the drugs he was going to put me on while I reminded myself that side effects rarely happen, right? We racked up $50,000 worth of medical bills trying different treatments. I got laughed at by my blood doctor for asking him about different studies and treatments my mother had found on the internet, “You can’t believe everything you find on the internet,” he said.

Doctor 2I asked my family doctor to test me for a stomach bacteria that had been linked to ITP and she said there was NO WAY I had that bacteria, but she agreed to test me anyway because I begged. The test came back positive. Yes, I had the stomach bacteria that she thought there would be NO WAY for me to have, the same stomach bacteria that was connected to many other ITP victims… according to the internet.

One response I got many times was surprise that I had ITP at age 27, because it is more commonly known as a child’s disease. Research this one and find, on the CDC website, that the MMR vaccine lists ITP as a possible side effect. But I’m sure there’s no connection between children getting ITP more than adults and children getting the MMR vaccine more than adults, right?

After 8 months of drugs and treatments that were NOT working to raise my platelets, but WERE working in giving me every side effect listed on the drug package insert (and exhausting our finances), I exhaustedly told my doctor that I was done. I had wrestled with accepting that my life was never going to be the same and yes, I could bleed to death if I bit my lip, but I just wanted to be off the drugs and let happen what would happen. I was ready to trust God.

The doctor helped me wean off the drugs and told me to be careful and not do anything dangerous like get pregnant or hit my head or cut myself. I survived for 18 months with a dangerously low platelet count, researching when I could find the time while mothering three young children.

I found a vast world of natural “quacky” ways to treat oneself. My dad found out he had cancer during this time and was scheduled to begin chemo. He had to postpone his first chemo appointment because of my grandfather’s funeral, and by God’s timing and direction, he began seeing a natural doctor (Yeah, one of those). He was having extreme success with what this natural doctor was suggesting and prescribing.

My dad had so much improvement that the radiologist who did his next PET scan was so impressed with how much the cancer had shrunk he assumed my dad was taking chemo. So dad encouraged me to see this natural doctor too. After two months of taking vitamins and herbs that this doctor found my body was lacking, my count began to climb and then I discovered I was pregnant!

I was so tired of doctors at that point that I highly considered home birth, but… in rushed the fear, the worrying, the doubt. Would I die in childbirth? Would the baby be ok? I went to the OB/Gyn and he considered me high risk due to my platelet count. During that pregnancy, my count climbed to low normal, unexplainable according to my blood specialist doctor, but my natural doctor was not surprised. He said that sometimes pregnancy can be like pushing “restart” in a women’s body with an autoimmune disease.

_DSC1724Our daughter was born perfectly fine with no issues, but my count began to drop again, plateauing out at mildly low numbers, so I began taking the vitamins and herbs that the natural doctor suggested again. Within a year my count was in the normal range. I wasn’t even considered high risk with the next pregnancy.

Keep in mind, this is considered an idiopathic disease, meaning they do not know what causes it and it is not curable naturally, according to my blood specialist.

I had the pleasure of running into my blood doctor on the elevator at Miami Valley Hospital when my husband was there with a broken leg. I hadn’t seen him in two years and he didn’t know I was pregnant again. He asked how I was doing and I told him my platelet count, which was high normal then. He showed his surprise and joked that maybe I would just have to stay pregnant from then on.

My count never dropped below normal after our son’s birth and was still normal 3 years later when I had it checked again because of another pregnancy. I regret to say that my blood doctor has never called me up to interview me or take notes of my journey. He sees patients every day who have ITP, who are exhausted with the drugs, side effects and fear. I have to wonder, does he ever tell any of them that he had a patient 10 years ago who no longer has this disorder and she didn’t use drugs to get there? I’m sure he would have to consider if he would lose money telling his patients to try other remedies beside pharmaceutical drugs.

Having ITP really opened my eyes to health care providers. I am not angry at my doctors; they are not God and should not be treated as such. I am disappointed in our medical system. It was because of our daughter’s elbow experience that we took child number three to a chiropractor when he dove off our couch at age 3 and couldn’t sit or stand at all without screaming. There was no way that I was trusting the ER’s care.

The first chiropractor worked on him for 2 hours without any luck. She handed me his x-rays and sent me to another chiropractor. The second one placed heated towels on his neck along with shock treatments to the locked muscles in his neck and within 30 min he was up and walking out of there!

I have enjoyed the care of a doctor who listens and has made a positive difference in the health of my family. She also happens to be a chiropractor. Yes, there was a time when I believed that chiropractic care was nuts and that government programs, like the FDA and the CDC, were honest.

kids shoesI have found that you can believe something as truth until it is proven otherwise. And that is why I now practice my parental right in making the choice to refuse all vaccinations for our children…. until I feel they are truly safe and effective. In my research of alternative, more natural ways to heal my body from ITP, I discovered many concerning stories about vaccines. No, I can’t be positive that they are all true, nor can I be positive that what the drug companies say is truth.

No, I didn’t come to this decision overnight. In fact, because of my skepticism at first, and the pressure from our doctors, and the fear of the unknown, both our 4th and 5th children were vaccinated. I did choose to only have them vaccinated with one vaccine at a time, much to our healthcare provider’s annoyance. The nurse would roll her eyes and assure me that vaccines were completely safe and there was no difference in receiving them one at a time or 5 at a time. But I held my ground and with heart racing and hands shaking, I insisted on one at a time. The practitioner would come in and make it very clear that he would only agree to this if I promised to bring the child back in 4 weeks for another shot. They stressed that I had to wait 4 weeks, because it wasn’t safe to give a child another vaccine within a 4 week time period. No, I never had the courage then to point out that they were going to give them 5 in one day yet it wasn’t safe to have 2 in one month?

I collected my baby and left as quickly as I could. Every single month it was the same routine. Nurse would sail into the room with her 2 or 3 shots, I would request just one, she would sigh and have to go back to exchange it for the single shot or tell me that it wasn’t available in single form. Every time they would treat me like a dumb, uneducated oaf and throw out all those typical arguments: vaccines don’t cause autism, Wakefield’s study was false, the ingredients are perfectly safe, you don’t want your kids to get polio, etc.

I kept going back, because I was still intimidated by these diseases and wanted to believe that the vaccines worked. Then the winter of ’09 hit along with a huge H1N1 scare. We got to observe as a nation how this vaccine was not working and was actually making people sicker. There I sat in my Dr.’s waiting room, surrounded by sick people, with my healthy 8 month old waiting for his one shot.

As I sat there I could hear the receptionist calling people on the phone, requesting that they reschedule their appointment if it wasn’t an emergency. She would explain that their offices were swamped with so much sickness, it wasn’t worth the risk of coming in if it could wait. Wait a minute…? It wasn’t worth the risk of coming in, yet here I sat with my WELL baby who was not sick!?! He got that stupid shot and I left that day, determined we were done.

Yes folks, I completely lost my trust that day. I lost my trust in mainstream doctors, lost my trust in the CDC, lost my trust in the pharmaceutical companies and lost my trust in vaccines.

  • This does NOT mean that I hate babies and want them all to catch polio and die.
  • This does NOT mean that I have read one word from Jenny McCarthy. I haven’t. Really.
  • This does NOT mean that I hope my kids get the measles or the whooping cough.
  • This does NOT mean my unvaccinated child is dripping with measles and mumps and doing his best to spread it around the world.
  • This does NOT mean that I enjoy being called uneducated or told that God will hold me accountable when others catch ‘vaccine preventable’ diseases.
  • This does NOT mean that I appreciate being blamed for every outbreak of these ‘vaccine preventable’ diseases, especially when the majority of every outbreak are fully vaccinated people.
  • This does NOT mean that I think parents who vaccinate are evil. I too vaccinated my children because I loved them dearly and believed, at that time, that vaccines were the best thing for their health.
  • This does NOT mean that I promote the name calling, bashing or hatred that oozes out of this topic, from both sides.
  • This does NOT mean that I think parents who think differently then me, should have their children taken away.

What does it mean?

  • This DOES mean that I have spent 10 years of research, experience and prayer to reach the decision to stop trusting vaccines.
  • This DOES mean that I have the advantage to observe my children’s health and compare my five vaccinated ones to my one unvaccinated one.
  • This DOES mean that I believe the risks of long-term side effects from the vaccines are real and greater than the diseases, at this time.
  • This DOES mean that I observe history and can see that these diseases were already on the decline before vaccines were even introduced.
  • This DOES mean that I observe the present and can see that with the increase of vaccines there has been an increase in childhood: allergies, asthma, ADHD, ADD, autism, auto immune disorders, etc.
  • This DOES mean that I would like to continue to have the freedom of parenting my children, including making health decisions.
  • This DOES mean that at any moment I can change my decision and have my children vaccinated…though I doubt I would ever trust the vaccine manufacturers enough to do so.

In summary, my journey has taught me that health doesn’t come through needles and medicine prescribed by doctors. It has been a long road of learning, but now I can see clearly through the health of my children. I have 6 kids and one on the way.

  • Oldest 3 were vaxed according to the CDC schedule and they all had tons of ear infections and it seemed we lived on antibiotics. Our oldest has a dairy allergy.
  • The next 2 were vaxed one shot at a time. One has a dairy allergy and they have had a couple of ear infections between them, though nothing our chiropractor couldn’t handle.
  • The baby is 2 1/2 years old and has never had one shot or been to a well baby visit. He has never had an ear infection or had any reason to go to a doctor other than our chiropractor. He has never been on antibiotics and rarely gets sick.

For me the proof is right before my eyes.

Amber's family

God values all human life

Light image croppedIn this blog I am going to explore one aspect where my faith collides with commonly accepted health practices.

In Genesis 9 God gave a very short list of instructions to Noah and the other seven people who survived the flood, which had destroyed the entire population of the earth. You might not believe in a literal flood. I believe there is ample evidence to support such a view, but even if you disagree, the summary of God’s instructions to this group of people is significant in its succinctness and focus; what it includes and what is doesn’t.

God places enormous value on respecting human life.

“And I will require the blood of anyone who takes another person’s life. If a wild animal kills a person, it must die and anyone who murders a fellow human must die. If anyone takes a human life, that person’s life will also be taken by human hands. For God made human beings in His own image. Now be fruitful and multiply, and repopulate the earth.”

There are books and debates abounding on the topic of human life.

I would like to Fast forward to 2014 and look at ONE application of this fundamental principle conveyed by God in history.

If there is a drug which is deemed to be beneficial to 99 out of 100 people, but will kill 1 person, that is enough of a strong reason not to give that drug.

Poster BabyIf there is a drug or vaccine that is known to cause death in 1 out of 10,000 infants we cannot justify the use of this vaccine.

I am not sure of the exact statistics for death from drugs or vaccines. No one is. One study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) by Dr Barbara Starfield in 2000 showed that properly prescribed prescription medicines caused 106,000 deaths per year. (Read the entire JAMA article and learn how the medical system itself is the third leading cause of death in the USA.)

It has been speculated that a great percentage of SIDS deaths worldwide can be attributed to vaccines, particularly the DTaP or DTP. There is a high correlation with SIDS deaths and the administration of these vaccines.

VAERS reports“There are over 5,000 reports of death following vaccination in the VAERS reports. The VAERS records reflect a correlation, which both by common sense and definition – a relationship not expected to exist on the basis of chance alone – demands sober consideration.” – See more Revelations by Shawn Siegel, a grandfather and avid vaccine safety researcher.

Vaccine inserts produced by the manufacturers of the following vaccines list death as one of the known adverse effects:

  • DTaP (SIDS)
  • HPV Vaccine
  • Flu Vaccines
  • Tripedia (see graphic below)
  • HepB
  • Smallpox (Vaccinia)

TripediaAny drug that has caused death and is known to cause death is an abomination to God’s design for human life.

Those who say that the benefit derived by the majority makes it acceptable for the few deaths (which may not actually be as few as they claim) are either deceived or unacquainted with God and His desire for human life. Even one death deliberately caused by injecting toxins into a fragile vulnerable infant is too many.

Matthew records that Jesus blesses those who welcome and protect children in His name. “And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.” Matthew 18:5

He also said, as recorded by Luke, “It would be better for a person to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble.” Luke 17:2

DeathsWhen looking at public health and pharmaceutical recommendations we should seek before all things to First Do No Harm. Any remedy that causes death – even to a very small subgroup of the population – must be rejected. A deliberate death at the hands of the medical establishment is unconscionable.

Day 29 of Encouraging people to Seek Jesus: 30 ways in 30 days

If you have been helped in any way through my musings, please give glory to God. If you find anything disappointing or offensive or just have a question, please leave a comment below.

Pregnant? Things to think about

pregnantWhen I was newly pregnant, I wish people would have helped me to think about a few important things. I did a lot of research, but 33 years ago information wa a little harder to connect with. This post is inspired and informed by a nurse who eagerly researches all aspects of childbirth and who quit her profession because of her passionate beliefs on vaccination and circumcision. This list might not be ALL you need to think about when you are preparing for a precious new baby, but it’s a great start!

  • Question everything & research everything. Especially medical procedures meant to make money. Question Vaccines, Vitamin K shots given at birth, eye ointment and any routine medical procedure recommended for you or your baby.
  • Delay cord clamping until it stops pulsating. From 3 to 30 minutes or more. There is no need to discuss this, just put it in your birth plan and let them know it is what you want. However, since the doctor is the authority in the delivery room, it works best to have the doctor understand and assent to your request in advance. Make sure you both have the same definition of “delayed.” For some doctors ‘delayed’ might mean 1 minute. Remember, the hospital staff is eager to ‘turn’ the room ASAP so they may likely say, “delayed cord clamping is not necessary.” BUT IT IS. That is YOUR baby’s blood! http://www.vaccinationinformationnetwork.com/how-early-umbilical-cord-clamping-damages-babies-brains/
  • Say No to bath. Don’t let them bathe your baby. Rub the healthy vernix into the skin. Bathe at home later. Put this in your birth plan. Especially don’t allow a bath that could interfere with mom/baby bonding and skin-to-skin.
  • Breastfeed. Every ounce is gold and sets your baby up for lifelong health. Skin to skin with baby immediately after birth and keeping close continually will help you succeed. A baby is born to breastfeed and offering early and often will help your milk supply. If you have pain with breastfeeding, GET HELP from an experienced mom or ask to see the free lactation consultant at the hospital as many times as you need. Your body was made to nourish your offspring. You CAN do this.
  • Continue breastfeeding for a minimum of 2 years or until you are BOTH ready to wean. Ignore everyone’s snooty remarks. The average age of weaning worldwide is 2 to 7 or more years worldwide. You can breastfeed as long as you both want to – and if it bothers members of your family, they need to be educated!
  • Understand the Value of the Foreskin; keep your sons intact. Research information on the functions of the foreskin, not just circumcision. 68% of babies are kept whole in the USA and 91% in Canada because people are researching and realizing it is an unnecessary cosmetic surgery and extremely detrimental to his future sex life and future partners. More babies die from complications from this social surgery which removes a healthy normal body part, than will ever need a circumcision later on in life. Here’s a couple links for more info on circumcision:

Remember, it is YOUR baby. Every single decision you make, or allow, can have a long-term consequence, and you are the only one who will have to live with it and be responsible for the outcome. I pray for ABUNDANT HEALTH for both YOU and YOUR BABY!

More thoughts for pregnant people… Please feel free to add any questions you have in the comments below. I don’t have all the answers but maybe I can point you to some great resources.

  • Thinking About Babies? Great info to help you BEFORE you conceive.
  • Flu Shots in Pregnancy? Will a flu shot protect my baby?
  • Vaccines in Pregnancy? Really??? Why is there such a push to give pregnant women vaccines now? When and why did this policy start? Who do I believe?
  • No Advice Please Most pregnant moms don’t really want advice. I understand that. I’ve raised five children. Consider this information, not advice.
  • Essential Questions. Every pregnant mom has questions. These are some of the most essential questions you could ask and search for the answers.
  • An Impassioned Plea. This is just my heart to yours. I consider you as important as a cherished daughter. I truly only want your good and blessings on your life.

IMG_0423Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus Christ and truth seeker, especially in the areas of health and children. Facing a world quite different from the one in which I grew up, I seek to research and understand the true route to health, freedom and joyful family living!

Vaccines in Pregnancy? Really???

pregnant 2 cropped20 years ago it would have been unthinkable – maybe even 10 years ago. It is still unthinkable to many medical professionals and thinking people, so why has the public acceptance changed? Why are government agencies around the world now encouraging women to get a flu vaccine and/or a TDaP (the adult version of the DTaP recommended in 4 doses to all babies) vaccine when pregnant? Why are pregnant women accepting this? Why are OB/Gyns and even midwives (long the bastions of things natural and healthy) now recommending these shots to their patients? Why do CDC recommendations blatantly contradict the information supplied by the manufacturers of vaccines? There is so much to consider when pregnant, the information can see overwhelming!

Pregnant women need to know that there was a major change in the recommendations for shots in pregnancy in the last 10+ years. Perhaps this change came out of a decision to try and make the vaccine/autism link hazy. Officials at CDC openly spoke to each other about their fear of “angry Autism Parents.” [1]Simpsonwood quote

CDC is very aware of angry Autism Parents and has been doing their best since at least 2000 to dodge responsibility for the damage their recommended vaccines have caused. The CDC Whistleblower, Dr William Thompson, has explained in detail the fraud committed by top researchers in their study which was intended to debunk the vaccine/autism connection.

The idea of giving pregnant women flu vaccines was first proposed at scientific meetings: “hey, lets start vaccinating pregnant women for flu, then there won’t be such an obvious autistic regression, because babies will be ‘born’ autistic” (spoken in more scientific terms because they ‘needed’ to ‘protect’ the vaccine program in the ‘interests of public health’).[1] At first the response to this suggestion was there is NO way OB/Gyns are going to buy into this. OB/Gyns are well aware that exposing pregnant women to drugs can cause serious danger to the developing baby. Historically, many drugs given to pregnant women have resulted in their withdrawal based on birth defects on a wide scale. Thus, doctors who seek to preserve the health of pregnant women are very restrictive in their use of drugs and even give strong dietary recommendations, including avoiding canned fish in pregnancy. The CDC/Pharma knew it would be difficult to convince doctors, let alone mothers, that vaccines injected during pregnancy were a good idea. It has taken them many years and deliberate media campaigns. OB/Gyns have been assaulted with information over the last 12 or so years. This information is actually marketing, disguised as “science”, and they are at last making headway and getting the buy-in of OB/Gyns who are under their influence. There has been no actual science to support the safety of the policy of injecting pregnant woman with vaccines.

It seems like pharmaceutical companies have been so successful in their marketing campaigns targeting OB/Gyns, pregnant women, and the population at large that most doctors are now recommending a flu shot at every visit – so if you refuse it the first time, they will continue to hound you about it during your whole pregnancy. Not only that, but nurses and midwives are also pushing shots to pregnant women. AND, I am amazed to read of many pregnant women DEMANDING both the flu and the TDaP vaccines because they have been so indoctrinated. Most doctors are not aware that they have been targeted with this heavy indoctrination. They believe the CDC has studied the safety implications and trust the CDC’s recommendations. They are likely to tell their patients all the reasons why it is good for them to get the vaccines – because that is exactly the info the drug rep has been repeating to them over and over.

Doctors generally have not read all the science themselves. Many have not even read the vaccine package insert which states that the shots have never been approved or tested for safety during pregnancy. They are not informed (or choose to ignore) the fact that miscarriage is significantly higher among women getting these shots. Women get shots and may have a miscarriage or early labor in the next week (or two), and most doctors or mothers ever put the facts together.

Flu PregnancyIf you are pregnant I encourage you to read the package inserts of the vaccines made by the manufacturer themselves which state that they have never been tested on pregnant woman. Ask your doctor “How are you okay recommending treatments that haven’t been proven safe for pregnant women? You tell me not to eat canned tuna, but think injecting the toxic ingredients in vaccines won’t cross the placenta?

Flue pregnancy memeBig Pharma has managed to completely turn the tide of medical and public opinion when doctors, midwives and pregnant women are all convinced there is benefit to receiving the flu vaccine and/or the TDaP when pregnant. It is quite a marketing feat. They are probably very impressed with themselves and could get written up in a business school for a successful turn around of public opinion.

A successful marketing campaign does not mean science supports injecting women carrying our most vulnerable citizens with a toxic chemical cocktail that could kill or maim that precious new life. Please educate before you accept this dangerous medical procedure. I have nothing to gain by your decision. There are many others who have much to lose if you choose life and health by not vaccinating. Think about that.

Are you outraged?

If you are outraged – like me – then please share this with your pregnant friends and even with your fertile, but not yet pregnant friends. We all need to vote with our feet and our wallets and say NO to vaccines during pregnancy.

Thanksgiving 2015

Author: Becky Hastings, wife of 35 years, mother to five plus two, grandmother to four so far, passionate about truth, health, and healthy babies. I’ve been a breastfeeding counselor for 23+ years. I love helping moms succeed in mothering through breastfeeding. I can’t keep quiet and watch moms struggle because of the pressure they face to throw themselves and their babies ‘under the pharmaceutical bus’ and hope for the best. Moms need to know the truth.

Flu Vaccines in Pregnancy? 


[1] For more information on the Simpsonwood meetings where the CDC discussed the mercury/autism “strong signal” and planned their strategy to help obscure it: http://www.putchildrenfirst.org/chapter2.html

To read the complete 286 page transcript of the Simpsonswood meeting where the CDC and top invited scientists met at a secret meeting to discuss the vaccine autism link, and then strategizes on how to keep this information away from the public: http://skeptico.blogs.com/Simpsonwood_Transcript.pdf


Flu Shots & DTaP in Pregnancy?

pregnant220 years ago it would have been unthinkable – maybe even 10 years ago. It is still unthinkable to many medical professionals and thinking people, so why has the public acceptance changed? Why are women encouraged to get a flu vaccine and/or a TDaP vaccine (the ‘adult’ version of the DTaP) when pregnant? Why are pregnant women accepting this? Why are OB/Gyns and even midwives (whom I always considered the bastions of things natural and healthy) now recommending these shots to their patients? Why do CDC recommendations blatantly contradict the information supplied by the manufacturers of vaccines?

Pregnant women need to know that there was a major change in the recommendations for shots in pregnancy in the last 10+ years. Perhaps this change came out of a decision to try and make the vaccine/autism link hazy. Officials at CDC openly spoke to each other about their fear of “angry Autism Parents.”

Simpsonwood quoteCDC is very aware of angry Autism Parents and has been doing their best since at least 2000 to dodge responsibility for the damage their recommended vaccines have caused. 

When the idea of giving pregnant women flu vaccines was first proposed at scientific meetings: “hey, lets start vaccinating pregnant women for flu, then there won’t be such an obvious autistic regression, because babies will be ‘born’ autistic” (spoken in more scientific terms because they ‘needed’ to ‘protect’ the vaccine program in the ‘interests of public health’). At first the response to this suggestion was “there is NO ways OB/Gyns are going to buy into this.” After so many drugs exposed babies to danger historically resulted in their withdrawal and a very restrictive use of drugs or even exposure to toxins in canned fish in pregnancy, the CDC/Pharma knew it would have trouble convincing doctors, let alone mothers that shots in pregnancy were a good idea. However, OB/Gyns have been assaulted with information over the last 12 or so years. This information is actually marketing disguised as “science” and they are at last making headway and getting the buy-in of OB/Gyns who are under their influence.

It seems like pharmaceutical companies have been so successful in their marketing campaigns targeting OB/Gyns, pregnant women and the population at large that most doctors are now recommending a flu shot at every visit – so if you refuse it the first time, they will continue to hound you about it during your whole pregnancy. Not only that, but nurses and midwives are also pushing shots to pregnant women. AND, I am amazed to read of many pregnant women DEMANDING both the flu and the TDaP vaccines because they have been indoctrinated to believe it is beneficial. Most doctors are not aware that they have been targeted with this heavy indoctrination, they are likely to tell their patients all the reasons why it is good for them to get the vaccines – because that is exactly the info the drug rep has been repeating to them over and over.

They are not exposed to the science or the vaccine insert which states that the shots have never been approved or tested for safety during pregnancy. They are not informed (or choose to ignore) the fact that miscarriage is significantly higher among women getting these shots. Women get shots one week and have a miscarriage or early labor the next week (or two) and never put the facts together.

Flu PregnancyIf you are pregnant I encourage you to read the package inserts of the vaccines made by the manufacturer themselves which state that they have never been tested on pregnant woman. Ask your doctor “How are you okay recommending treatments that haven’t been proven safe for pregnant women, considering the very sordid past in OB medicine recommending meds that caused birth defects?

Flue pregnancy memeBig Pharma has managed to completely turn the tide of medical and public opinion when doctors, midwives and pregnant women are all convinced there is benefit to receiving the flu vaccine and/or the TDaP when pregnant. It is quite a marketing feat. They are probably very impressed with themselves and could get written up in a business school for a successful turn around of public opinion.

A successful marketing campaign does not mean science supports injecting a woman carrying our most vulnerable citizens with a toxic chemical cocktail that could kill or maim that precious new life. Please educate before your accept this dangerous medical procedure. I have nothing to gain by your decision. There are many others who have much to lose if you choose life and health by not vaccinating. Think about that.

Are you outraged?

If you are outraged – like me – then please share this with your pregnant friends and even with your fertile, but not yet pregnant friends. We all need to vote with our feet and our wallets and say NO to vaccines during pregnancy.

Flu Vaccines in Pregnancy? 

For more information on the Simpsonwood meetings where the CDC discussed the mercury/autism “strong signal” and planned their strategy to help obscure it: http://www.putchildrenfirst.org/chapter2.html

To read the complete 286 page transcript of the Simpsonswood meeting: http://skeptico.blogs.com/Simpsonwood_Transcript.pdf

Thanksgiving 2015

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.