It’s not just autism

Happy ChildMany people have heard so often the denials through mainstream media and ‘expert’ sources that ‘vaccines don’t cause autism’, that they assume anyone who refuses vaccines is ONLY worried about autism.

Most of those who refuse vaccines are concerned first and foremost about health and the life practices that will best support and promote health.

The children in the USA receive the highest number of vaccines in the world. No other country gives their children the number and variety of vaccines that the CDC recommends for babies and children born in the USA. Yet children living in the USA today are among the most unhealthy generation ever in this country.

Children suffer from earache, ear infections, asthma, diabetes, cancer, allergies, other auto-immune disorders, obesity, seizures, brain encephalitis, tics, learning disabilities, developmental delays, brain damage (including autism) and even death (SIDS) at unprecedented rates. The US infant mortality rate is now 23rd in the world.

What could possibly be causing our children to be so sick? There are a variety of possible explanations, but it would be foolish to categorically assume that the rate of vaccination of our children with multiple vaccines given at once and repeated multiple times before the age of two, is a totally safe procedure.

It’s not just autism those who refuse vaccines are worried about. It is the general state of health of our children and our nation. The autism rate is now estimated to be 1:28, but the obesity rate is nearly 1:2. You can search to find the statistics for many other childhood illnesses. We all know families devastated by childhood cancers, serious allergies, and sick children.

We want healthy children. Has anyone ever studied the combined impact of all the recommended vaccines on the longterm health of our most vulnerable members of society?

30 ways in 30 days. Day 3.

Thanksgiving 2015

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

Knowledge of God and Blessing

bonding w babySometimes experiencing great blessing in our life can be harmful to our future and the future of our children.

The Lord told Moses to warn Joshua about the dangers of being too comfortable and too ‘blessed.’

For I will bring them into the land I swore to give their ancestors – a land flowing with milk and honey. There they will become prosperous, eat all the food they want, and become fat. But they will begin to worship other gods; they will despise me and break my covenant. And when great disasters come down on them this song will stand as evidence against them, for it will never be forgotten by their descendants. I know the intentions of these people, even now before they have entered the land I swore to give them. Deut 31:20-21

God allows us free choice – even when he knows our choices are going to be bad for us.

If you live in the USA or most ‘western’ situations you are blessed. If you have access to the Internet you are abundantly blessed.

What will you do with the blessings you have been given? Will you thank God for them and acknowledge Him as the giver of all good things in your life?

Will you take them for granted; keep seeking more and more and more with no regard for who God is and what He might desire for you?

As you begin to see God as the source of blessing He will lead you to ever greater knowledge, information and truth. Truth about Himself and the world that He made.

We all get to choose how we respond to the blessings we have.

Day 2 Encouraging people to Seek Jesus: 30 ways in 30 days

Day 1: Does it make sense to seek Jesus in 2014?