Does it make sense to seek Jesus in 2014?

giving handsThere is no doubt we are living in incredible times. Technological advances have made life very different than it was even 20 years ago. There are many good results we take for granted and enjoy every day.

But, if we are honest, we must admit that there is also evil and darkness in the world we live in. It is sometimes hard to figure out what is good and what is evil. Many things look good but turn out to be very harmful to us.

I am an avid seeker of health and truth. I desire to discern the good from evil in our current world. It is very difficult to find out that basic “facts” I have always taken for granted, are actually manipulations of information designed to impact my life and my actions.

In the midst of the masses of information and the uncertainty of the times we live, I have decided to seek Jesus Christ, in whom is hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. You might think this is a naïve decision or a submission to yet another manipulation technique. However, upon examining all the options, I have chosen this as my best course. I will attempt to explain some of my reasons.

The book of John is written by a disciple – very close follower – of Jesus as an eyewitness account of the events of Jesus’ life on earth. He explains towards the end of his account why he wrote it:

The disciples saw Jesus do many other miraculous signs in addition to those recorded in this book. These are written so that you many continue to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing in Him, you will have life by the power of His name.

Imagine if these words were true. It would mean that God desires to grant you extraordinary power and life – beyond your imagination – in the midst of your current reality.

John recorded some of Jesus’ last words to His followers:

I am ascending to My Father and your Father, to My God and your God.


As the Father has sent Me, I am sending you.

Jesus was saying that we now have the same access to God as He did during His time on earth. I encourage you to read the entire book of John, which you can find on-line or in any version of the Bible. It is ancient literature and you might want to read through it more than once, or even regularly. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Find out how Jesus lived while He was on earth and what He desires for you to have, experience and do during your time here.

We all are given a limited number of days on earth. How will we use them?

Encouraging people to Seek Jesus: 30 ways in 30 days

Can good people confidently give bad advice?

Cognitive DissonanceCognitive dissonance prevents most people from deeply examining facts about things they have always accepted and been told were good.

Cognitive dissonance keeps good medical doctors and nurses from acknowledging vaccine injury in the patients they treat.

They have been told repeatedly that vaccines are safe and effective. Even when the evidence of a serious life-threatening reaction is brought to their attention, they look for other ways to explain it.

So the heartbroken parents of twins who dutifully allowed them to be vaccinated with all the routine vaccinations and found their baby girl dead on the same night she had received her ‘twelve month vaccines’ were told it could not possibly have been due to the vaccines. Her death was SIDS: sudden infant death syndrome. This happened just a few weeks ago – 2014 – in my small town. No one questions. No newspapers report this tragic death. Life goes on.

SIDS was popularized to help with the cognitive dissonance. We don’t know why healthy babies die more often in close proximity to receiving routine vaccinations, especially the DTP or DtaP, but if we call it SIDS and explain it away, it keeps us from examining the foundation of our knowledge too closely and can keep parents from asking us too many questions. We just say, ‘we don’t know, it’s SIDS.’

Tragic. Educate yourself beyond the routine information given to you by the makers and purveyors of vaccines. Cognitive dissonance might be preventing them from knowing the truth. Your life, and the life of your child could depend on it.

I believe Jesus can open our minds and make us aware of the deception we have experienced which can help us get out of our state of cognitive dissonance. He can lead us into the TRUTH about all things.

Seek truth. Jesus Christ embodies truth and can lead you to truth in every single area of your life. God desires to work in you, to give you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him. What do you have to lose by taking some time to read about the life of Jesus and learn why He came to earth and what He wanted His followers to know about the truth of life on earth?

Who else can we trust? Who else would you want to trust? What other options exist?

30 ways in 30 days. Day 2.

Day 1: Who do you trust?