Myths & Physics of Marriage

Happy Grandparents June 13 croppedJohn and I were privileged to present a 3 part series called The Myths & Physics of Marriage at Longleaf Church. We used our real life struggles over our thirty-three years of marriage to talk about common myths about marriage that can often bring unexpected challenges. You can listen to three 40 minute audios below.

Everyone entering a meaningful relationship wants it to endure and be happy, but it seems like only a few are finding success. Perhaps the secret is found when you discover the “myths and physics” of it. Myths are things that many people understand but are not true, and Physics is all true but few people understand it! Join us at Longleaf for the 3 part message series, Myths & Physics!

Part One: It’s all in the MIND

Part Two: He Wants, She Wants 

Part Three: For Better or For Worse


Aging prayerScientific studies of active aging people show that brain function does not have to decline with age. So the question we all should be asking is, ‘How do we make sure it doesn’t?

Aging is inevitable. My mom’s oft-repeated phrase is ‘Getting old is not for sissies.’ What she means is that as you age you can encounter a lot of symptoms and difficulties that make aging a lot harder than you ever expected! She has quite a lot of aches and pains which reduce her desire for movement and activity, which causes her body to stiffen up with more aches and pains and less of a desire for movement.

The baby boomer generation is having an opportunity to witness the generation ahead of us – one of the first generations to rely on processed foods, fast foods and lots of medications – and see how that regime has prepared them for the aging process.

There have been THOUSANDS of chemicals approved for use in food during my mother’s lifetime. Many of them have passed safety tests. Some have been recalled along the way once it became obvious that they were not safe. However, there has NEVER been a single study to determine the combined effect or the synergistic impact of consuming all these chemicals.

Prudence alone would suggest that all these artificial chemical additives MIGHT have some detrimental effect on our health and aging.

Science confirms the harm that our body experiences by long-term repeated exposure to environmental toxins in the products we use regularly: in food, personal care products, cleaning products, medications, vaccinations, etc.

There are more people than ever suffering from Alzheimer’s, dementia, and many other auto-immune diseases.  AND, younger and younger people are being impacted by these serious debilitating illnesses. And there isn’t a lot of hope on the horizon for treatment options. The BEST hope we have is to prevent these degenerative diseases, but if you want to PREVENT them, you need to START EARLY. Alzheimer’s doesn’t begin in the 60s when it becomes obvious. It actually begins much earlier – in the 20s or 30s, but only becomes apparent later. So if you want to avoid these issues when you are older – START NOW!

What to do? Try some of these things! Begin with what seems easy to you, then keep adding more to your health routine!

  • Avoid all the chemical toxins you can. Think food additives, air fresheners, pesticides, herbicides, body products, dryer sheets, etc……..
  • Read every label of every food you purchase.
  • Reduce or remove processed foods.
  • If you can’t pronounce something on the label, don’t buy it.
  • Find a product with 5 or less ingredients.
  • NEVER use any artificial sugar substitutes – they are directly causing brain damage in younger and younger people.
  • Avoid trans fats and MSG.
  • Don’t shop hungry – or else buy yourself a bag of organic baby carrots to munch while making your healthy purchases.
  • It starts with the shopping: buy whole foods, clean meats, eggs, nuts, seeds, dairy, organic or clean vegetables and fruits. Then figure out ways to prepare them that are easy for you. If you shop well, you will eat well!
  • Eat a higher percentage of raw foods.
  • Keep moving! Find ways to incorporate movement throughout your day. Stand at your desk, take a functional fitness exercise class. Learn easy safe ways to keep moving! Everyone has 10 minutes a day for exercise!
  • De-stress with prayer, meditation, EFT, relaxation.
  • Research natural options to serious illness before you need it!
  • Reduce or eliminate drugs for most everything. Research natural alternatives. Once you start eating better, exercising and de-stressing, your ‘need’ for medications will be reduced. Drugs only treat symptoms. The goal of better aging is to have no symptoms.
  • Visit a chiropractor regularly.
  • Find positive people to encourage you.

If you are not motivated to do any of these things out of a desire to improve your own health, please at least think about the impact your future poor health will have on the people you love.

Health eating can be delicious, nutritious and easy. It begins in your mind. Motivation to live a long and healthy life to enjoy the people you love makes it easier to stick to your decisions.

It also helps to get others involved in your “healthier you” journey. Health is contagious. As we gain momentum we will feel better which will help motivate us even more! Our motivation will inspire and motivate others.

Don’t keep putting toxins in your body just because you don’t feel bad today. Your body was not meant to be a toxic waste dump. If you poison you body, your aging process will be impacted. Take some steps for health. Baby steps are a good place to start. What ONE thing will do for your health today?

Ten Lists

BibleI was introduced to a Bible reading method called Professor Grant Horner’s Bible Reading System in 2008. It is often referred to as Ten Lists. I continue to be blessed through this exposure to God’s word on most days.

The basic concept is books_of_biblethat the whole Bible is a library and the 66 different books are allotted to different lists. Every day you read one chapter from each of the 10 Lists. I have only slightly modified Prof Horner’s lists. It might seem complicated at first, but stick with me! I’m really trying to make it easy for you!

10 Lists for blog

There is a pdf version of the lists below so you can print out your own bookmarks to use in your Bible.

This is how I use these lists:

  • On my best days I will read one chapter from each of these 10 Lists.
  • On other days I might only finish 7 chapters, or 5.
  • Some days I only manage 1 chapter.
  • No matter what reading I’ve completed on the day before, I start again the next day with List 1 and work through as far as I can.
  • Every day’s reading is completely different, no matter how long you continue.

Prof Horner Challenge verticalThis method prioritizes spending time reading through the life of Jesus from four different author’s perspectives (the Gospels) and visiting the history of the early followers of Jesus (Acts) very frequently. There are so many benefits from regularly exposing yourself to such a variety of God’s ancient manuscripts, but don’t take my word for it, I challenge you to do your own 30 day challenge. Read one chapter from each list every day for 30 days and look for the difference it can make.

Here are some guidelines encouraged by Prof Horner:

Try to complete the reading in one sitting (at most two). At the end of one book (i.e. Matthew), go to the next book (i.e. Mark). At the end of the list (for List 1 it would be John), go back to the first book on the list (i.e. Matthew).

Read fairly quickly in order to get the overall sense. There are different kinds of reading: super-quick skimming, careful moderate-paced, studying the text, deep meditation. You should aim for between the first and second kind. Shoot for 5-6 minutes per chapter. At the end of a chapter, move immediately to the next list.

GET THROUGH THE TEXT – no dawdling, back reading, looking up cross-references! [Contrary to Pro Horner’s recommendation, I confess, I sometimes take notes in my journal and find amazing connections in the passages!]

Most people find that they decrease their time spent reading and increase their retention after just two to three weeks of following the program.

Don’t look up anything you ‘don’t get’ – real understanding will come through contextualizing by reading a LOT of Scripture over time. Get through the text!

If you miss a day or two – it is ok! Get over it, then keep going. Just start at where you left the bookmarks.

If you are wondering why you should read Acts (or Proverbs) all the way through every single month, then – you’ve just shown that you NEED to read them that often!

The goal of this system is simple and twofold: To know Scripture, and to love and obey God more!

In order to become proficient in any subject, we need repeated exposure over time. This system will enable you to become confident in knowing, understanding and sharing God’s word. Jesus said:

Those seeds sown into good soil are people who hear the word, accept it, meditate on it, act on it, and bear fruit – a crop 30, 60, or 100 times larger than the farmer dropped to earth. Mark 4:20

So consider carefully the things you’re hearing. If you put it so use, you’ll be given more to wrestle with – much more! Those who have listened will receive more, but those who don’t hear will forget even the little they’ve failed to understand. 4:24-25

What else is more important than allowing your heart to be the field where God can work, as you expose yourself daily to a feast of His Word?

Here is what the kingdom of God is like: a man who throws seeds onto the earth. Day and night, as he works and as he sleeps, the seeds sprout and climb out into the light, even though he doesn’t understand how it works. It’s as though the soil itself produced the grain somehow – from a sprouted stalk to ripened fruit. But however it happens, when he sees that the grain has grown and ripened, he gets his sickle and begins to cut it because the harvest has come! Mark 4:26-29

ChallengeHere is a copy of the bookmarks I use. I usually print and laminate them. They make great gifts.

10 Lists US Letter

Are you ready to take the 30 day challenge? I’d love to hear about your adventure in reading God’s word and any modifications you make to this Bible Reading Plan. Please let me know in the comments below.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate about Jesus, health and truth.

Land of the free?

FlagWarning political rant…with religious conviction.

Following on from some political rants I saw around the 4th, these thoughts came flooding to me all at once as I was walking into church! I had just read my big chunks of the Bible, saw that the sermon topic was Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness, and bam – all of this spilled out. Warning: you will encounter religious content at the end of this post which describes my faith.

Land of the free?

Where large corporations are free to poison for the sake of profit…

Where government agencies and mainstream scientists are free to corrupt science in their effort to bolster their position, court esteem in the public eye, ensure personal job security, not to mention attract cushie research grants.

Where everyone (especially pharmaceutical companies) is free to spread their misinformation through marketing so no one can recognize truth.

Where corporations are free to have 3 lobbyists for every political representative in Washington to ensure they are free to continue their operations with no obstructions by minor facts like the health and well being of our children.

Where medical schools are free to churn out more heavily indebted doctors, indoctrinated by the pharmaceutical industry, while offering no training in natural healing, nutrition (less than 10 hours), respectful birth and beginnings, and true health.

Where doctors are free to give poison instead of helping people understand where true health comes from.

Where people are free to treat their bodies without care or knowledge because it leads to greater profits and sustaining the foundation of the sickness system.

ChainsThe fear (as in knowledge, respect, awe) of The Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Surrendering to Him will lead us into Truth in every area of our lives. The truth can set us free, if we can identify it. 
Deception is rampant in the land of the free and the home of the brave. The nature of deception is you don’t know what lies you are believing. All the enemies of Jesus seek to devour us. Many of Jesus’ enemies when he lived on earth were the MOST RESPECTED people in the community. They looked good, smelled good, and most people were in awe of them. The battle is real. In Jesus are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. He is the Divine Creator of every aspect of our great earth, including our highly complex body. As we seek Him – we seek the fullness of God. Jesus is head over every power and authority and wants to guide you to wisdom in all areas of your life for His glory for your ultimate freedom.

I don’t claim to know everything, but I continue learning all the time. My heart aches for injustice perpetuated on young families today. It has become acceptable for everyone to be sick. It is time for us not to be complacent in the face of the onslaught we are experiencing. People are getting sick – unnecessarily. We need to realize what we are doing to our bodies, and CHANGE! We need to vote with our wallet for clean food, healthy products, and healthy alternatives to the sickness system. We can be the change this country needs.

saltJesus said, ‘You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt loses its flavor, how will it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled by men.’ Let’s get salty. The world needs our flavor.

Jesus came to earth to show us God, forgive sins, and heal our hearts and our bodies. Our life can help others find this true healing as a light shining in a dark place.


Modern Lies

AthensI try to read chunks of the Bible everyday. Today I read about Paul’s trip through Athens and thought about my recent return to the USA after spending 30 years living in another country. I noticed some similarities.

Paul felt deeply frustrated about the abundance of idols in Athens.”

I get deeply frustrated by the abundance of toxins people take for granted in their food, water, air, and their attempts to ‘fix’ their problems with drugs (aka pharmaceutical products). I get deeply frustrated when I hear of innocent children and good people suffering unnecessarily because they base their actions on deception.

Paul would wander around the marketplace, speaking with anyone he happened to meet.“ I try to engage anyone I can to look a little more deeply into some of these things! My family will verify. I like to engage in debate on all sides of the spectrum. My viewpoint is that Jesus is our Creative Designer and the Source of all healing. Living in harmony with His design brings freedom and balance.

Paul noted that the Athenians had a strong and diverse religious ethos. I notice that amongst health proponents there is a strong and diverse religious ethos.

Amongst supporters and participants in the Western medical model, there seems to be an outward form of allegiance to Christianity. Conversely, many, if not most Christians, seem to endorse the Western medical model.

In doing so, supporters and participants in the Western medical model often make some underlying assumptions about many things based on a value system that they are surrounded with from an early age. Unfortunately, I have learned that some of these assumptions are dangerous.

  1. All “Scientific” information is based on truth and can be trusted. I wouldn’t lie about important stuff, so of course others don’t lie either.
  2. All products sold in the USA are safe. We have government agencies that ensure the safety of everything and all government agencies tell the truth.
  3. I can trust my doctor. S/He’s a really nice person. His/Her training and knowledge is far beyond mine, and s/he would never advise me to do something if it weren’t good for me.
  4. We live in the healthiest, most modern of all countries, and our health is better than ever because of so many great technological advances.
  5. Processed food and fast food isn’t that bad. In my busy life, it is essential.
  6. Childhood wouldn’t be good without sugary treats, candy, soda, pizza and happy meals. It would be cruel to deprive children of these things. When I participate in giving these things to children it shows I love them.
  7. Tylenol, Motrin, ibuprofen, Tums, etc are all essential, sometimes.
  8. Sometimes people need medicine to cope with loss, insomnia, or extreme anxiety. It’s all safe, as long as you take it only when needed.
  9. Cancer just happens. There’s not much you can do to avoid it, and cancer research is so advanced, the doctors really know what they are doing and can help you.
  10. Alzheimer’s – ditto for above
  11. Diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. see #9.
  12. Eating organic is a fad that makes some people lots of money because it’s so expensive.
  13. Health foods are all a big gimmick.
  14. I don’t eat that much sugar.
  15. My current weight is not a problem.
  16. Exercise is over-rated – it just makes you sweaty, then sore the next day. I’ll be fine because I walk and move a lot.
  17. Television ads can be trusted. No one is manipulating me. In fact, the TV ads for new drugs are really educational.
  18. Tap water is tested – so it is safe.
  19. Air fresheners, laundry scent, all things that smell nice, are nice.
  20. Something is going to get me, so it really doesn’t matter what I eat or how many poisons it contains.

DespairUnfortunately, deception is rampant in the world, including the great US of A. I’m probably more sensitive to all I see because I have recently returned after spending 30 years living in a foreign country, with only limited exposure during brief vacations.

Americans love the ideas of truth and freedom. Unfortunately there is a lot of truth that is suppressed and believing lies always limits your freedom. Accepting what people say is an admirable quality, but blind faith in people who do not share your values for Truth and Justice is never wise.  What will you do to examine the foundational truth in our modern culture?

Paul pointed out the illogical premises of the Athenian culture. Are there any logical fallacies you base your life and wellbeing on?

God Himself has given to humans everything we need – life, breath, food, shelter, etc. God has made us in all our diversity from one original person allowing each culture to have its own timetable to develop, giving each its own place to live and thrive in its distinct ways. His purpose in all this was that people of every culture and religion would search for this ultimate God, grope for Him in the darkness, as it were, hoping to find Him. Yet, in truth, God is not far from any of us. For you know the saying, “We live in God; we move in God; we exist in God.” And still another said, “We are indeed God’s children.” Acts 17

Head Shot B

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus Christ and truth seeker, especially in the areas of health and children. Navigating our present day world can be challenging, God’s timeless truths in the Bible are my guide.



Intentional Authentic Leadership


Leadership begins with leading yourself.

You might think that if you are a mom at home you aren’t a leader. Actually, you are one of the most powerful leaders around. Everyday the decisions you make, the words you say and how you grow as a person powerfully impact the next generation. You may only have one child, yet you could be influencing thousands. Don’t take that position lightly.

So, how are you creating an environment in your home that encourages everyone to be the best they can be? Do you feel like what you are doing at home is not important, but the work you do outside of the home – whether it is paid or volunteer, is the really important part of your life?

You might be considered a huge success in other areas of your life, but if you are not creating an irresistible environment at home, where your children and your husband (if you have one) want to be, then you are failing at the most significant role that you have.

Tips for creating an Irresistible Environment at Home (by someone who struggles a lot with this concept)

  1. Make healthy foods a priority. Everyone feels and acts better when their nutritional needs are met and they are not experiencing ravaging cravings for sugar, chemicals and carbs.
  2. Be aware of your own stress levels and seek healthy methods for stress reduction such as exercise, EFT, journalling, talking, etc.
  3. Prioritize intentional fun. Figure out the different things each personality in your family finds fun and join in – even if it is not your fun thing. Celebrate your differences.
  4. Seek to grow your family towards an emotionally and spiritually healthy foundation.
  5. Affirmation. Everyone needs affirmation. Give it liberally. It might not come back to you, so find ways of giving it to yourself.

Parenting is a very long-term commitment. It is similar to one of those very conservative stocks you invest in and leave it for a long time. The dividends in parenting can be much better than the stock investment, but you might only reap the richest rewards at 10, 15 or 20 years in.



Anger Part 2

Hey!Anger is a difficult emotion to understand, witness or experience. We see the devastating results of unleashed anger all around us (war, family feuds, road rage, etc.).

Anger gets our adrenaline going and we get all worked up, but we might not even understand why. We are churning inside and feel the need to do something. The easiest thing we often do, is strike out at those in our immediate environment. For instance, we might get disturbing news and suddenly become all snarly with the people around us. A young child whose toy gets snatched out of his hand by a playmate, might retaliate with physical aggression. Watching children over many years, it is easy to see that this type of response is gut level and automatic.

If we want to have a different response, or if we want our children to have a different response, it will require understanding and training.

It is important to note that anger is most often a secondary response. That means that if we stop and investigate, there is a feeling lying underneath our gut response of anger. It often involves a feeling of hurt, loss or injustice.

Sometimes there is a clear source of our anger. For instance, if someone criticizes us, laughs at us, or tries to bully or abuse us, we can easily understand why we feel anger.

Other times the actions provoking anger may be more subtle. When someone makes a statement that disregards important points I’ve made, or values I hold, I can feel hurt, insulted, or invalidated and then I get angry. When someone spills something on my freshly mopped kitchen floor, I feel disregarded and taken for granted. I don’t feel the work I have done is being respected and I can easily get angry.

Exploring the underlying causes of our angry feelings is a very helpful step towards working towards a more mature response to anger.

Sometimes, as parents, we witness a young child’s anger, and it causes us embarrassment. Anger in children is so basic, and can be loud and poorly expressed. To save ourselves from the critical opinions of others, we can try to shut down this immature expression of anger – immediately. While this may save us momentary embarrassment, training our children to ignore their feelings and shut off their anger is not helping them to understand their emotions and learn to control their actions. And, as I mentioned here it can lead to serious health consequences for them later.

Finding other parents who understand the process of growing emotionally mature children is a great help on the parenting journey. If every parent around you shuts down their child’s anger, you can be regarded as a very poor example of a parent, when your child flies into a raging tantrum.

Showing respect for our children’s emotions does not mean pandering to them and allowing our children to always get whatever they want. It does mean allowing them to feel strongly and help them to understand where those strong feelings might be coming from.

AngerAn interesting and complicating factor is that angry children have a way of pushing our parenting buttons in just the right way to cause us to have a deep angry response. We need to stop and ask ‘what is that about?’ Does an angry outburst by your child feel like personal rejection to you, especially in light of all the great sacrifices you have made on behalf of the child – like sleep deprivation and hours of selfless toil? Do you feel like all the investment you have put into your child should result in a perfectly cooperative little person who shows you respect 100% of the time?

Sometimes we need to stop and work on our own issues so that we can grow in our own maturity in dealing with anger. Some of us might have been trained to stuff our anger which makes it very difficult to understand our raging emotions. Growing in our own understanding will help us to be much better at guiding our children in handling their strong feelings.

I have learned most of this the hard way, through the grace of Jesus Christ. These are not easy things to learn or recognize in ourselves, which is one of the many reasons I seek the power of God practically applied in every area of my life.

My web-site stats show a lot of people read Anger Part 1. I’m glad this information is being shared and found to be helpful. I’d love to hear your stories and dialogue about this important topic. Feel encouraged to leave your comments below. If for some reason the comment feature doesn’t work for you, please post or send me a private message on Facebook! I’d love to hear from you.

IMG_0423Becky Hastings, wife, mom to five, MIL of two, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus, health promoter, breastfeeding counselor helping moms for 22+ years, and someone who seeks to understand interpersonal relationships!