
AngerEvery parent is challenged by anger. Many are totally surprised at their own capacity for anger towards the children they love more than life. Many are surprised by their child’s emerging anger when (not if) they begin to exert their personhood. The perfectly behaved one-year old seems angelic. Then one day, out of the blue, you see a glimpse of anger.  What is a parent to do?

I certainly don’t have all the answers.  For one thing I don’t know you or your child so I wouldn’t begin to give you advice or instructions.  Handling anger is not really as simple as one, two, three….

But we all need to spend some time thinking about anger. Whether we are being intentional or not, we are teaching our children about anger. Our primary method of teaching is how we model our own anger in front of them. What do we do when they do something that brings out anger in our hearts? How do we respond when life situations make us angry? Or what do we do when we face repeated frustration?

Some of us had great parents who modeled a healthy way of dealing with anger. Many of us were told that it was unacceptable to be angry and that when we felt anger, we were wrong. This approach to anger forced us to learn to ignore or stuff anger. Now as adults we may stuff, store, store, store, then BLOW! Have you ever experienced or witnessed a volcanic eruption of anger? Where did it come from it? Sometimes an angry response seems totally out of proportion with the provocation, giving a clue that there were many pent-up co-factors behind the eruption of anger.

ladderDr Ross Campbell has written many helpful parenting books. In How to Really Love Your Teen, he has a chapter in which he describes “The Anger Ladder.” This is a powerful illustration that gave me a lot of insight in parenting five children. Many parents I have shared it with over the years have found it beneficial.

Dr Campbell describes rungs of the Anger Ladder with the bottom rung being the lowest level of dealing with anger, and each successive step up the ladder represents growth. This visual picture helps you to understand that progress and  improvement in handling anger is possible. It also gives a clear guide and step by step goals to help our children (and often ourselves) reach maturity in handling anger.

1.  The absolute bottom rung of the ladder is stuffing.  Stuffing happens when anger is not acknowledged or dealt with, but it is stuffed internally. This method of dealing with anger comes at a great personal cost. The negative emotions we feel, but do not have the freedom to express, end up being turned on ourselves. Bottling up anger over many years can lead to serious illnesses, such as cancer, auto-immune disorders, depression, and other chronic conditions. It’s as if the body has to attack something when angry, so by forcing ourselves to stuff anger, we end up attacking ourselves.

2.  The next level is passive aggressive behavior. It is not always intentionally thought out, but if you know someone who deals with anger in this way, there always seem to be little things that happen which seem attacking – just not directly. A person who is operating with passive aggressive behavior is not always aware of their need and desire to “get back” at the person they are angry with in this subtle form. It can be a serious challenge to recognize and deal with this sort of learned behavior. Sometimes passive aggressive behavior is very difficult to spot in the mirror. It involves having an overall negative attitude or reaction to someone without addressing the specific issue that has provoked a negative reaction.

3. The next level of anger is undifferentiated physical abuse to anything and anyone nearby.  While this is not a great way to manifest anger, it is an improvement on step 1 or 2!  If this is where your toddler or child is at, don’t try to stifle it! That would be working backwards. Rather, try to help your child understand their rage and seek to move them UP the ladder, perhaps one rung at a time. Sometimes, as parents, we want them to jump right to the top rung with perfect control of themselves while addressing the issue that is bothering them.  How many adults do you know who manage anger that well? How often do you manage it? Lowering our expectations of our children will allow them to learn to deal with their anger in a more healthy way. It takes patience and wisdom.

4. Level four is characterized by a physical attack on the object of the anger. This is never good. But the good thing to recognize is that even this demonstrates improvement and growth in handling anger. Instead of just a general overall feeling of anger, the anger is being targeted towards its object. As a parent, sometimes we may need to physically restrain our children by holding them, as we help them understand their emotions and guide them towards higher levels of managing anger.

Dr Campbell goes on to describe various other manifestations and levels of anger. You might rank them differently from him, or from me. The point is there is a progression:

5. emotionally destructive behavior;
6. verbal abuse;
7. destroying property;
8. throwing objects;
9. expressing unrelated complaints;
10. becoming angry at someone else who is a bystander instead of at the source of the anger;
11. cursing;
12. unpleasant and loud behavior;
13. thinking logically and constructively;
14. holding to the primary complaint, not to peripheral issues;
15. focusing anger on the source only;
16. seeking resolution to the conflict while maintaining respectful behavior.

So, if you or your child is angry and expressing the anger with unpleasant and loud behavior (12), you can reassure yourself that they have actually progressed quite high on the anger ladder. Yes, there is room for improvement, but recognizing the progress towards maturity can provide freedom to develop that maturity.

Anger can be extremely awkward. Everyone exposed to anger can be impacted. Children exposed to parental anger at a young age can be emotionally bruised and suffer damage.

God gave us all of our emotions. Anger is a way we have of protecting ourselves. God can also use our anger to accomplish great works through us when it is directed and controlled by His Spirit.

Parenting gives us the opportunity to learn to grow in maturity in how we handle anger, so that we can provide an example of the process of being angry in front of our children. Modelling mature behavior is by far the most powerful teaching device we have available. Additionally, we have the opportunity to help our children recognise their own feelings of anger and frustration, help them identify and understand the source, and explore the response options available to them. Understanding this process and committing to it will ensure that our children can grow in maturity in their ability to handle this powerful emotion.

If you discover that you might have been stuck on rung 1 or 2 of the anger ladder, you might want to work at discovering the sources of your anger using a method like EFT. If you’ve been trying to get your child’s anger to ‘go away,’ you might actually be inadvertently encouraging them to stuff anger in a very unhealthy way. It can be scary to help our children come to terms with their anger, but the lack of obvious outward anger is not always good for them in the long-term. A perfectly controlled child does not always mean all is well. God has given us ALL our emotions. Tuning in to the source of anger can give us insight into the passions God has put in our heart.

What has been your biggest challenge in training your children to express anger appropriately?

Next post… Anger Part 2

IMG_0423Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mom to five, MIL of two, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus, health promoter, breastfeeding counselor helping moms for 22+ years, and someone who seeks to understand interpersonal relationships!

Please don’t let this be you

My friend and one of my heroes, Lisa Joyce Goes, writes passionately and poignantly on the reality of vaccine damage. She has been a victim, as the mother of a vaccine injured son, and has firsthand experience of the serious physical and neurological damage (often referred to as autism), but THEY ARE HEALING HIM using biomedical treatments. Lisa writes and has given me permission to share:

From a nurse with a newly diagnosed kiddo (autism, ODD, and severe food allergies are his DX)

“I just knew there was something wrong. I knew, I watched these kids come into our office just getting more and more distracted, normal kids just getting lost and when we asked the peds just kept saying, “Do you want them to die from pertussis? Give them the shot.” One mom who I used to chat with in our office left her kid. SHE LEFT HER KID, because she couldn’t handle him anymore. She came in like a lunatic claiming that after he got his shots he was not the same. They calmed her down and told her it was not possible. He was still in diapers at nine years old and she just couldn’t do it anymore. And now I can’t help but wonder–did God give me this because I didn’t stand up for her son? Because I knew then. I knew in my bones, I knew what was happening. But, I needed my job and I honestly thought the kids who ended up getting sick were just weaker. That wouldn’t happen to us because my husband and I are both healthy. We are athletic, we eat well, we are young. Will I leave my kid? Will he still be in diapers at nine? My husband can’t handle what is going on and I do not even feel like I exist because all I do is clean poop and try to keep our son from hurting himself and me. He hasn’t looked me in the eye in a year and he screams all, the time. He doesn’t talk and I do not know if he ever will.”


First. I am very sorry. I am also short on time, and this is happening to so many families, I wish I could devote more to your issue. I can’t so, I will answer as best I can, quickly. 

Clearly, you’ve begun following The Thinking Moms’ Revolution. We are here for you as best we can be. Your best resource right now IS OTHER MOMS. Run everything you are told by medically savvy, nutritionally educated moms who have brought their kids to a higher place. They will become your new best friends, like soldiers on a battlefield.

I do not know if your child will be in diapers at nine. We were still in diapers at 6. The answer to this question is largely contingent upon the extent of the damage done to his intestines. Ours was extensive but with proper treatment, Repairing the holes punched in his esophagus by the MMR–we came out of it. You need a basic metabolic panel done, you need to know what is happening in your child’s blood and brain. The gut is the source of all the “mental” illnesses our toxic compromised children endure. Dysbiosis there leads to mitochondrial and metabolic instability throughout. It is systemic.

That mom leaving her child has nothing to do with you. You did not do the right thing then. You know now, so you CAN DO THE RIGHT THING NOW. There is no better place to evangelize than the pediatricians office.

You and your hub have to do something called “cleaving”. You have got to get on the same page and work TOGETHER. NOW. I know what it feels like to not do anything but poop patrol. Pray hard. Meditate hard. Whatever you do, do it hard and lots. It is the only thing that will pull you through this.

God did not do this to you. Man did this to you. Greed, large special interests, GMOs, irresponsible medicine, disgustingly awful legislation that protects the authors of our children’s profound illness…vaccine manufacturers, as you once suspected but now KNOW, did this to you. And, in an effort to save you thousands in counseling bills…yes…YOU did this to you, by choosing TO GO AGAINST YOUR OWN INTUITION. Don’t do that anymore. Listen to that internal voice, it is there for a reason. And do NOT dwell in guilt. You are in really good company. Lots of super educated moms, professors, nurses, doctors, teachers, entrepreneurs, realtors, the list goes on and on. It is happening to us all…but, because of the medicaid provisions, and the new “law” in New York that is mandating vaccines for public school aged kids, it is happening disproportionately to the poor. So, get to work on your kid. When you are finished you will have a lot of other kids to help. 

And, I am truly very sorry this happened. But, know, that, every time someone says “everything happens for a reason…God gave this to you and not me because He knows I couldn’t handle it”….instead of punching them, it is your job to EDUCATE them. They know not what they do. But you…now DO. You are awake now. Time to get to work.

My heart cries out when I hear the multitude of stories of families who have been 100% trusting in the medical recommendations they have received, yet have been betrayed and experience unimaginable suffering as a result. My heart cries out to help parents avoid the same pain and to stop this madness. EDUCATE before you VACCINATE.  Educate does not mean asking all your friends what they think, asking your doctor what he thinks and submitting to fear based tactics. Educate means dig into the science. Find out the risks of this “contagious infectious illness” you are trying to protect your child from. Find out what are the real risks of the vaccine and what EXACTLY they contain. Take your time. Spend more time on this issue than any other issue involved in the birth of your baby – eg. stroller, carseat, other ‘baby’ equipment, or birth provider. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT DECISION YOU CAN MAKE. If you were my adult child, this is what I would tell you, lovingly as a mom…

LIve well, live long, enjoy your children, learn about Jesus…

My purpose is that you may be encouraged in heart and united in love so that you may have the full measure of complete understanding in order that you may know the mystery of God, namely Jesus Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. I tell you this so that no one may deceive you with fine sounding arguments. Paul, 2000 years ago, still relevant today.

Thanksgiving 2015

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counsellor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

Adult Disposable Underwear (aka diapers)

disposable diapersJudging from the product space given in supermarkets and the advertisements for these products, it must be a burgeoning industry. When I did a search for incontinence products I was overwhelmed.


Why is there so much need for this product today that there wasn’t 10, 15, or 20 years ago?

These questions should be asked by everyone who would never want to wear them and doesn’t really want to change someone they love.

I submit that the toxins assaulting our brains and basic bodily functions are possibly the primary culprits for this trend of incontinence. The worst offenders could be:

  1. VACCINATIONS & MEDICATIONS. We are injecting our children and ourselves with concoctions which contain harmful chemicals and known brain damaging heavy metals. Prescription and over the counter medications have been accepted as a normal part of life. We don’t question our need for pain relievers, asthma medications, antibiotics, etc. etc. etc. The average child now takes how many medications in their lifetime? The average senior citizen is on how many prescriptions?
  2. CHEMICAL ADDITIVES IN OUR FOOD, CLEANING PRODUCTS AND PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS. We are exposed to ±80,000 chemicals on a regular basis and yet no one has ever studied how these chemicals can interact with each other in our body. Educate yourself. Room fresheners pouring out chemicals for you and your loved ones to regularly breathe in are NOT a good idea. Any product you put on your skin is absorbed. Wean yourself off of your favorite products. There are substitutes that are healthier and CHEAPER! There are so many ways you can make your own. We have been the victims of marketing exercises our whole life. We think it would be impossible to get clean clothes without certain well known brand names. We have been indoctrinated to think any product that is promoted to make me look good is good.
  3. ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS are maybe the WORST offender of all. Sweeteners created in laboratories are widely added to all manner of ‘food’ items. Science has shown repeatedly that these chemical concoctions are harmful, yet it has become a political issue to keep them in our supermarkets. When combined, these compounds can boil at 87° F. With our natural body temperature at 98 ° F, these chemicals are hitting our body and having chemical reactions inside of us, destroying bladders and more. They also cross the blood brain barrier and cause brain damage.

If you scoff and think you are not going to give up your artificial sweeteners I have to ask why?

  • The addictive property of these chemicals is extremely high. You are probably addicted if even the thought of discovering the truth makes you want to avoid the effort. You are happily living in the lies of marketing.
  • If you think they help you lose weight or avoid gaining weight, the evidence does not support this. Studies show that people who use artificial sweeteners actually gain weight. If you want to lose weight, detoxing from these products is one of the first and best things you can do for yourself.

I’ve avoided writing about these issues for a long time because they are so entrenched in our society that sometimes when I mention the dangers people think I am the one who is crazy.

However, my ongoing research has convinced me that the science ABSOLUTELY SUPPORTS THE FACT THAT THESE THINGS ARE DANGEROUS AND CAN BE DEADLY. Continue to use them at your own peril. But, please inform yourself. And don’t give them to your children or anyone you love – unless you want to be changing their adult diapers when they become incontinent.

Live long, live well. Seek the truth in all things.

“My purpose is that you may be encouraged in heart and united in love so that you may have the full measure of complete understanding, in order that you may know the mystery of God, namely Jesus Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.  I tell you this so that no one may deceive you with fine sounding arguments.” Paul, 2000 years ago



Dr. Russell Blaylock, a board-certified neurosurgeon, combines many years of medical practice with study of thousands of research studies to create this monumental book. Author of Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills, one of the first books to address the hazards of food additives, he has also written several other medical books and numerous scientific articles.

Dr Janet Hull, unparalleled researcher and authority on Aspartame, author of Sweet Poison: How the World’s Most Popular Artificial Sweetener is Killing Us – My Story.

H. J. Roberts, M.D., F.A.C.P., F.C.C.P, author of Aspartame Disease: An Ignored EpidemicSunshine Sentinel Pr Inc (May 1, 2001) is a Board-certified internist in West Palm Beach, and an internationally respected medical consultant and researcher. He is on the Staff of Good Samaritan Hospital and St. Mary’s Hospital, Director of the Palm Beach Institute for Medical Research (since l964), and a member of prestigious medical and scientific organizations–including TheEndocrine Society and the American Academy of Neurology.

David L. Lewis PhD, 30 years of experience in the EPA and author of Science for Sale: How the US Government Uses Powerful Corporations and Leading Universities to Support Government Policies, Silence Top Scientists, Jeopardize Our Health, and Protect Corporate Profits.



Morning Boost

IMG_1226I like to get a great start in the morning. I love to bounce out of bed and get ready to have the best day ever! I’ve been teaching people about the wonders of raw chocolate and other healthy superfoods and I always look for new ways to combine them together.

I’m not great at recipes, every time I make things they turn out slightly different. But this time, I wrote down everything as I was putting it into my morning bowl! The way I think about it is, ‘What veggies, fruits, superfood powders, nuts and seeds can I combine with my chia seeds and kefir for breakfast?’ Along the lines of “let food be your medicine, and medicine be your food:”

Morning medicine bowl:

  • Chia seeds, 3 Tablespoons or so
  • Water to cover
  • Kefir, 1/2 Cup or so
  • Raw organic Maca powder, 1 Tablespoons
  • Raw organic Cacao powder, 2 Tablespoons
  • Turmeric 1/2 Tablespoon
  • Cinnamon, 1 Tablespoon
  • Salt, several shakes
  • Cacao nibs
  • Goji berries
  • Blueberries (fresh from my friend), 1/2 cup or so
  • Fresh CiIantro, chopped
  • Celery, chopped
  • Green Fresh Chili, from my friend’s garden


  • Fresh Pineapple, chopped
  • Coconut flakes
  • Nuts & seeds: sunflower, pumpkin, walnuts, almonds
  • Honey, 1-2 Tablespoons
  • Micro green sprouts
  • Hemp seeds, 2 Tablespoons
  • [Avocado would have been a great addition]

Do you want to have the best day ever? Why not try throwing all the best ingredients you can find into a big bowl for your breakfast boost!

I usually end up with enough for my husband and I to have for two days [I’m still working on enticing my daughter to participate!]. Half of the mixture keeps well in the refrigerator for our breakfast (or lunch) tomorrow!

Raw Cacao Benefits

Minolta DSC100% Raw Organic Cacao Powder

Cacao is chocolate, chocolate in its raw state – unheated, NO trans fats, NO sugars, NO dairy. 100% pure, dark chocolate.

The Cacao Bean

It’s hard to meet someone who doesn’t love chocolate! Yet very few people have ever had the real food that all chocolate comes from – cacao beans! Cacao beans are the seeds of the cacao fruit – it is a nut that grows on a jungle tree. Cacao beans are 100% pure dark chocolate!

Why Raw?

To retain the highest nutritional benefits, the cacao beans must be carefully dried and processed at low temperatures – never exceeding 116F (most cocoa powders are exposed to temperatures as high as 300F). This low temperature process avoids the formation of trans-fats and allows for maximum digestion and absorption.

Benefits of Raw Cacao:

Cacao contains so many minerals it’s like having a mineral supplement with other bonus nutrients!

Magnesium, Iron, Chromium, Manganese, Zinc, Copper, Vitamin C, Omega 6 Fatty Acids, Phenylethylamine (PEA), Anandamide (bliss chemical), Tryptophan, Serotonin, & Fiber

Anti-Depressant Properties – Cacao is a great source of well-studied neurotransmitters, which help alleviate depression and are associated with feelings of well-being. All this makes cacao a natural anti-depressant.

Lose weight, eat chocolate! – Eating raw cacao is known to diminish the appetite. The cacao bean is Nature’s number-one weight loss and high-energy food.

Antioxidants – Cacao beans contain the highest concentration of antioxidants of any food in the world, nearly 30 times more than blueberries!

When you make your own raw chocolate, using raw organic cacao powder and coconut oil you are giving your body a delicious, nutritious boost. I buy organic raw cacao powder from You can save $10 on your 1st order with this link

Check out some chocolate recipes:

Basic Chocolate recipe

Chocolate Breakfast Salad

Amazingly Healthy Brownies!

Chocolate Time Again!

Chocolate Bar in a Jar

Best Chocolate Ever!

More Chocolate

Raw Chocolate Extraordinaire!

Basic Raw Chocolate

2 pieces

There are so many possible variations.  This is what I wrote down as I prepared the chocolate for my Health Talk:

Basic #1

  • ±1 cup coconut oil
  • 1 cup raw cacao powder
  • 3 fresh dates, pitted and chopped
  • ±1/4 cup honey
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • pinch or so of Himalayan Crystal salt

Mix well together.  Taste to see if you are satisfied with the sweetness.  Place into a glass dish and put into the refrigerator (or freezer if you are in a hurry!) until hard. Store in the refrigerator.

Basic #2

  • 1 cup coconut oil
  • 1 cup raw cacao powder
  • 1/3 cup honey
  • 2 fresh dates, pitted and chopped
  • 3/4 cup fresh ground peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup shredded coconut
  • 1/3 cup chopped walnuts
  • other nuts as you desire (almonds, cashews, pecans)
  • pinch Himalayan Crystal salt
  • 1 Tablespoon, approximately, lemon or orange zest

Mix well together.  Taste to see if you are satisfied with the sweetness.  Place into glass dish and put into the freezer until hard.