What to do in the midst of trouble

Stadium“BE CAREFUL.  It’s easy to be deceived.”

Your current trouble, whatever it is

whatever you endure

whatever you say

keep in mind … it is for

“the sake of My Name, Jesus.

…None of your adversaries will be able to answer or argue against you.

…You will be hated by everyone

for the sake of My Name.

…So, when troubles begin, don’t be afraid.

Look up – raise your head high,

because the truth is that your liberation is fast approaching.

But, be carefulGuard your hearts.

They can be made heavy with

moral laxity


hassles of daily life

…so you have to stay alert

praying that you’ll be able to escape the coming trials so you can stand tall in the presence of the Son of Man.”

Jesus, Luke 21

Sometimes we find ourselves in the midst of trouble.  Sometimes we deserve it.  Often we don’t.  Jesus gives us a good plan on how to handle trouble.  LOOK UP!  Raise your head to Him – He is still there.  He is still in charge and He is waiting to make you strong in this trouble.  He hasn’t promised to take all the trouble away, but to be with you in the trouble.  To make your stronger. He can also use the trouble for His glory as you release it to Him

I’m praying you will have peace in the midst of your trouble and look up to find the strength you need today.

May the God of peace

make you His own completely and

set you apart from the rest.

May your spirit, soul, and body

be preserved

kept intact

and wholly free from any sort of blame

at the coming of our Lord Jesus the Annointed.

For God, who calls you,

is faithful,

and He can be trusted to make it so.

Paul, 1 Thessalonians 5