What are we feeding our children?

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA As we face another in the seemingly endless stream of holidays that seem more like excuses for marketing exercises and enhancing bottom lines, I am struck by the fact that:

Even when we give our children poison without realizing it, the result is the same.

In Poisoned Profits: The Toxic Assault on Our Children, Philip Shabecoff and Alice Shabecoff give a detailed analysis of several communities that experienced extreme toxic exposure due to negligence in environmental waste disposal.  Parents and children were drinking toxic water and breathing toxic air without knowing it – and the children suffered.  They recount high cases of birth defects and serious illness among children exposed to toxins whose parents had no idea that the location of the home they were providing for their children, was poisoning them.

As you face the onslaught of very creative marketing, ‘food’ industry giants and peer (and kid) pressure tempting you to buy delicious ‘treats’ for your kids, do you ask yourself any questions?

  • What is in this?
  • Is it good for my kids?
  • What is the long-term impact it could have on their health?

Dr Mark Hyman explains that excess consumption of HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) and/or sugar are causing an epidemic of illness and obesity – especially among children.

He sums up his concerns regarding the extraordinary amounts consumed in the USA.

  • We are consuming HFCS and sugar in pharmacologic quantities never before experienced in human history–140 pounds a year versus 20 teaspoons a year 10,000 years ago.

  • High fructose corn syrup is always found in very poor-quality foods that are nutritionally vacuous and filled with all sorts of other disease promoting compounds, fats, salt, chemicals, and even mercury.  5 Reasons…

As parents we face decisions about what is best for our children on a regular basis.  We are the guardians of their health.  The food industry is concerned about one thing – their bottom lines and their continued success.  They are not concerned about your child’s health and well-being.  Don’t let them call the shots in your home.  Protect your children and give them natural, safe foods.  You can make family memories without having to resort to purchasing processed food-like products loaded with sugar or HFCS.  You do not have to participate in organized events which promote highly processed treats for your children.

You are not being a ‘mean mom’ when you choose to limit your child’s exposure to poison.  You are being smart.  Find other moms who desire to protect their children and brainstorm together about how you can model safe food choices.

Healthy moms unite!  This is a war and the target is your children.  It is your job to protect them.  Don’t think that just because “everyone else is doing it” it is safe.  Don’t think that just because it is for sale in your local supermarket it is safe.

Protect your child from greed. You’ll be glad you did.

I’m just a mom, but I love to see healthy children and my heart aches with every account of illness, especially serious unnecessary illness caused by longterm toxic exposure, in children.  I just witnessed, with shock and horror, a group of moms setting up an Easter Egg hunt for a large group of pre-school children.  I watched as loving moms, dads and grandparents accompanied their children to experience the fun and excitement of filling their baskets with Easter Eggs – at a church.

What ways do you protect your family from the media onslaught?
What special things do you do at  holidays that give lasting healthy memories?