An Invitation to Group Coaching

Would you, or someone you know like to …Snow Collage Cropped

  • Feel more energetic?
  • Sleep better and wake up refreshed?
  • Restore or maintain youthful vitality as you grow older?
  • Navigate the maze of health information with confidence?

We all know some things we could do better to improve our health or lifestyle.  What keeps us from doing the things we know are good for us?

Do you desire motivation and support so that you can gain momentum and get over those initial hurdles towards a healthier you?

You are invited to join a JumpStart Mastermind for Health Group. Be part of the top 5% of the population that owns their own health.  Receive information, inspiration and encouragement on your personal health journey.  Find the health you desire one baby step at a time.

You will:

  • Connect virtually with a small group of individuals who are contemplating making significant health changes for the better!
  • JumpStart your health journey with a minimum three-month commitment.
  • Participate in one 90 minute group coaching call per month
  • Receive one 50 minute individual coaching session per month.
  • Connect with your JumpStart Mastermind for Health Group privately on Facebook.

Special introductory rate:  $75 per month.  There are a limited number of places available either in the morning or evening.

Mastermind groups provide the ideal environment to make small sustainable life changes.  Each participant is committed to their own positive progress and will cheer for every step you take on your journey.  Together we are stronger and can accomplish what we never thought possible.

This JumpStart Mastermind for Health Group will be coached by Becky Hastings.  Becky has been coaching similar groups for over 20 years and is passionate about effectively helping you achieve your own goals.

Head ShotIf you need more information before deciding if the JumpStart Mastermind for Health Group is
for you, feel free to  email or phone 470 774 0285. Please schedule your 30 minute free inquiry call so you can fully explore how this might work for you.I look forward to hearing from you and helping you achieve your health goals!