Best Chocolate Ever!

chocolate bowlIn case you haven’t noticed my recipes are not exactly structured, so I thought I would share how I came up with my latest greatest chocolate recipe!

I’m busy working, going about my day.  I suddenly have a desire for something delectable – sweet and gooey, yet nutritiously dense and still good for me!

I go to the kitchen with no prepared plan.  I ask myself ‘what have I got?’  And I start.  This is what happened today….

I took a small bowl out and started adding things. Of course, I didn’t measure anything, I’ve just added approximate quantities!  Use what you feel works for you.

  • 2 Tablespoons of coconut oil with a rich coconut smell. Every brain needs more coconut oil.  It improves cognitive function in everyone!
  • 1 Tablespoons organic FRESHLY ground peanut butter NOW STOCKED AT MY LOCAL KROGER – thank you Kroger!!!
  • ½ Tablespoon honey, local raw organic
  • 1 Tablespoons organic pumpkin seeds now stocked by same Kroger!!
  • 1 Tablespoons roasted cashews also from Kroger
  • 1 Tablespoons of goji berries – because I just read more about their awesome anti-aging properties!  I love goji berries more than ever!
  • 1 Tablespoons hemp seed
  • 1 heaped teaspoon raw cacao powder

Best Choco EverI just spooned it into a smallish bowl and stirred.  No heating, nothing!  Just stirred it all until it was all mixed up and then spooned it into 4 small containers and popped them into the freezer because I decided I would share it with my family!  I was very tempted just to spoon it into my mouth – so they should really be thankful!

Alternatively I was thinking of plopping the whole bowl straight into the freezer to get hard and then spoon it into my mouth a bit later!

Anyway you look at it, it’s an instant chocolate bar worth 5000 times more than the highly processed stuff you can buy sold by large companies that I have been told exploit slave labor.  So it is a labor of love for my body, my taste buds and the welfare of Fair Trade.

Have you ever plunged into the delicious nutritious world of Fair Trade raw cacao?

Morning Smoothie


Superfood Morning Smoothies set me up for the day to have a clear mind, no aches and pains.  I am feeding my body information that is going to set me up for feeling great all day long! Liz Lipski, from The Future of Nutrition Conference

Of course I have consumed smoothies, but mainly fruit blends made at Kauai (serving deliciously good and good for you food fast in South Africa).  I first read about the idea of consuming super nutrient smoothies regularly in August 2012 when I read Abs Diet by David Zinczenko.  At that stage I didn’t have a blender, so I just made a mental note that it was an interesting idea.   My daughter-in-law made me my first super nutrient smoothie in June 2013.  She told me about the ginger and lemon – which I have come to realize are absolutely essential for a great tasting smoothie!

I’ve been practicing making and drinking superfood smoothies for over six months now and would like to share my method.  It’s not a recipe, because no two batches are ever the same.  It is a method for using what you have and making something nutritious and delicious.  I LOVE my superfood smoothies.

I think of the ingredients for the smoothie in terms of three categories:  items I collect from the Cupboard, Refrigerator, and Freezer.

I try to keep these three places stocked with what I am going to be needing.  However, if I run out of anything, I simple make it without!

  1. Cupboard

IMG_0236The ingredients that I store in the cupboard I usually purchase on-line from either Vitacost or Amazon.  If you find a better source, or better prices, please let me know.

  • Goji berries*
  • Raw Cacao* (powder, nibs or whole beans)
  • Maca powder* (a high priced item that I don’t always have available due to budgetary constraints!)
  • Aloe Vera* bottled gel or fresh aloe vera (my local Kroger stocks whole fresh aloe vera)
  • Spirulina* powder (when I have it.  Beware, the strong green color TOTALLY DOMINATES the smoothie, which is fine for me, but some newbies might object)
  • Coconut flakes* (once opened I keep in the freezer, sometimes I also add a Tablespoon of coconut oil)
  • Hemp seeds* (once I open them I keep them in the refrigerator)
  • Chia seeds
  • Honey*, 1 Tablespoon (or to taste)
  • Cinnamon, 1 teaspoon or to taste
  • Pinch Himalayan crystal salt

* Superfoods that made David Wolfe’s Top 10 list

How much??  Well, that is entirely up to you.  Do you have a huge stock on hand – be generous!  Not too much left in the bag? Then go a bit easier.  Generally two heaped spoons of most of the items, except for the honey, cinnamon and salt.

2.  Refrigerator


  • 1 – 2 apples** I put the whole apple, cut into quarters – seeds, core and all
  • 1/3 – ½ lemon – organic preferred because I use the peel, but remove seeds
  • fresh ginger – gives it a bit of a bite.  I use about 1 inch, but you might start with less
  • 1-2 sticks Celery**
  • 1/3 – ½ cucumber**
  • fresh coriander
  • kale**
  • kefir or yogurt (don’t always use this, but I intend to start making kefir and will include it regularly)
  • kiwi or other seasonally available fruit

**These are part of the dirty dozen so you should really buy organic, or at least peel them.

3.  Freezer

  • IMG_0239±1 frozen banana.  I buy extra bananas, peel them and chop or break them into a container and keep them in the freezer.
  • Any other frozen fruit:  blueberries, mangos, peaches, etc.
  • Ice cubes made with raw milk or spring water (sometimes)
  • Coconut flakes* a handful

I have a Vitamix.  I just dump everything in, and then add spring water. I process on high till it seems like it is all mixed, pushing down with the tamper as needed.  I haven’t ever tried with any other brand of blender. You can let me know how it goes, or what modifications you have to make if you have a different type.

I distribute the mixture evenly among 4 x 16 oz containers (500 ml) and they are usually 3/4 full.  It makes enough for John and I to have one today and have two to put in the freezer for tomorrow.  For the freezer, if I remember to transfer it from the freezer to the refrigerator just before I go to bed, it is the perfect consistency in the morning.

Since organic fruit and vegetables are so expensive, I try to utilize every bit.  I sometimes collect the little bits of leftover apples, or celery and put them into a container and store in the freezer for the next smoothie.











I love my morning smoothie.  I love the taste.  I love the fact that the cucumber, celery and cilantro are naturally helping my body to detox.  I love the fact that the Superfoods are providing my body with nutritious dense ingredients.  I love how I feel all day long.  I love the fact that I’m not hungry for a long time and even if there aren’t too many options for lunch, I know my body has what it needs!

Tell me about your best habits that promote your health….