Boosting our Immune System

apple in waterWhere do we get information on how to boost the immune system?

If you trust some ‘experts’ you will make sure to get every injection against any disease in order to protect yourself.

If you look into ‘alternative’ approaches, you might be overwhelmed with information and could spend a lot of money to purchase all the different supplements recommended.

Like most topics faced by parents, we need to follow our hearts and seek true wisdom.  I believe wisdom comes from God through Jesus Christ.  He created our bodies and understands exactly how they function.  We live in a fallen world with disease, food shortages and greed.  Navigating the reality of the world we live in seems to be getting more difficult.  Who do we actually trust?  Many people are quick to demand “scientific validation.”  However, there are so many reports of bad science, false science, and biased science on both sides of every argument, so a non-scientist simply has to decide whom they are going to believe.

One thing I’ve noticed through the years is that a lot of information is surfacing and confirmed by a huge variety of people from many different disciplines and locations.  It is as if a body of wisdom is arising that people are universally finding helpful and then sharing – almost a natural peer review process.

I don’t claim to know everything.  I am just a fellow traveler and learner.  I have taken various supplements over the years, but I like to keep them at a minimum.  Here are some things I have found on my journey to boosting the immune system:


  1. Water.  Drink lots of clean water, especially first thing in the morning.  I choose spring water.  Solarized water or water treated with wheat grass might be good economical options to explore if spring water is not available.
  2. High quality food.  Organic food might be expensive, but sickness is very expensive. Choose the cleanest meats, wild caught fish, organic eggs, and raw dairy.
  3. Meat broths with organic meats.
  4. Healthy fats: avocado, coconut oil, cacao butter, olive oil. I haven’t yet tried red palm oil, but it is on the radar.
  5. Reduce/Eliminate processed foods, trans fats, GMOs, sugar, carbs, wheat, prescription drugs and over the counter medications.
  6. Superfoods whenever possible.  Superfoods are foods supplying high density nutrition.  I find combining them into a morning smoothie of fruit and vegetables is a very effective, sustainable solution. Spirulina, hemp seeds, cacao powder and nibs, aloe, goji berries, maca powder, Moringa berry powder, Chia seeds, honey.
  7. Vitamin D from sunshine exposure or D3 supplements when sunshine is not available.
  8. Probiotics in therapeutic or prophylactic doses, depending on your need.
  9. Regular exercise, especially to work up a sweat.
  10. Sauna if/when available.
  11. Dry skin brushing to boost lymphatic drainage.
  12. Cold burst at the end of a warm shower for as long as you can stand.
  13. Chiropractic: regular adjustments.
  14. Positively promote positive thoughts – don’t worry.
  15. Prayer and meditation.
  16. Harmonious relationships.
  17. Grounding by walking barefoot on the earth (especially beneficial for pain).
  18. Apple Cider Vinegar in salad dressing, or straight first thing in am
  19. Garlic – eat it whenever possible!
  20. Avoid Wheat. My husband swears this is one of the biggest reasons he has stopped getting colds and allergy symptoms.

At any symptoms of illness (don’t have to do them all, use what you have):

  1. Vitamin C in high doses (1 gram per hour of  sodium ascorbate, see more by Dr Suzanne Humphries on the best form of Vitamin C).
  2. Colloidal silver hourly.
  3. Extra Vitamin D3.
  4. Olive leaf extract (very high source of anti-oxidants).
  5. Oregano Oil (in carrier oil on bottom of feet).
  6. Essential oils (such as Thieves) on bottom of feet or temple.
  7. Cayenne pepper.

Washing your hands could possibly be on the list, but a little bit of dirt is good for the immune system.  I usually try to wash my hands after handling money or doing a lot of hand-shaking. I usually avoid antibacterial soaps.

I haven’t included links, but you can find information about a lot of these topics.  I appreciate all the people who have generously shared their knowledge and information with me over the years on keeping healthy.

Have I left anything important off my list?  What are your favorite immune boosters?

Raymond and Olga Klein promote a proactive approach to understanding and working with our immune system.


BibleWe all have bias; Some acknowledge their bias; some don’t; some choose to stay completely unaware; some are deceived; but we all have bias.

My personal bias is that Jesus Christ transformed my life. He is now the foundation I seek to build my life on. His word, given to us through the library we know as the Bible, is my foundation, my source, my filter.

There are many groups and individuals who claim something similar. I believe God has a plan and can transform anyone willing to rethink their life, turn to God, and gain a whole new life.  It is a process, so if you try to judge us, or any follower of Jesus Christ, you will still see flaws. I am not perfect. But God is guiding me daily.  He is transforming my thinking as I prioritize reading His word. He’s giving me a whole new life.

I love using a modified version of Prof Horner’s Bible Reading System that takes me through 10 different chapters from many different sections of this library. Jesus himself taught His followers the value of seeking God through the ancient Scriptures:

        How blessed are those who hear God’s voice
        And make God’s message their way of life. Jesus, Luke 11:28

For those of you who are new to some of these concepts, like the fact that you can have a personal relationship with God through Jesus, and that reading the Bible can provide a foundation for making all of life’s decisions, I can imagine two possible responses:

  1. Intrigue.  You want to learn more or want to experience this blessing personally.
  2. Scoff or dismiss. I can understand, but I would urge you to reconsider. Take some time to allow God to reveal Himself to you. What have you got to loose by opening a window to God?

I hope to write more about the energy and vitality I have gained through reading God’s Word and the special blessing I have received through using the 10 List System.

That is my bias. Are you aware of yours?

Have you tried reading the Bible for yourself?  Are you thinking of starting off 2014 with a new zeal for seeking God’s answers for your life?

Hopes for 2014 (or New Year’s Resolutions)

open bookI like a fresh start.  A new year.  A blank slate.  Some people choose one word.  I needed three words this year…

Prioritizing the one thing Jesus said was most important.

Jesus:  People, PEOPLE, you are so anxious and concerned about a million details.

But REALLY, only one thing matters.

Mary chose the one thing: sitting at Jesus’ feet, listening to Him. Luke 10

ReflectingPracticing giving glory to God through Jesus for anything good in my life or thoughts.

Herod accepted the praise of the people and died.  If there is anything good about me, if there is anything true to find in my life, it is due to God’s powerful work of transformation.  I want to have an automatic response to praise Jesus appropriately at every opportunity. Acts 12

Contexting: Keeping God’s purposes and power up front and center when viewing the current events of the world. We know who the final conqueror will be!

The Lamb will be victorious over them
Because He is Lord over all Lords and
The King over all kings;
And those that stand with Him are called, elect and faithful. Rev 17

What are your hopes for the year 2014?