More Chocolate!!

Making Chocolate 1

My aim is to inspire you.  This is really really easy.  Chocolate is also good for you – so you can eat it without guilt.  Raw chocolate has even been shown to be beneficial in weight loss!  Chocolate is a great source of iron, zinc and other important minerals that our bodies need.  It is much better than a mineral supplement!

I want you to be so motivated that you jump up and go and make yourself some raw chocolate.

Making Chocolate 2

Then you share it with everyone you know.

I don’t know why.  I just want to share the love!

This chocolate was made with ingredients I had available at the end of a month!  This is what I did today, because that is the stuff I had.

  • about 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • about 1/3 cup smooth organic peanut butter
  • about 1/4 cup honey

Making Chocolate 3

Melted in a saucepan on the lowest heat, stir occasionally.  Once this mixture is melted, add:

  • pinch Himalayan salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 3 heaped teaspoons raw cacao powder

Almost optional ingredients can be processed in a blender and then added to the chocolate mixture.  This is what I used today, allowing some chunkiness:

  • Making Chocolate 4about 1/2 cup of a raw mix of fruit and nuts (almonds, sunflower seeds, cranberries, cashews)
  • a handful (about 1/3 C) cacao nibs
  • a handful (about 1/3 C) goji berries

Stir together and then put into whatever you have: silicon chocolate molds, BPA free plastic containers, glass dish.  Put it in the freezer to get hard.  Store in either the refrigerator or the freezer.  It will melt at room temperature.


What are your favorite optional items?

Future of Nutrition Conference

952189_52999227I love learning.

I’m passionate about health.

A free on-line conference taking place on 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31 January 2014.  This conference is providing an abundance of information on how to be healthy, happy and fit in 2014.  It is also about understanding how our brain works, how our bodies work and what signals we put into them through the foods we choose.

I am learning so much.  There are still 2 1/2 more days to enjoy this information for free.  Check it out.

Wherever you are in the world you can learn how to be healthier right where you are.  Learn how to be healthy so you don’t have to experience the “health care system.”



Confessions of an Imperfect Parent

Let's be friends

I have a vivid memory of an intense serious discussion my husband and I had with our oldest son when he was 20.  He was at a stage of life where he didn’t really know what his future held or what he should be pursuing.  He was not feeling confident.

I don’t remember the entire conversation, it lasted a long time and there was a lot of raw sharing and tears all around.

There were some things he raised about his childhood that caused him pain in remembering.  There was the realization that we had not done a perfect job in raising this son.  We had made mistakes.  Some of our mistakes had left scars in his heart that he was still struggling with.  It was not an easy conversation.  Acknowledging our parenting mistakes was hard, but it was even harder trying to figure out ‘what do we do now?’  How can we help this son heal from the pain we inadvertently caused him?  How can we help him through this state of insecurity and move with confidence to the future God has for him?

Most of the discussion was between my husband and son and I distinctly remember having the thought “I’m like the Counselor in this situation, but I HAVE NO IDEA what is needed or what would be helpful for them right now.”  I usually think I have all the answers to most relational issues!! But I was completely stumped and remember telling them so.

I think we all prayed together, apologized and agreed that we did not know the way forward.

As parents of young children we do our very best to meet their needs and balance life.  But it is quite a learning curve and we can’t always predict exactly how our decisions will impact the heart of our child.  Hearing about some scars on my son’s heart based on the life choices we had made was very hard, but allowing him the space to speak about it was an important step towards his healing and growing.

He went on to find a field of study he really enjoyed.  He moved a continent away and got a lot of great work experience – some of it through some pretty difficult situations.  He dug in, faced the difficulties and grew.  God brought him an amazing woman to be his wife.  He started his own business and has seen it grow as he contracts many men older than himself to work for him.

So what is my point?  As parents we will make mistakes!  It is a given.  However, we can have confidence that God’s grace can bring blessing despite our mistakes.  Coming to grips with our mistakes is a process.  We can start by confessing to our children when we know we have made a mistake.  We can listen when they want to explain their view on their life – listen and not try to defend ourselves.  We can pray and seek wisdom and grace to build, grow and repair once we have become aware of pain we might have inadvertently caused our children.  We need to fully receive the forgiveness offered in Jesus Christ and not beat ourselves up for our mistakes. All of it is worth it.  Building a long lasting friendship with our adult children is one of the most worthwhile things we can do!

What have your learned about forgiving yourself on your parenting journey?

7 Things Done by Extremely Persuasive People

conversationSometimes we have something we desperately want to persuade someone else about. We passionately hold a view and we want those we care about to share it.  Sometimes we try beating them over the head with our information.  That doesn’t always work so well.  I found these principles written in the realm of sales, but it seems that they are sensible and could be very helpful when we are passionate about sharing information that we feel can benefit others.  From my reading of Acts I can also see how Paul of Tarsus operated according to these as he journeyed around Asia Minor taking his powerful message of Jesus Christ’s resurrection in the first century.

  1. They Are Purposeful
  2. They Listen … and Listen … Then Listen Some More
  3. They Create a Connection
  4. They Acknowledge Credibility (in others)
  5. They Offer Satisfaction
  6. They Know When to Shut Up 
  7. They Know When to Back Away

Notice what they do and what they don’t do.  They show respect for the other person. They do not criticize the other person or their views.  Trying to criticize another person with the hope of changing their mind is tantamount to impossible.  So, next time you find yourself wanting desperately to persuade someone to your point of view, stop and check to see if you are using these 7 principles to help you be more persuasive.

This list is taken from: 7 Things Extremely Persuasive People Do |

Healthiest Hot Chocolate EVER!

Hot chocolate

Easy, Easy, Easy.  

Delicious, Delicious, Delicious.  

Healthy, Healthy, Healthy.

I’m not sure why it took me so long to try this. Kids love hot chocolate. Truth be told, I love hot chocolate!  But the ingredients in most “hot chocolate mixes” make me shudder.  Why bother with them, when you can make your own and it REALLY IS NOT HARD AT ALL!  So just try it until your figure it out the proportions you like for yourself!

  • 1 mug full of raw milk (include lots of the top cream, if you like it)
  • 1 Tablespoon local raw honey
  • 1 heaped teaspoon raw cacao powder
  • pinch salt

Heat on low heat in a saucepan, whisk the cacao powder into the milk a bit – avoid touching the whisk to the sides or bottom of the pan – or stir with a wooden spoon. Heat until it is the temperature that you like.

Drink and enjoy!  You can vary the amount of honey and cacao powder.  You can add a pinch of cinnamon.

Everyone is going to love it!

Vitamin D Basics

Light image croppedVitamin D, has been referred to as a fat soluble vitamin, but is actually more of a hormone than a vitamin.  Vitamin D is produced in our bodies when our skin is exposed to UV B rays from the sun.  UV B rays are health giving, but are only produced when the sun is above 50 degrees, which means in most places not during the winter months.

So, in the winter, most of us will benefit from taking Vitamin D3 supplements or cod liver oil. Your skin only produces Vitamin D when exposed to UVB sun rays, which only occurs when the sun in at or above 50 degrees in the sky.

This Navy Chart calculates the altitude of the sun all over the world for every day of the year.  I’ve included a sample portion of the chart that shows that where I live the sun will reach 50 degrees at 12:50 for the first time on March 1, 2014.  Each day after that the sun will spend more time at and above 50 degrees.  That is why it is important that you expose your skin close to the middle of the day.

  • Astronomical Applications Dept.
  • U.S. Naval Observatory
  • Washington, DC 20392-5420
  • W 83 38, N32 37
  • Altitude and Azimuth of the Sun
  • Mar 1, 2014
  • Eastern Standard Time
  •           Altitude    Azimuth
  •                       (E of N)
  • 12:30       49.8       173.5
  • 12:40       49.9       177.4
  • 12:50       50.0       181.2
  • 13:00       49.9       185.1
  • 13:10       49.6       188.9

Another way to determine the height of the sun is to look at the length of the shadows around you. A short shadow is evidence that the sun is in a good position for UVB rays.  If the shadow is equal to or longer than the object (use a short stick to compare) than the sun is above 50 degrees and not good for vitamin D production.

The length of sun exposure required depends on the shade of your skin. Darker skin will require longer exposure. A light skinned person can probably get the Vitamin D production required with short exposures, say starting with 5 – 10 minutes (to avoid initial danger of burning). The more skin exposed, the more Vitamin D will be produced. Some say it is important to not to immediately wash the skin off, as the Vitamin D is produced in the skin as a response to the UVB rays, but doesn’t happen instantly, but others say it’s not a problem. I suggest if you do shower immediately after sun exposure, don’t vigorously rub and soap all over!

Widespread use of sunscreen has probably done a lot more harm than good, so I have abandoned the use of sunscreen products altogether. Caution should be used for babies, young children and long times of exposure in the sun.

If you would like to learn more about Vitamin D, how much sun exposure you need, etc. here is an informative post from the Vitamin D Council.  Dr Mercola and Dr Tenpenny have also written a lot about Vitamin D.

I’ve been enjoying learning about the sun and the health giving benefits it provides.  I enjoy helping others learn and achieve health!

Have you been surprised to learn something new about Vitamin D?  How do you enjoy getting your Vitamin D from the sunshine?


Stay Healthy Recipe

With winter many people worry about catching a cold or flu.  It seems the media can’t stop reminding us that it is flu season, and everywhere we go we are bombarded by advertisements for flu vaccines, flu remedies, cough and cold treatments.  I guess everyone is just trying to do their job, market their wares – they probably need their paycheck and like to eat and live indoors just like the rest of us.

I wrote this card for my 13-year-old daughter so she could stay healthy and boost her immune system this winter!  I wish everyone would do these simple things so that they too can enjoy health and not live in fear of the flu!

However, with the intense focus on flu and sickness it’s no surprise that people are getting sick! I prefer to focus on health and how to stay healthy.  Stay Healthy Recipe

  • I like to keep my supplement-taking to a minimum.
  • I like to empower my children to take responsibility for their health.
  • It must be easy to remember, so I needed it on a card on the refrigerator!
  • I prefer to use natural substances and foods to heal.

Here is my brief recipe:

  • DAILY:
  • Water is our best detox help.  I’m trying to help my family form the habit of drinking a large glass of clean water first thing in the morning. We drink spring water only.
  • Vitamin D.  It is well-known and documented that the reason people are more prone to illness in winter is because they have reduced levels of this important factor. In the winter we need to take D3 supplements.
  • Probiotics are always beneficial to boost our gut flora since 85% of our immune system is in our gut!
  • Omega 3 boost with fish oil (or chia seeds, hemp, etc.)
  • Vitamin C in ascorbic acid form (non genetically modified) or sodium ascorbate
  • Colloidal Silver – a natural antibiotic, anti-viral and anti-fungal.  Very safe and effective.
  • Olive Leaf Extract – has an enormous ORAC score, full of antioxidants that will help boost all the important cells in your body to do their work of fighting infection.
  • Frequent Vitamin C
  • Extra D3 and Omega 3.
  • Thieves essential oil on feet, behind ears and throat.

Another very important aspect of health is we need to eliminate all sugar especially when we have any symptoms.  If we reduce or eliminate sugar ALL the time, that is a great boost to health, but when we eat sugar while our body is trying to fend off foreign bad guys, it’s like we are feeding the enemy army.  Avoiding milk and dairy products will also be a good idea.  These concepts might seem difficult to some people in the beginning, but as you begin to increase your awareness of improving your health, you will see the benefit!

I’m not saying these are the only things important to boost your immune system,  I’ve written and shared a great video about all the facets of the immune system and know that it is important to pay attention to many areas of life, but this is just a short winter prescription.

What are the essentials you use to keep your family healthy during the winter?

Experimenting with Raw Chocolate – Again!

Raw Chocolate ExperimentThis version of my Raw Chocolate earned high praise from my daughter, “Mom, these are the best you’ve made!”

My friend asked me to share a recipe for raw chocolate.  One challenge I have with recipes is that you have to write down what you do in order to be able to do it again! Raw chocolate is something you can experiment with.  It is really good, and good for you.  Raw Cacao powder is loaded with minerals and has an outrageously high ORAC score.  Coconut oil is a healthy fat which provides more benefits than I can explain!

Just make it – and eat it and enjoy!

In a small saucepan combine, and melt slowly on the lowest heat possible (or you can use a double boiler). Quantities are just rough guidelines. Use what you have.

  • ±½ Cup peanut butter (organic ground peanuts)
  • ±¾ Cup coconut oil
  • ±¼ Cup or more raw local honey
  • ±¼ Cup cacao butter (if you can find any)

Blend in blender or finely chop and add to the above mixture when it is fully melted:

  • ¼ – ½  Cup  coconut flakes (unsweetened)
  • A handful of goji berries
  • 10 whole cacao beans, or cacao nibs
  • ±¼ – 1/2  Cup pecans, walnuts and/or cashews


  • A sprinkle of cinnamon
  • A pinch of salt
  • 2 Tablespoons hemp seed
  • ¼ – ½ Cup Raw Cacao powder
  • raw organic oats

Stir together and put into silicon chocolate molds, a glass dish or BPA free plastic containers.  Put into the refrigerator (or freezer if you need it quickly) until hard. You can keep the chocolate in the refrigerator or the freezer, cut into pieces as needed.  Raw chocolate melts easily, so don’t hold it in your hands for long!

If you don’t have any cacao butter, goji berries, cacao beans or hemp, just leave it out! Don’t let, “not having all the ingredients” keep you from experimenting with delicious Raw Chocolate.  I add these superfoods, when I have them, to boost the nutritional value.  If you do leave them out, you might need to add more cacao powder. You can vary the type and quantity of nuts depending on what you enjoy.  In fact, you can vary most everything! My daughter-in-law didn’t believe it when I told her that you can’t mess up this recipe.  She was thrilled with the chocolate she made and said “It’s so rare for a recipe to work for me!”

Happy Grandparents June 13Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus Christ and truth seeker, especially in the areas of health and children. Facing a world quite different from the one in which I grew up, I seek to research and understand the true route to health, freedom and joyful family living!

Superfood Rich, Guilt Free, Chocolate Ice Cream

chocolate ice cream

I quickly need to write down my recipe so I don’t forget how to create this frozen deliciousness!  It was 100% an experiment with no outside input.  I did read about raw cacao last night from David Wolfe’s Superfoods – which is probably where I got the inspiration.  Or maybe I dreamed it up during the night.  Anyway, first thing this morning I just had to try mixing the following ingredients together in my Vitamix (like most of my recipes, everything is more or less – an approximation.  I apologize to those for whom this drives them crazy, i.e. Gary).

  • 1-2 Cups of raw milk with lots of cream included (don’t tell my microbiologist husband).  (I think it was actually 1 1/2 Cups, but I didn’t measure)
  • 1/2 Cup coconut* oil (I did not melt it, I might try melting it next time)
  • 1-2 Tablespoons flake coconut*
  • 1-2 Tablespoons goji berries*
  • 1-2 Tablespoons hempseed*
  • 1-2 Tablespoons honey*
  • 5 heaped teaspoons (Menchies plastic spoon) raw cacao powder
  • pinch Himalayan salt
  • 10 or so almonds (save till last)

I added everything to the Vitamix and blended for nearly a minute, then I dropped the almonds in last in the hope that some of them wouldn’t get too blended.  I was hoping for a bit of crunch.

If you don’t have a Vitamix you can either blend or grind or chop the chopable ingredients and then shake everything else together.  The hard part is distributing the coconut oil evenly throughout, which is why melting it might work better.

I then poured it into some empty Talenti gelato containers.  My plan was to put it in the freezer and shake it every so often on its way to getting frozen.  I only managed one shake before I had to go out.  It doesn’t have a genuine smooth creamy ice cream consistency, but it is GOOD!  Now my ‘reluctant to enjoy truly healthy foods’ thirteen year old daughter, was not quite as excited about this concoction as I was, so it may have more appeal to those already enjoying their journey towards health!  Truly, I think it was better than any chocolate ice cream around – because I know every ingredient is good for me and it wasn’t too sweet.  But we have to allow for differences of opinion and also growth!

* The ingredients marked thus are all listed as the top 10 Superfoods according to David Wolfe.  Count them – there are 5 different super nutritious foods in this unique frozen blend!  I tried to think of as many of them as I could that I had available and that would add to the flavor and nutritional content of this delightful dairy blend. Next time I hope to add Maca Powder.

Did you know?  Some of the benefits of raw cacao:

  • it is off the charts for its ORAC score (which means it is VERY HIGH in antioxidants –  about 100 times higher than blueberries)
  • it is a natural great source of magnesium – which is great for so many reasons
  • it is a natural appetite satisfier – which means you won’t feel so hungry
  • it has a lot of other good minerals too – in fact, it’s like taking a mineral supplement!
  • it makes you feel good!

That’s all I can tell you from memory, but I do recommend reading Superfoods.

Top 10 Superfoods:

  • Goji Berries
  • Raw Cacao
  • Maca
  • Bee products, including Honey
  • Coconut
  • Spirulina
  • Hempseed
  • Aloe
  • AFA Blue Green Algae
  • Marine Phytoplankton

Please experiment and let me know how yours turns out.  It really was super super easy and super super nutritious!  You can do this!  Let me know if you enjoy Superfood Rich, Guilt free, Chocolate Ice Dream!