I can…

I Can...


There are many things in my life that I have no control over.

For instance, I can’t change other people.  But I decided to make a list of things I can do; things God can help me do.

  • I can walk with integrity;
  • I can be an example of health, vitality and enthusiasm;
  • I can share winsomely with whoever God brings across my path; whomever God gives ears to hear;
  • I can have compassion – especially for those suffering damage from iatrogenic  causes;
  • I can help train others with similar passions to be sensitive spokespeople for health;
  • I can campaign;
  • I can educate myself;
  • I can make information clear and available;
  • I can share truth about God with fellow travelers – gradually with sensitivity;
  • I can write to impact;
  • I can seek to be a difference maker, continuously exploring ways of effectively making a difference with others.

Those are some of the things I can do.  I am sure I can think of some more.   Even if your current situation is not optimal, what are the things you can do?

Thanksgiving 2015Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counsellor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

16 Vaccine Objections

needleHere are some of the basic reasons I have chosen to reject the popularly recommended concept of injecting myself and my loved ones with vaccines. This is not full of scientific links and support.  It is just my reasons and my conclusions.  Each parent and each medical professional has to make their own conclusions and live with their own conscience.

1.  No liability.  No doctor, no drug company, no government agency is liable for any damages incurred if the injection causes any damage.

2.  Vaccine Damage is a reality. The fact that compensation of nearly $4B has been paid out for victims in the USA alone, proves that damage is a reality, but is a hard and long battle to receive anything back.  Only 25% of claims filed have been paid.  Many more claims have not even been filed.

Media response3.  Combined Impact.  No studies have ever been done on the impact of combined vaccines EVER.  So young babies are routinely scheduled to get multiple injections at one visit and all the professionals assume it is safe.  That is not science. http://www.jpands.org/vol21no2/miller.pdf

4.  Given too young.  The blood brain barrier is not fully developed until around the age of 2, yet we are told we need to inject highly toxic substances into babies in the first days and months of life.  It just doesn’t sit right with me.  The toxic ingredients impact the brain. Not all kids get autism, but what are we doing to our children? When vaccines were first introduced they would never give them to babies or pregnant women.  Now they are recommended.  Did anyone ever do some studies to support such a drastic policy change?

Recomended Vaccines 83-20155.  Too many vaccines.  The recommended schedule has ballooned over the years – especially since liability was removed.  Isn’t that interesting?  Many parents today received vaccines so they think it is safe to give vaccines, but babies today will receive nearly three times as many injections as their parents!

6.  Safety studies often do not compare new vaccine products to placebo but against old vaccines or aluminum adjuncts. As a minimal there should be placebo controlled safety trials!

7.  Conflicts of interest among those who set the schedules, make recommendations and gain financially.

8.  Control of medical education and media by major pharmaceutical interests results in Intense Propaganda.

9.  If vaccines were good and beneficial there would be no need to force, pressure or coerce parents.

10.  Effectiveness. Vaccines have not been proven to be effective in providing protection.

11.  Use of aborted fetal cells as a foundation for some vaccines.

12.  Use of monkey kidneys cells and other foreign proteins as a foundation for some vaccines and the lack of study on the impact such foreign proteins can have on the undeveloped immune system.

13.  Use of GMO ingredients in the manufacture of vaccines – with completely unknown results on the body.

14.  New understanding of the immune system, molecular biology and the human genome which should cause every scientist to re-think the foundation of vaccine science.

15.  Chronic illness and general health of our population.  Vaccines are not the only reason, but since our health care costs are among the highest in the world and since our vaccination rate is among the highest in the world, wouldn’t you expect that health rates for both children and adults should be among the highest in the world?

16.  Health does not come through a needle, but through adequate diet and a strong immune system.

I think I could go on an on. About known toxic chemicals added to vaccines such as aluminum which have a detrimental impact on the developing brain and Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) states it is not safe in any MINIMUM amount; formaldehyde that is added to most vaccines is also used for preserving tissue samples and embalming dead bodies, yet it has never been tested for injection into a live human, causes deranged DNA and  cancers; MSG, a flavor enhancer, is a known neurological excitotoxin which causes brain cells to continuously fire until cell death; Polysorbate 80 (Tween 80) which is known to cause sterility, open the blood brain barrier, and prevents the body from detoxing.

Vaccines seem like a great idea.  Just have this little prick and you will avoid being sick! That is the hope they offer to fearful parents.  But I don’t think they deliver on their promises.  You might have formed different opinions.  These are sixteen of the reasons that forced me to spend hours exploring the topic and looking for answers.  The answers I found did not satisfy me that vaccines were a safe or effective option.

I’m not a doctor, I’m just a mom and a grandmother dedicated to the health of my family. My heart aches for those who have suffered vaccine damage and I want to help others find true health. I’ve spent over thirty years researching this topic and these big points just keep standing out for me.

If you tell me it’s not fair if my unvaccinated child gets a disease that harms someone else, I’ll tell you that it is not my responsibility to do anything other than keep my children healthy. If they get sick, I’ll keep them home and they’ll be better in no time because we are building a strong innate immune system. If vaccines worked you’d have no reason to fear.  In my opinion, herd immunity is a myth.  I have no obligation to expose my child to harm for a supposed (but unproven) slight benefit to others.

Have you got any additional reasons to add to this list?
Thanksgiving 2015Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counsellor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.