Healthy Snacks/Quick Meals

Fruit FaceWe all need to eat.

We enjoy our food.

We like to satisfy our sweet tooth and hunger with good things. But when we are trying to make a move away from processed foods, AND we don’t have all the time or money in the world, what do we eat?

  1. Apple, banana or date with or without organic fresh ground peanut butter
  2. Celery stalk with peanut butter, hemp, cacao nibs, sprouts (or any combination)
  3. Sliced carrots, cucumbers, avocado, broccoli, or other vegetables, with or without dip
  4. Raw chocolate loaded with coconut oil and nuts – a great source of minerals, energy and satisfaction!
  5. Leftovers from the night before
  6. Hardboiled eggs
  7. Sliced meat roll ups
  8. Cabbage leaf roll up (fillings could be peanut butter and sprouts, or cottage cheese)
  9. Organic cheese slices
  10. Organic plain yogurt with berries, cacao nibs, hemp seeds, chia seeds and honey
  11. Smoothie (more about the possibilities later)
  12. Homemade trail mix with raw organic coconut flakes, cacao nibs, raw nuts, organic raisins, seeds, etc.
  13. For a treat: organic corn chips with organic salsa!
  14. For special treats: organic fair trade dark chocolate
  15. Arden’s Garden (or other healthy ethical option) juice
  16. Baked sweet potato

There are many options, but I find it is key to plan in advance and be prepared for when the snack attack hits you.  What are your best healthy snack options?