Snack Attack

HoneyOk, I admit I sometimes get those cravings for something rich, sweet and gooey.  We have a family recipe for chocolate chip cookies with oats that are legendary. Breaking that habit is hard.

Trying to go gluten zero is not easy.  Gluten free and sugar-free is taking it to another level.  I haven’t even begun to go dairy free, although I do choose raw organic milk in small quantities!

Making wise food choices sometimes seems like a battle.  So, here is something I tried that I think might become a new go-to food!

  • ½ Tablespoon peanut butter
  • ½ Tablespoon coconut oil
  • ¼ Tablespoon local organic honey
  • A sprinkle of cacao nibs

Mix together and savor!  Enjoy it with a cup of your best hot healthy beverage, or just a cup of tea!

I try to use mostly natural organic ingredients.  I like my peanut butter freshly ground from organic peanuts. If you can’t eat peanuts, other nut butters would work.

Double the batch if you want to share.  Or encourage your kids to make their own delicious, healthy, natural treat.  A little goes a long way to fight those cravings!

What are your favorite ways to fight the sugar cravings?