Doctors I admire

I’m sure this is only a partial list.  What medical professionals do you admire for their unrelenting presentation of truth? Please add your comment below.


Vaccine Safety

syringeAll vaccines have the legal classification of being unavoidably unsafe.  Dr Tony Bark

Trust parental instinct.  If something goes wrong, you are going to have to live with it for a long time.  We have had Public Health for about 50 years, but maternal instinct has been around for thousands of years.  Dr Andrew Wakefield

[A video with more quotes]

There are many thoughtful, highly trained medical professionals who are actively involved in caring for vaccine injured children  These professional have spent hours researching the history and science of vaccination and concluded that vaccines are to be approached with extreme caution.

This community consists of MDs, PhDs, DOs, Chiropractors, Naturopaths, parents and grandparents.  They have have learned from listening to parents and being wiling to release a mindset stuck in a paradigm that they were trained in.  Listening to parents and being willing to challenge the dogma they have been entrenched in, enables them to understand the science and history behind vaccines and understand what mechanisms are happening in the body when there are vaccine injuries.

Theses medical professionals supporting families with vaccine injury, like you and me, need to eat and enjoy living indoors, but they are not earning multimillions through connections with corporations.  These corporations are not liable for any damage, death or injury caused by vaccines.  If someone is supporting and promoting vaccines it is imperative that you explore any possible conflicts of interests.  Before you believe someone who claims to be a specialist, check out how their income is impacted through their connection with vaccine acceptance.

Vaccine damage is a reality – yet those who manufacture them are not held responsible, only given profits.  If your child is injured or dies as a result of vaccines you cannot seek any recourse from the manufacturers.  You can file a claim through the special vaccine court set up by the government, which has paid out over $2.5 B, but they only have settled 25% of the claims made to them.

Think about it.  You have to choose who to trust.  Take some time.  You can never unvaccinate.

What matters most to you when you consider vaccinating?

Snack Attack

HoneyOk, I admit I sometimes get those cravings for something rich, sweet and gooey.  We have a family recipe for chocolate chip cookies with oats that are legendary. Breaking that habit is hard.

Trying to go gluten zero is not easy.  Gluten free and sugar-free is taking it to another level.  I haven’t even begun to go dairy free, although I do choose raw organic milk in small quantities!

Making wise food choices sometimes seems like a battle.  So, here is something I tried that I think might become a new go-to food!

  • ½ Tablespoon peanut butter
  • ½ Tablespoon coconut oil
  • ¼ Tablespoon local organic honey
  • A sprinkle of cacao nibs

Mix together and savor!  Enjoy it with a cup of your best hot healthy beverage, or just a cup of tea!

I try to use mostly natural organic ingredients.  I like my peanut butter freshly ground from organic peanuts. If you can’t eat peanuts, other nut butters would work.

Double the batch if you want to share.  Or encourage your kids to make their own delicious, healthy, natural treat.  A little goes a long way to fight those cravings!

What are your favorite ways to fight the sugar cravings?

Coaching for Health

Fruit FaceIn the area of health we are bombarded with information, often competing and contradictory.  There are powerful forces at work to keep us confused, sick and dependent.

Most of us don’t have time to delve into the latest research and make sense of it.  Only when we, or someone we love is faced with a huge health challenge, do we get the motivation necessary to delve into the details and research what is truly healthy.  We also get the motivation needed to follow our new knowledge with action.

I have spent hours researching various aspects of health.  My body is my personal science experiment.  I put what I learn into practice as a part of my research.  I love sharing what I learn with others.

Children’s Health

I am particular passionate about raising healthy children.  I began my healthy parenting journey 31 years ago with reading Adele Davis’ book, Let’s Have Healthy Children and continue to endorse her approach to helping our children reach their unique potential through breastfeeding and providing whole foods in as close to their natural state as possible, while avoiding processed foods.  In our present day, I think Mrs Davis would be shocked by the state of children’s health in our country where childhood cancer, auto-immune diseases, diabetes, behavior disorders, etc are all reaching epidemic proportions.

I raised five children who are making wise nutritional choices as adults and parents themselves.  Feeding a family is a very difficult job in today’s world with so many quick, easy, tasty options tempting us.  Parents today face an enormously difficult task in raising healthy children.  Join me in a Journey of discovering optimal health for every member of the family.

A coach is someone trained and devoted to guiding others into increased competence, commitment, and confidence.  I’d love to help you reach your personal health goals.

How do you implement and encourage healthy nutrition in your family? Please let me know your ideas in the comments section below.

It Starts with the Shopping

Eating Healthy – It Starts With the Shopping

738926_27892725Imagine if you could hire someone to do all your shopping and healthy food preparation for you!  What a luxury!  What a thrill.

This is the reason we often find ourselves going out for a meal, whether in a restaurant or fast food, because we want someone else to do the work for us.

So, if you could get a real live person to take over this part of your life, what instructions would you give them?

“Just make me healthy food.”

This instruction might not be enough.  We all have different definitions of health. Many distinctively unhealthy fast food outlets promote the health of their products!

Most of us at some point have assumed that the food products available in the grocery store are safe – we do have an organization called the Food and Drug Association, which is there (paid by our tax dollars) to make sure the options are safe and healthy – right?

Every family has their own interpretation of ‘healthy food.’  Every mother teaches her children food preferences.

So, how do we navigate the maze and figure out what healthy food means in 2013? If someone was shopping and preparing food for me, this is what I would instruct them to buy and prepare:

My short list of ‘NO’:

  • GMO products (corn, sugar beets, soy components, unless specified non-GMO);
  • HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) containing products (HFCS is GMO, so it would be excluded anyway);
  • Partially hydrogenated fats;
  • Pork;
  • Most processed foods (or >5 ingredients).


  • Lots of healthy fats: coconut oil, olive oil (EVOO), avocado, wild fish, clean meat, raw clean nuts and seeds;
  • Organic vegetables (celery, sweet potatoes, carrots, kale, leafy greens, cucumbers, broccoli, green beans, peas, summer squash, zucchini, etc.);
  • Organic fruit (apples, bananas, limes, anything seasonal);
  • Ginger, garlic, turmeric, cilantro, Himalayan salt, other herbs;
  • Superfoods:  cacao powder, maca powder, spirulina, cacao nibs, goji berries, aloe, bee products, hemp seeds, chia seeds, etc.;
  • Limited grains:  oats, rice, quinoa, wheat or wheat flour (all organic if possible);
  • For a treat:  organic corn chips, organic salsa, fresh vegetable juices

Once you get all the good ingredients home, then the fun part of figuring out how you are going to prepare it begins!

Some people say, eating healthy is so expensive, but I remind them that cancer is being expensive; being sick and disabled is VERY expensive.

What principles help you with your grocery shopping?  I’d love to hear from anyone who has transitioned even further on the road to health and is growing some of their own organic foods!

Coaching for a Healthier Family

Ideas for Improving Your Family’s Nutrition

A big key is:   Gradually, with love

1.  Involve your family as much as possible.  Don’t try to be the big heavy coming in with a massive overhaul to the current status quo.  Nobody likes that guy.

  • Brainstorm together what are your favorite meals to make at home. Start with an open-ended question:  What are your favorite meals we’ve made at home? What are your memories of good meal experiences? What meals do you choose at restaurants?
  • Encourage their cooking efforts and make it a priority to give them opportunities to explore food preparation for themselves and the family.  Start early, but keep your expectations small and allow freedom.
  • Cook together as a family.  Plan a meal that requires everyone’s help in chopping, etc.  Some good group cooking meal ideas:  make your own pizza (even the dough is simple when doing the work with friends!), tacos, sushi (haven’t mastered that one yet), etc.

2. Pick your battles.  Make a list of EVERYTHING that is important that you would like to change.  Brainstorm (maybe by yourself or with a friend, so your family doesn’t know all the intel).  Get ALL your ideas written down.  Take a deep breath; don’t feel overwhelmed because there is so far to go.  Prioritize your list and start with one or two things at the top of the list.

3. Model healthy choices.  What you do speaks far more loudly than any lecture you could give.  But don’t have a ‘holier than thou’ attitude.  Gently explain the choices you are making and why – when the opportunity arises.

4. Catch them doing something good.  Affirm healthy choices that you see: even if they choose to drink a glass of water.  Find something!  People will move in a positive direction if it is encouraged.

5. Exercise together.  Set up family dates to go for a walk, play Frisbee golf, hike, etc.  If it helps increase enthusiasm and participation, encourage the kids to invite friends for the activity.

Caution: Don’t set the bar so high – for yourself or others – or you may be tempted to give up before you even get started.  Baby steps in the right direction will lead to bigger and bigger steps and before you know it, you will look back and see that you have made tremendous progress!

Please share some ideas that you have found easy to implement to help your family improve their nutrition in the comments.  We’d all like to get some new ideas!

Remember, to enjoy the journey!