
In order for God to extend my influence in many arenas He needs me to be wholly and humbly submitted to Him. One of the clearest evidences of my submission is seen in my heart and life response to “wives submit to your husbands, as to the Lord” (from Colossians 3).  God has given my husband greater physical strength, different biology, and different brain wiring.  God has also designated him to be the ’deciding vote’ in matters where we disagree.  Most people are familiar with a CEO or President in a company carrying more voting power AND more RESPONSIBILITY.

As I submit to my husband, I am not a doormat. I can present my case.  I can have a viewpoint that differs from my husband’s.  I know he values and seeks out my opinions.  But when we disagree (which is often) I can humbly submit, without any bitterness, resentment, nagging or manipulation, knowing that I am actually surrendering my desires in this issue to God.

Ultimately God can turn my husband’s heart. God may also be protecting me from something I am currently unaware of.

It’s not easy and I don’t always get it right (ask my children – or my husband).  As I seek to wholly surrender myself to Jesus, because of how He surrendered EVERYTHING for me, my faith in His ability to guide my life grows.

Surrender is a part of the journey, how have you learned submission and surrender?