What to say when pressured to get the flu shot

HappyA text message conversation prompted me to think of more answers to the question “Why didn’t you get a flu shot?”

My mom lives in a retirement community that offers annual flu shots. They have someone come out every year to administer them for the convenience of the residents. I made sure my mom was fully informed as to WHY she did NOT want to get one, but then she was worried about what she was going to say!

My Mom’s message: 
Hi!! O.K.– so yesterday I didn’t show up where they were giving flu shots. Now — what am I supposed to say when I run into a person of authority and he asks me ‘why’! ‘My daughter told me not to’ sounds pretty weak!! Love you!! Mom
My response:
We’ll done! I’m soooooooo proud of you!! I’ll send you some links with info. 
Other possible answers: “Someone who loves me a lot has researched it extensively and told me there is too much mercury in the shot. They don’t want me to suffer from mercury poisoning. “
Or, “Many people have acquired GBS (Guillain-Barre syndrome) from the flu shot which is extremely debilitating.” 
Or, “I’m going to stay healthy this winter with Vitamin D3.”
Or, “Flu shots make me sick.”
Or, “If I got a flu shot my daughter might have a nervous breakdown!”
And you could add, “But if I get sick, I will send for my daughter and quarantine myself!” 
You could also say, “Have you read what is in those shots?”
“Have you read the contraindications?”
“I don’t think my husband would want me to get this one!” (My mom is a widow. My dad was an MD)

There are many approaches to take.  I like to follow the Biblical patterns of communication and figure out how I can apply them in my life. I confess I don’t always get it right, but here are two principles:

  1. “a soft answer turns away wrath”
  2. Questions, when asked politely, usually give you the upper hand.

Here are more examples of strong questions in response to the question “Why don’t you get flu shots?” or when you are experiencing pressure to agree to a flu shot:

“What do you know about the contra-indications – that is, the people who shouldn’t get flu shots”?

“Did you know you can find the vaccine package insert from the FDA for every shot? The vaccine package insert is provided by the manufacturers lists all the ingredients, the contraindications, and the side effects. It also states that some categories of people should not get flu shots. Have you read it?”

“Do you know how effective the flu shot is expected to be for this flu season? Some years it’s been as low as 15% accurate.”

“Do you know what they make flu shots from? Did you know they’ve been experimenting with growing the flu virus in different mediums? Do you know the other ingredients in a flu shot, like mercury which is in the multi dose vials?”

“Do you know what mercury does to your brain and why the FDA limits the amount in ingestible foods to well below the amount they want to put into a person’s body with a needle?”

“Did you know that some vaccines (not flu shots) are developed using aborted human fetal tissue?”

When you think about it, most people who think the flu shot is a good idea really believe that it is good. They have been influenced by the vast amount of money spent on marketing by those who would benefit from flu shot sales. They haven’t been exposed to the research and facts that show the flu shot is overrated and possibly very dangerous. Most doctors are “educated” by the drug reps who want to sell more drugs, or by the CDC who has a dodgy record regarding accurately communicating vaccine safety studies (see #CDCwhistleblower).

You can read what I shared with my mother here. It was prompted by our text conversation.

How about you, what is your best response to those who try to influence you to get a flu shot?

Information on the flu shot for my mother

(and others like her)

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My mom is 79 years young.  She was married to my dad, a medical virologist, for 45 years before his death in 2003.  She made a bold decision to skip the flu vaccine this year but wanted some information to help her explain her decision to those who are encouraging everyone to get a flu shot.

Dear Mom,  I care a lot about you.  I want you to enjoy good health for as long as you live.  I wish we could live closer so that we could spend more time together.  I would love to stop over every week for a regular date.

Since that is not our current reality, I thought I would share some really important information on the flu shot.  If I were closer I would be able to give this information bit by bit.  But I’ve been collecting credible sources of information on the flu and flu shot and want to share some of the best.  It’s hard to say how many hours of research I have done, but I feel like I am getting close to having at least a Bachelor’s Degree in vaccine information!

Firstly, Something VERY IMPORTANT: Compensation for Vaccine Injury

Something really important to consider in this whole debate is that if you do get a flu shot (or any vaccine), the manufacturer is not liable to pay for any damages or injury it might cause.  If you get GBS and are paralyzed (nurses and doctors see this condition frequently in emergency rooms and one of the first questions they ask is, have you recently got a flu shot?) or if you need extensive medical treatment for any injury, there is no recourse with the pharmaceutical company.  There is a process where you can make a claim to the government Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), but only about 2% of all injuries are reported and only about 25% of all claims considered receive any compensation. There has been $2.6 Billion (update as of 11/2018 $4 Billion) paid out to 3000 claimants since this system began, and a large percentage of the claims have been paid out for flu vaccine injury.

Video 1:  “You need to become vaccine educated.”  Barbara Loe Fisher

This video is a great place to start.  It is a 20 minute explanation by Barbara Loe Fisher.  [She is introduced by Dr Mercola whom you might not like, but keep watching because after his introduction, he doesn’t say anything else.] She started the NVIC (National Vaccine Information Center) almost 30 years ago after her son was injured by vaccines.  She is a very calm rational voice and in this video she explains the current flu shot options (in 2013 there are 12 different flu vaccines made by 7 companies), how to find out what is in each one, and what the contraindications for each one are.  She recommends that if you are thinking about getting a flu shot, the very least you should do is get the information sheet on it and read it thoroughly in advance.

Video 2: Think Twice

This is a short video (<9 minutes) with many facts and figures on the flu, how the flu vaccine is made, all the ingredients, some possible reactions to the flu vaccine, the effectiveness of the flu vaccine in all age groups, and other ways to protect against the flu.

Video 3: Dr John Bergman, Chiropractor in California

Dr Bergman has very strong views and has a hard time not being passionate about his views.  I can relate completely!  So, this is a warning, don’t watch the next video unless you are ready to hear someone who has a very strong negative opinion about the flu shot! He claims 0% effectiveness in elderly.  He lists some of the suspect ingredients in many flu shots – like aborted human fetal tissue and other toxic substances and have been shown to cause cancer. I think most of the elderly people I know would not be too excited about that.

Video 4: Dr Sherri Tenpenny

I’ve saved the best for last!  In this calm video explanation, Dr Sherri Tenpenny uses a lot of statistics from the CDC itself.  She also describes what is the flu, what is the flu shot, what is in the flu vaccine, what the scientific research says regarding the effectiveness of the flu shot, and what can you do to treat and prevent the flu. This is a very worthwhile watch, it will take about 50 minutes.  So, fix a cup of tea, relax and listen.

If you don’t have time, bottom line, the flu shot doesn’t even significantly prevent flu!  “In the Cochrane study done in 2006 which was a review of 48 reports including more than 66,000 adults, “Vaccination of healthy adults only reduced risk of influenza by 6% and reduced the number of missed work days by less than one day (0.16) days. It did not change the number of people needing to go to hospital or take time off work.” Reference: “Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy adults.” The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 1 (2006)

I’ll stop with that for now.  I think I will write another blog post that might give you some insight on “What to say when pressured to get the flu shot“.

12Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus Christ and truth seeker, especially in the areas of health and children. Facing a world quite different from the one in which I grew up, I seek to research and understand the true route to health, freedom and joyful family living!

Some really good thoughts about food…

I have grown to respect Marc Davids ideas about food after attending parts of his on-line Psychology of Eating course.  If you have ever struggled with your weight or desired to make changes, here is a great article that might help you see your situation in a new light and give you some perspective that will be highly beneficial in achieving the results you desire!

I’m still learning…

A Happy Dietary Ending




In order for God to extend my influence in many arenas He needs me to be wholly and humbly submitted to Him. One of the clearest evidences of my submission is seen in my heart and life response to “wives submit to your husbands, as to the Lord” (from Colossians 3).  God has given my husband greater physical strength, different biology, and different brain wiring.  God has also designated him to be the ’deciding vote’ in matters where we disagree.  Most people are familiar with a CEO or President in a company carrying more voting power AND more RESPONSIBILITY.

As I submit to my husband, I am not a doormat. I can present my case.  I can have a viewpoint that differs from my husband’s.  I know he values and seeks out my opinions.  But when we disagree (which is often) I can humbly submit, without any bitterness, resentment, nagging or manipulation, knowing that I am actually surrendering my desires in this issue to God.

Ultimately God can turn my husband’s heart. God may also be protecting me from something I am currently unaware of.

It’s not easy and I don’t always get it right (ask my children – or my husband).  As I seek to wholly surrender myself to Jesus, because of how He surrendered EVERYTHING for me, my faith in His ability to guide my life grows.

Surrender is a part of the journey, how have you learned submission and surrender?


A life coach can help you…

  • Sort through the maze of your life to find direction
  • Provide feedback to help you formulate your plans
  • Focus on the future
  • Realize your own potential
  • Believe in yourself and the power of your inner calling
  • Get organized
  • Begin a new course of action
  • Navigate a challenging season of life
  • Make the most of your opportunities

A life coach doesn’t…

  • Have their own agenda
  • Judge your actions by their own assumptions
  • Give you advice
  • Share your information with anyone else

A life coach…

  • Allows you to set the agenda
  • Focuses on you, listens to you and helps you explore you
  • Shares insight about you that is gained through the process
  • Prioritizes you during your coaching sessions
  • Respects your potential
  • Has a high regard for your creative ability to arrive at great solutions

That’s just a few of the benefits of a life coach. If you’d like to explore how a life coach could add value to your life, you are invited to experience a free 30 minute inquiry call.

The Value of Coaching – WOW!

Light image croppedI sort of thought, “I don’t really need coaching.” Coaching is about change. I don’t have a burning area of my life where I feel the need of help to make some changes. My life has been about not accepting the status quo and pushing the boundaries in most areas. I had natural births and even progressed to home births. I breastfed my children and then added nutritious healthy foods and tried to teach my children over the years what health was all about. After starting the first three children in schools, we bucked the system and have home schooled five children, four down, one with only a little of high school left to go. I am always learning and seeking new information and applying it to my life. I coach myself through my stuff.  I interact with God through His word and the guidance and presence of the Holy Spirit. I don’t really need a coach to help me work through issues.

In a brief previous encounter with coaching, I was very worried about what to say, how I would come across and what the coach’s personal opinion of me was going to be. I was reluctant to be real, but I didn’t know who I should try to be!

Wow. I was wrong.  Coaching is a powerful vehicle for so many reasons.

Coaching forces you to think through in advance the topic for your coaching session. This is a valuable exercise in and of itself. It forced me to think through the different aspects of my life and come up with one specific thing to focus the coaching call on. Completing a Coaching Prep Form was hard to do and it is easy to want to put it off or avoid it completely, but the exercise and discipline of doing it was very helpful.

In anticipation of the coaching call I was a bit nervous.  There seemed to be a lot going on in my emotions and my soul and focusing on the one thing for the call was hard. I was afraid I wasn’t going to gain any value from the experience. I was thinking it was going to be a waste of time – mine and the coach’s. If I had been paying money for the experience (which I wasn’t because it was part of our class “coaching practical”) I would have been tense in advance thinking that it was also going to be a waste of money.

I couldn’t have been more wrong! My experience has again reinforced to me that coaching is extremely valuable. Even though I was vague and had a hard time trying to find the best topic to use this ‘valuable’ time for, the opportunity of spending 30+ minutes entirely focused on me and my current issues was powerful beyond my ability to express it in words.

In regular ordinary life there are rare opportunities when we are able to connect with another human being and share what is on our heart – or in the depths of our soul. Usually another person can only handle limited amounts and in conversation will quickly jump to a similar experience they have had, or the may express their opinion about what we could try or what we ‘absolutely MUST DO’ – advise that we may or may not appreciate! These interchanges are normal and we all experience them. It is part of the give and take of close relationships and friendships.

Coaching is so different. A coach is devoted to you, the client, for the entire conversation. They are focused on your world, taking notes of the things you say, reminding you of who you are and your previous statements about your own reality. They do not advise or instruct – that is the furthest thing from their agenda. They desire to help you see your situation more clearly, in light of your past, your present and your future. Their goal is not to build or deepen the relationship of mutual friendship, so they do not have a strong need to share their current situation. Their only goal is to be a facilitator of your exploration and progress in life.

The coaching call is also structured. It is not just a rambling counseling session. The agenda is clear and you, the client, end the call with ‘something’. But the coach doesn’t have their own agenda about what that something must be. They don’t have a preconceived plan of action for you. They want to be a facilitator to help you find your own agenda, your own action point for the end of the session.

Again, I cannot express adequately in words how valuable such an experience was for me. I am thoroughly and completely convinced that the experience of relating to a coach can bring enormous value to anyone. Witnessing ‘coaching in progress’ has opened my eyes to this forward focused approach of helping others and I am wildly enthusiastic to share this treasure that I have been given.

If you would like to explore life coaching more….


My Heart about Health

Sand Heart smallI believe the #1 biggest problem with all people is self deception. This is compounded by the fact that as humans, our  primary motivator is sensual indulgence.  We want quick easy, painfree lives.

To illustrate the first point, every prisoner in jail is able to justify why they are not guilty. As an extreme example:

When Kermit Gosnell was convicted and sentenced to a long time in prison for the murder of babies and at least one mother through performing very late term abortions in appalling conditions (filthy) with untrained employees for nearly 20 years in Pennsylvania, USA, his understanding of himself and his situation was surprising.

He gave a private interview to one reporter and apparently views himself as a victim of the system:  the laws are wrong about abortion, he was only helping to alleviate and fight poverty, etc.  He was all about helping women.  He sees himself as a Christian man and there was nothing wrong with what he did.  He would slit the neck of any baby that managed to live through his abortion in order to severe the spinal cord “because they were dying already, and would die, to help them not experience pain.”

I obviously fall into the category “all people” and realize my own propensity for self-deception.  I am also aware that there are many deceptive forces in the world seeking to deceive people.  These forces prey on our desire for pain free, sensually full lives.  I am well aware of my imperfections and past heinous sins both due to deception and sensual indulgence and I thank God every day for the grace He has shown me in forgiving my sins and helping me to see them clearly in light of His perfection. I believe He has opened my eyes to understand many truths about a lot of things I haven’t always understood.

One area I have gained a new understanding of is the allopathic medical system, which might have started with good intentions, but has been hijacked on many fronts for gain.  Having grown greatly in my awareness of health and wellness – how to achieve it and maintain it – and being exposed to the false basis most people are putting their faith in – pharmaceutical fixes, medical experts, surgery, chemotherapy, vaccines, etc., I feel compelled to help people understand that just because information comes beautifully packaged, it is not always trustworthy.  Doctors have received most of their medical education with a strong pharmaceutical bias.  Drug manufacturers have become incredibly clever at marketing and dodge ball.  Get your drugs into the hands of people first, answer allegations, or withdraw your bad drug later.

So many government agencies and even ‘non profit’ fundraising groups have degenerated to become orientated around their own self-perpetuation and job security rather than the ‘good’ they are supposed to be doing. Most of their time, money and marketing is spent to justify their very existence rather than seeking truth and helping increase the health, safety or betterment of individuals or the country. The FDA, CDC and other federal agencies have unwittingly become industry captives and are not able to provide the protection they were originally designed to give. The public faith blindly given to so many aspects of our society, has unfortunately become very risky.

I admit that I have perhaps gone a bit too far in my cynicism and disbelief in the traditional “sickness oriented” medical system.  I think surgeons are fantastic when they have to put people back together after a severe accident.  Most doctors and others connected with the medical system are not evil people.  However, the deception is great and the reverence for pharmaceutical solutions is very powerful.  I want to warn the unsuspecting and figure out how to effectively help others grow in their understanding of how to further their own health.  I want to help people enjoy vibrant health and wholeness of soul. I appreciate many who have helped me along in my journey.

We are all on a journey of discovery.  What have you discovered about wellness and wholeness on your journey?

Great ways to detoxify

I’ve been learning a lot about how much junk our bodies are exposed to just by living and breathing and eating food on planet earth.  It would seem that mankind hasn’t done the greatest job of subduing the earth.

In my quest for health I sometimes come across conflicting opinions.  Sayer Ji of Green Med Info wrote a great piece (link below) on detoxing.  I pretty much agree with all of his suggestions, but find the last one, Don’t Drink the Water, difficult!  It would seem that one of the best ways to detox our bodies is to start the day with a large glass of water.  However, the source and quality of the water is extremely important.  There is a lot of debate on how much water you should drink and how you should source your water, or purify your water. I know if I lived in Cape Town, or close to a clean source of spring water, I would collect water by the gallon and drink abundantly!

Another detoxing tip is to try to have 2 Tablespoons of coconut oil instead of breakfast.  I haven’t tried that yet, but I do enjoy my morning veggie/fruit/superfood smoothie and often add coconut oil to that.  I try to make my morning smoothie delicious AND nutritious, but it is probably an acquired taste! While my husband has grown to love and appreciate them – and even ask for them – I’ve yet to convince my teenage daughters that they taste delicious.  I think a green veggie/superfood smoothie is better than any milkshake you could pay money for!

In Sayer Ji’s detox blog he mentions the danger of thermal print receipts – I’ve never heard of this additional environmental danger!  I guess it is another thing to remember in my quest for avoiding toxins and achieving health!

What are your favorite ways to detox?

Other pieces I’ve written on detox:

Detox for Beginners

Detox or Not?

Diets Don’t Work