Getting started with making your own milk kefir.
To Start: Place kefir grains in a glass jar. Add milk (raw or gently pasteurized preferred, or any milk you have available). Leave space at the top (about 1 ½- 2 inches; 3-5 cm). Cover with a piece of paper towel and secure with a rubber band. Leave the jar at room temperature (on your kitchen counter) for 24 – 48 hours. Dehydrated kefir grains may take slightly longer to activate.

What size jar do I use? You may use any size of jar according to the amount of kefir you want to produce. A large jar will take longer and a small jar will produce kefir more quickly. I usually use a standard 32 oz (1 liter) glass jar.
How do I know if my kefir is ready? When you gently shake the jar, does the liquid jiggle? Does it look a little like yogurt or jello? If the mixture is clearly separating into liquid and a more solid layer, it has been left a little too long – so don’t leave it any longer! This kefir may still be strained and used, but the goal is to produce kefir that does not separate.
What next? When you determine that the kefir is ready you have 2 choices:

- Strain immediately: OR
- Place the entire jar into the refrigerator until you have time to strain out the kefir grains.
To Strain: In order to recover the grains and use them again, strain the kefir through a plastic colander (sieve) on top of a large funnel placed on top of a glass jar. Use a rubber spatula to push the kefir through the holes until only the grains are left. Refrigerate the kefir and start over with the grains.
Dormant grains: Kefir grains can be stored in a glass jar in a small amount of milk in the refrigerator for longer periods of time. The grains will be ‘dormant’. They can be revived when needed by first rinsing and then starting over from the top.
For more information check out my other blog posts on kefir and watch my videos. Post 1 Making Kefir; Post 2 Make Your Own Easy Milk Kefir; and Post 3 Straining Milk Kefir Video.
Your kefir grains will multiple over time and you can share the extra with someone else! Kefir grains can be dehydrated by rinsing gently in fresh milk or non fluoridated water, and placing on a piece of paper towel for a few days until dry.
There are many benefits to consuming kefir which delivers an enormous amount of probiotics to the gut. Depending on your current gut configuration, you may need to start by consuming small amounts and gradually increase. Research “Gut and Physiology” to learn more about the positive benefits of the range of probiotics delivered by kefir.

Author Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, health seeker and reporter. Becky shares health information especially to help parents raise healthy children. She loves sharing healthy recipes and kefir grains!