Searching for Effective Non Toxic Cancer Treatments

Everyone knows someone who has received a sudden cancer diagnosis. The older we get, the more people we know impacted by cancer in some way. Far too frequently we hear of another friend, family member, or acquaintance who has just had a diagnosis of cancer.

This increasing cancer rate which is born out by statistics that I don’t even need to share, has two impacts on me:

  1. I desperately want to help. I’ve heard of so many people who successfully radically altered their lifestyles and beat cancer, that I have hope that anyone can do it with the right information and right support.
  2. Personal vigilance! Sometimes we can find ourselves in a state of fear. We can be lured into complacency and feel there is nothing we can do, cancer may be inevitable. No one is helped by living in a state of constant fear or dread. When faced with overwhelming statistics on cancer rates we have a choice. Information empowers me to make daily lifestyle choices that promote health.

I have been interested in the topic of health since 1979 when I was introduced to the subject of Nutritional Chemistry by a sweet old professor and his wife who taught a course at Vanderbilt University. They presented solid facts and evidence of exactly how what we eat affects our health – and as a bonus they had a weekly taste opportunity of something healthy to eat that most college students had not been exposed to.

In the last twenty years I’ve focussed on longevity. How to live well for your entire life is my goal. As my nearly 90 year old mother has repeatedly warned me, “growing old is not for sissies.” Growing old with aches, pains and dtysfunctioning organs is NOT fun, so how can we live well AND long?

My search has led me to several pivotal Cancer Prevention books.

The one I am reading currently is at the TOP of my list and has inspired this blog. If you have cancer currently, if a loved one has cancer, I HIGHLY and URGENTLY recommend this book by Tanya Harter Pierce, Outsmart Your Cancer: Alternative Non-Toxic Treatments That Work (Third Edition). This book is a labor of love and offers extensive investigation into the history of alternative cancer treatment. Tanya gives details of 21 of the most effective options for today. Did you know there are 21 PROVEN EFFECTIVE ALTERNATIVE CANCER TREATMENTS? Tanya has done the hard work of sifting through the many layers of facts and with a clinical perspective, guides the reader to understanding more of the physiology of cancer and how each treatment method is effective, as well as the approximate costs involved.

If you have a serious diagnosis and haven’t been given much hope with traditional therapies and don’t have time to read the entire book from the beginning (which I would highly recommend to everyone), I would suggest you skip straight to chapter 14 which covers 714X. This is something I have never heard about and seems like a powerful option for those who desperately need one.

Next I would go to chapters 9 – 12 which cover Protocel. This is also the first time I learned of this.

Next read Chapter 13 on Flaxseed Oil and Cottage Cheese. A very simple, easily accessible approach that has powerful testimonials backing up the effectiveness.

Chapter 16 describes in details another very effective treatment option I had never heard of: Cesium High pH Therapy.

Finally, you can go to her website, and get more easy to implement tips for recovery, such as these:

Stop Eating Refined Sugar and Refined Wheat

Be Wary of Needle Biopsies

Don’t Wait Until All Conventional Treatment Has Failed To Try an Alternative Approach.

Avoid Mammograms

I like this book best because every historic effective treatment is described fully in a chapter with a list of resources at the end of the chapter. She is not writing about her personal experience, but has investigated a broad range of approaches and includes testimonies based on her interviews with people who were cured from many different types of cancers and used a variety of different approaches.

I’m not finished reading the entire book, and may well find more gems in pages 265-441. But I know some people currently in the battle with whom I urgently want to share this information.

I pray that every person suffering from cancer will first and foremost pray and seek God with all their heart and mind – as Jesus instructed us. Jesus’ words “how much more will God give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him” are a powerful reminder that God wants to lead and guide our lives.

A dear woman still in her thirties recently passed from a brain tumor. She leaves 3 girls behind. Her journey with cancer was short and severe. It’s too late for me to share what I have learned with her. The beautiful part of her story is that God brought a nurse to her hospital room that shared the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ with her during a dark time. She received God’s offer of forgiveness and over the last 10 months of her life experienced a powerful spiritual transformation. She became part of our local church and boldly testified to the dramatic change in her heart. She did not achieve victory over her cancer in this life and her family will miss her, but we rejoice because she did receive ultimate victory.

If the information contained in this book is shared widely with all cancer sufferers, the statistics for cancer would dramatically change.

Please share this information with those you know are searching for answers. This information will not be offered in the mainstream even by those who purport to lead the fight against cancer. I believe this information is vital for everyone – whether you have a cancer diagnosis or not. Preventing cancer through lifestyle changes is powerful. Having this information BEFORE you need it can make all the difference in navigating which treatment options you choose.

Other books I have read that are inspiring and helpful:

Chris Beat Cancer by Chris Wark

The Truth about Cancer: What You Need to Know about Cancer’s History, Treatment, and Prevention by Ty Bolinger

Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved, blessed with a husband of over 40 years, and five precious babies all grown up. I now get to delight as eleven grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.

2 thoughts on “Searching for Effective Non Toxic Cancer Treatments

  1. The Gerson institute, is based on the heroic work of Dr. Max Gerson, who, in the 1950’s, created a successful nutritional protocol, and uses his methods to successfully to treat many kinds of cancers. Gerson’s book, A Cancer Therapy, Results of Fifty Cases, is a famous classic. The Gerson Institute has been in existence for a long time; Dr. Gerson’s work was taken over by his daughter, and then by a team of doctors and practitioners who have kept the Institute a thriving and safe haven for cancer patients, who recover through juicing and a very nutritious cleansing diet. They have an excellent reputation, and have helped many thousands of former patients to achieve excellent cancer-free health.
    One can write to them at PO Box 161358
    San Diego, CA 92176
    and telephone them at 858.694.0707.

    Another source for help is the Foundation for the Advancement in Cancer Therapies, or FACT, This is an all-volunteer organization, which offers information and advice on nutrition and detoxification, based on a synthesis of successful protocols from many practitioners, whose work has healed thousands of patients, and helped them remain strong and well for long disease-free lives.
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