Preparing for a “well” baby visit

Many parents have reached a point of skipping all well baby visits. Often new parents feel a need to have a regular assessment by a professional just to ensure everything is good with their baby’s progress and development. The “well” baby visit has been programed into us from an early age and it can be difficult to ignore promptings to make an appointment for that 2 mo, 4 mo, 6 mo, etc visit.

Since the covid narrative was unleashed on the public more people than ever are questioning the necessity, the risk and the benefit of ALL vaccines recommended by the CDC. Public acceptance of the latest experimental injection clearly plummeted as indicated by low number of people getting ‘boosters. With greater awareness than ever of the potential for harm from a product given to a healthy person in order to “protect” them from becoming sick, parents and medical professionals are seriously questioning the childhood vaccine schedule as never before.

No matter what your current understanding is in regards to the necessity or safety of childhood vaccines, most people agree that children are given far too many vaccines and too many at one time. Comparing the vaccines recommended for babies today versus the recommendation for babies from 1986 is quite drastic.

Combine this knowledge with the health of children today and the incredible rate of neurologic problems faced by an overwhelming number of children. Autism is just one example. There are allergies, asthma, other neurologic symptoms, diabetes, etc. Our children today are not healthy. Ask any teacher who has worked decades in the school system.


This type of information should be the forefront of investigation by everyone charged with the health of our children. However, strong financial interests put enormous pressure on all aspects of our health care providers to ignore the truth about vaccine harm. Doctors are generally facing a large debt from their training and are rewarded for maintaining the status quo.

If you still feel you must go for a well baby visit, and haven’t been able to find a doctor who encourages a healthy intact immune system (i.e. no vaccines) you need a solid plan to withstand the pressure most parents will experience when a professional seeks to get you to comply with their agenda.

Here is a strategy for how to maintain peace of mind and still attend a well child visit from someone who has been researching vaccines for a long time. In the process of following this strategy, you will also learn a lot about the shots that are recommended for all children – a one size fits all approach as decided upon by the ACIP committee fo the CDC.

An excerpt from Preparing for the “Well-Baby” or “Well-Child” Visit if You Don’t Plan to Vaccinate by Marcella Piper Terry

How can I prepare myself? What can I do to ensure I am not coerced or bullied? What can I take with me to let the doctor know that I have not made a snap decision, and I am not just listening to others’ opinions?

Here is my plan:
1. Find out exactly what vaccines my children are “due to receive.”
2. Call the doctor’s office and ask which brands of vaccines they use.
3. Find out what the ingredients are in those vaccines.
4. Print the Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for those ingredients.
5. Print the vaccine manufacturer’s inserts for each vaccine.
6. Print out the state law regarding school attendance.

I will put everything in a binder (actually, I’ll get two copies of everything so I can leave one with my doctor and have one to keep).

For a lot more information about this strategy and details of where you can find all that information, check out Marcella’s Substack article here.

While I never felt the need to take our five children to regular wellness visits – that was decades ago and a lot has changed. Parents today feel a lot of pressure ‘to do the right thing’. However, perhaps the most important thing you can do is ask more questions and seek to find the answers for yourself without relying on the ‘experts’ to tell you what to do. Once you inject a vaccine, it can never be ‘un-injected’. Far too many families have deep regret that they did not investigate the topic of vaccines more thoroughly before their child was harmed or even killed because of the “wellness” shots. Millions of parents all over the world are struggling to find ways to heal children harmed by vaccines. Inform yourself before you face strong pressure to give your baby/child more vaccines.

Even doctors have experienced personal vaccine injury. Many are questioning their position. If more parents follow this strategy many more doctors will be faced with facts they never learned in medical school. They may not change their minds immediately, but the information will be clear for them if they are willing to investigate.

The good news is that millions are now aware of vaccine harm and more children than ever are growing up ‘organic’ – raised completely without vaccines. Every study done confirms that children without vaccines are healthier, smarter, and happier. Parents can have confidence in rejecting the sales pitch of the medico-pharma industry. God knew what He was designing. His plan for your baby can be trusted.

If you find my writing helpful, please share with your friends, young parents, pregnant or hoping to be pregnant. We can make a difference one person at a time.

Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved, blessed with a husband of over 40 years, and five precious babies all grown up. I now get to delight as eleven grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.

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