Is my baby going to be at risk for developing whooping cough? Who will put my baby at risk?
The following information will help you navigate the pertussis/whooping cough shots. When assessing information that may contradict what you have been told by health professionals, keep an open mind. Seek the truth. Many times very well meaning people have been given false information and haven’t fully researched all the facts.
Did you know that the DTaP does not prevent colonization and transmission of Diphtheria and Pertussis? It only potentially reduces the symptoms in vaccinated individuals. A study done in 2000 concludes, “Vaccinated children may be asymptomatic reservoirs for infection.” http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/6/5/00-0512_article
So the vaccinated can carry and spread the bacteria without feeling sick. That is part of the reason pertussis outbreaks are occurring in highly vaccinated populations. It also contradicts the idea that a healthy unvaccinated person is somehow more likely to spread the disease. The vaccine does not prevent against pertussis, it protects against the “whooping cough” symptom that comes along with pertussis. This may result in those who receive the vaccine being a “silent carrier” which is why pertussis is so prevalent. Grandma gets her TDaP shot and still gets pertussis but doesn’t have the number one sign of pertussis (the cough) and goes and smooches your baby – baby now has pertussis. Many scientific studies clearly acknowledge these facts.
In an article entitled, “The 112-Year Odyssey of Pertussis and Pertussis Vaccines-Mistakes Made and Implications for the Future” in the Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society, the author acknowledges: that the vaccine being given is making people more susceptible to pertussis: “Because of linked-epitope suppression, all children who were primed by DTaP vaccines will be more susceptible to pertussis throughout their lifetimes, and there is no easy way to decrease this increased lifetime susceptibility.” Cherry JD. The 112-Year Odyssey of Pertussis and Pertussis Vaccines-Mistakes Made and Implications for the Future. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc. 2019 Sep 25;8(4):334-341. doi: 10.1093/jpids/piz005. PMID: 30793754.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/30793754/
The ‘baboon study’ may be the most significant explanation of how the vaccine may mask symptoms and instead of reducing transmission – may actually increase transmission to the non vaccinated. Acellular pertussis vaccines protect against disease but fail to prevent infection and transmission in a nonhuman primate model, https://www.pnas.org/content/111/2/787
Del Bigtree from The Highwire provides a detailed passionate video illustration of the findings of the baboon study here from 14 minutes – 25 minutes.
Additionally, TDaP vaccine recipients are more likely to get other strains. https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/15/8/08-1511_article
Those who have natural immunity after contracting the disease naturally are protected. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15876927/
Is there longterm protection for children who receive all five doses of the DTaP vaccine? Waning Protection after Fifth Dose of Acellular Pertussis Vaccine in Children. Nicola P. Klein, Joan Bartlett, Ali Rowhani-Rahbar, et al. The New England Journal of Medicine, Massachusetts Medical Society, Sep 13, 2012. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1200850
Whooping cough in school age children with persistent cough: prospective cohort study in primary care states “Conclusions For school age children presenting to primary care with a cough lasting two weeks or more, a diagnosis of whooping cough should be considered even if the child has been immunised. Making a secure diagnosis of whooping cough may prevent inappropriate investigations and treatment.” BMJ 2006; 333:174 https://www.bmj.com/content/333/7560/174
So what’s a parent to do? Insisting that everyone that will come into contact with baby must be vaccinated will not offer protection from whooping cough and may, indeed, increase the risk that baby will be infected with and get whooping cough.
I believe breastfeeding is the number one immune boost your baby needs for protection against all infection. Breastfeeding is simple, but not always easy. Prioritizing successful breastfeeding means getting information and support in advance to understand and overcome potential challenges. Avoiding all nipple substitutes in the first six to eight weeks will help prevent nipple confusion and rejection by baby of the breast. The best way to become comfortable with breastfeeding is to spend time with mothers who successfully and happily breastfed their babies.
Close contact (holding, kissing, etc.) with recently vaccinated individuals should be avoided, as they are potential silent carriers, but there is no need to panic and stress. Wearing your baby in a carrier when out in public is a great way to keep baby close and protect from unwanted contact.
If baby does develop a pertussis infection, early treatment with a high dose vitamin C protocol has been highly effective. As a parent who experienced whooping cough with four of my children when they were young, I can encourage you that children do survive whooping cough.
One serious reason to be wary of the DTaP and TDaP vaccines is the high level of aluminum they contain. A deep dive into the potential harm of injecting aluminum shows that there are many possible ramifications from auto-immune disorders to neurologic (brain) injury. Parents are not given true informed consent when they are not told of the possible adverse events of injecting aluminum. The biggest question to consider is, do I want to avoid a lifetime illness, possible neurological injury, or an infection of short duration that can be treated?
Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved, blessed with a husband of over 40 years, and five precious babies all grown up. I now get to delight as ten grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.