What do stats show about facts? Analysis of VAERS data by experienced statisticians shows some alarming patterns. What can we be sure of?
“Countries that have authorized experimental injections for the alleged treatment or prevention of the alleged bundle of symptoms called “Covid-19” have given immunity to Big Pharma. That means, no prosecution or damages for harm caused.
In that environment, it has been discovered that Big Pharma has been conducting “lethal dose” “trials” on human beings by hiding “toxic” and “super toxic” experimental drugs of all kinds in among the lots of “Covid” injections with intent to kill, and gather data on the killings.
Big Pharma has labeled these hidden batches with code numbers so they can track the expected deaths to the batches, so they will know which experimental drug at what dosage has done the killing.”
A discussion of these facts and the implications with German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich and Dr Sam White from the UK can be found here. More videos on this topic can be found here or here.
I have friends (in multiple countries) who are thoroughly persuaded that everything that has been presented to them through the media and government sources is true. They also state that accepting the vaccine is a good idea for their personal health, protection, and freedom to participate in society. They stress that getting the jab is the virtuous, caring responsibility of all people and imply – directly or indirectly – that those who are not willing to participate are being selfish.
They do not want more information and seem impervious to questions that do not endorse or support their way of thinking. I wanted to put this information together in a post for those who are interested in understanding some of the statistics that you will not find in the mainstream. If you want to take a deeper dive into the statistics involved in the vaccine discussion, this 2+ hour video interview with Dr Mike Yeadon, former scientific researcher with Pfizer, will be enlightening:
The group of statisticians investigating the VAERS data has released a website where you can get specific toxicity information on the individual vaccine lots. Doctors and pharmacists should be asked to check out the toxicity all lots of the vaccines they are providing. How Bad is My Batch?

While it is true that the concept of vaccines is never mentioned in the Bible, the Bible gives us a foundation to understand what we are facing today. We have an enemy. His aim is to steal (life and happiness), kill (our bodies and spirits), and destroy (individuals, families, society) by any and all means (John 10:9). He is an expert liar (John 8:44). But he, and his minions, are not able to directly inflict harm on us. As children of God we have protection from God. But the enemy is able to trick God’s children into their own demise. He promises life and freedom. The enemy never delivers on his promises. The enemy uses fear to push us towards his agenda.
We do not need to cower in fear of the enemy. He is not powerful. He uses tricks to get us to agree to his plans. But, His tactics are repeated, making them obvious when you know what to look for. He told Eve that God was holding out on her and that there was much more to be gained by accepting his offer and eating the forbidden fruit. Adam stood silently by, watching his woman accepting the trick. Read, or re-read, Genesis 1 – 3 to understand the foundation of the devil’s tactics with mankind from the beginning.
Christians need to be aware of the evil. How often have we stood idly by in order not to face harassment in this PC dominated culture? But evil has propagated. Evil has always been attempting to lead the population into fear and destruction. These Time Magazine covers chronicle the recent attempts to generate such fear.

These modern day attempts to inflict a virus on the population at large did not gain the traction that we see worldwide from 2020. There are probably many reasons for this. Social media has played a role. Indebtedness on an individual and country level plays a role. People with power to protect, careers to protect, etc. will go along in order not to experience personal sacrifice. Pride, greed, and systemic corruption all play roles in the ability of the enemy to propagate lies to so many innocent, trusting people throughout the world.
Asking questions is vital. Critical thinking is seeking to believe more true things and believe less false things. We need to be able to understand contradictory information and discern truth. I believe Jesus Christ when He said “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” He healed many blind people. Even His disciples who spent so much time with Him, didn’t fully understand the meaning of all of His teaching. They were not able to grasp it. As ‘modern’ Christians our pride can cause us to think we know everything. We need to humbly ask God to open our eyes. May we say with the blind begger, “Lord, I want to see.” (Luke 18:41)
We also desperately need the Holy Spirit to lead and guide every thought and every decision we make. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would be given to those who accept and follow Him. I search the ancient Scriptures to learn more of the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives. John 14 and 1 John are good places to start.
I don’t have all the answers, but I do know that God wants His people to stand against evil. “Have nothing to do with the godless deeds of darkness, rather expose them.” (see more from Ephesians 5 in the turquoise box).
Here is a pastor who faced a tyrant in Zimbabwe who has insight into how Christians can discern and respond to tyrants.
- “Once tyranny reveals itself, you know you are on a trajectory that will only intensify.”
- Why it is important to recognize where we are at and what these indicators are pointing to.
- “The way to fight against darkness and evil is with truth and light.”
- We are all responsible before God to pursue truth and righteous.
There are many places in Scripture where evil was rampant in the culture and society. Some instances I’ve read recently include Josiah, as king of Judah (2 Kings 23); Daniel, inscripted into the enemy advisory force from a young age; and Nehemiah, serving a foreign king and learning of the heartache and suffering of his people in Jerusalem. These leaders had a surprising response. They all prayed with personal repentance and confession of sin. They claimed a shared responsibility for the evil that had taken hold in their lifetimes. They then sought to hear and obey God’s direction in their life. They played important roles in leading people to seek and honor God.
We desperately need revival. We need to be part of God’s work on the earth at this time. He is still building His kingdom and inviting people to receive forgiveness of sins and life through Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Repentance is the starting point.
We can proclaim this truth to a lost hurting world. More people are seeking truth than ever before. I pray you will be given power, just as promised by Jesus in Acts 1, to be God’s faithful witness to every person God brings across your path. God will open ears, minds, and hearts. We are privileged to proclaim the truth of His love and goodness.
To open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me. Acts 26:18
Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved from the life of a rebel. I’ve been blessed with a husband of 41 years, and five precious babies all grown up. I now get to delight as nine grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world. Please subscribe (below) so you don’t miss any future blogs!
“You can’t be free if you are not brave” Ben Carson
medical freedom is the deepest root of freedom