- 5 smashed ripe bananas
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 cup brown sugar
- 1 stick butter melted* (see note below)
- 1 cup flour
- 1 cup oats
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp salt
- Splash of vanilla
- 1+ 1/2 cups blueberries
Beat the wet ingredients. Add the dry ingredients and stir gently but thoroughly. Add the blueberries last and mix in gently. Pour batter into loaf pan. Bake at 375 for 20 minutes; turn oven down and bake another 20 minutes. Then test the internal temperature. Leave to cook until thermometer reads 200 in the center. Allow the loaf to cool as long as you can in the pan. Usually with the delicious aroma of fresh banana bread there is a lot of demand to cut it while it’s still hot. But it is easier to get nice slices if you have some time to wait!
I picked fresh blueberries from a local Upstate South Carolina PYO. My nearly 5 yo granddaughter said they were a bit sour, but she managed to eat them along with her waffle and syrup. The berries are small and might be considered a bit tart. I just decided on a whim to add them to a loaf of banana bread we were making together. Since she didn’t enjoy them fresh, maybe they’d be better baked. My son and DIL, hubby, and the 4 grandchildren devoured it! The combination of flavors was delectable. My DIL said plain banana bread is now ruined for her forever.
*Since I stopped using a microwave years ago, I sometimes melt butter in a saucepan. This time I just stuck the whole stick of butter into the loaf pan and put it in the oven as it was heating up. Once it was melted, I poured it into the batter. I found that very convenient as it coats the loaf pan and reduces clean up!
Sorry. No pictures. Eaten far too fast for pictures.
Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. “By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved, blessed with a husband of 40 years, and have five precious babies all grown up. I now get to delight as nine grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.“
May I recommend adding walnuts? Lots of them. Also, I often add the carrot pulp from my juicer instead of some of the flour. You can also substitute coconut flour and almond flour for some of the regular wheat flour. Substituting these for regular flour is very good in making carrot cake. I use honey or maple syrup instead of sugar. Another banana favorite of ours is frozen banana smoothiie….add frozen banana to yogurt in a blender. Just the 2 ingredients. The bananas should be very ripe before you freeze them….peel them first then put in a plastic bag in the freezer. They keep, frozen, for a long time.
I absolutely LOVE walnuts and will certainly add them to most things. I just wanted to record exactly what I did at my son’s house with my granddaughter as a starting point for future attempts. That loaf was delectable! I’ll keep your substitutions in mind. I made something similar to your frozen banana/yogurt idea and put it into popsicle holders for the grandchildren visiting. In addition to the yogurt and banana, I added chopped dates, peanut butter, raw milk, and cacao powder. I wasn’t sure how they would go down since they weren’t very sweet. I didn’t want to add honey so the 10 mo baby could have some. I was pleased that they were a big hit with 8 grandchildren who eat food (the youngest is still EBF). I’ve been freezing bananas for decades. Great for smoothies, pancakes, and banana bread. The blueberries just add a level of zest I was unaware of! Always something new to learn…
Thanks for sharing your recipe! I will try it!
Great. Let me know how it goes! Maybe you can take a picture!