Confessions of a zombie nurse. Here is a riveting interview with a self confessed zombie nurse. She admits to being so programmed it took personal experience of multiple injuries over many years before she finally made the connection to exactly what impact vaccines had on her own health. Unfortunately her awakening did not happen until after her first son developed autism.
Jennifer Walter’s raw honesty is incredibly helpful. She is an amazing activist NOW, but her story will help you understand the ‘pro shot mania’ clearly seen in other medical professionals who obviously care about children, but are unable to SEE the harm – even when it is right in front of their eyes.
Jennifer is now an autism recovery consultant and extremely vocal about educating parents on the harm of vaccines and what can be done about it. She is a breath of fresh air: once blind, she now sees. She is not keeping this news to herself, but wants every parent to 1) understand the harm caused by vaccines, Rhogam shots during pregnancy, and vitamin K shots at birth; and 2) help parents recover their children from the toxic impact of these injections.

Journeyboost is authored and maintained by Becky Hastings in the hope of assisting parents and others to make wise decisions for the health and future of their families. Please find much more vaccine information starting here.