I sent this fax to the Senate Committee who meet on March 5, 2019 to discuss the measles ‘outbreak’. I have included all the members of the committee, along with their phone numbers and fax numbers. I called my state representative. I told him I had a one page fax for him and asked how I could get this information to all members of the committee in advance. The staffer offered to fax a copy to all the members on the committee after I faxed it to him. So, please contact your representative and prepare your own words so that they will be able to consider the true risk of harm from vaccines and the danger of vaccine mandates! There are FREE websites where you can send faxes.
From: Rebecca Hastings, Health Researcher & Author
Anderson, South Carolina
Please direct all responses to: beckyspd@gmail.com
To Senator Tim Scott
As per my telephone conversation with Kendrick on 1 March 2019, I would like every member of the Senate Committee for Health, Education, Labor and Pensions to receive this information prior to their committee meeting on 5 March 2019.

Regarding hearings on the recent measles outbreaks and vaccine mandates
Please consider:
- The pubic has been told repeatedly that “vaccines are safe,” yet HHS has paid out over $4 billion since 1988 for proven vaccine injury and death after vaccines. The US Supreme Court has ruled vaccines as “unavoidably unsafe”. Vaccines pose a serious risk of adverse reactions.
- The Nuremburg Code outlines the principles a free society must maintain on medical experimentation and the use of force or coercion in medical procedures. Individuals must retain the right to refuse any medical procedure.
- The recent Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the HOR Committee on Energy & Commerce spent 90 minutes but received very one-sided input on this issue. All opinion holders on this controversial issue must be heard. Dr Theresa Deisher, Dr Chris Shaw, and Dr Toni Bark are just a few of many highly qualified individuals who have expertise to address the health concerns regarding vaccines. Additionally Physicians for Informed Consent (physiciansforinformedconsent.org) and Children’s Health Defense (www.childrenshealthdefense.org) can provide the committee with vital information on known risks of vaccines, and the danger of mandates for all citizens.
- Vaccines are the only product where the manufacturers face no liability. Having a 100% liability free product mandated on most children via CDC recommendations is a bonanza. Every vaccine manufacturer has been found guilty of fraud for their other drugs. How can we trust that their vaccine divisions are free from fraud if we cannot hold them responsible? Pharmaceutical influence must be considered in this debate. Each member of this committee must disclose all financial ties to industry in order for full transparency. Individual health must not be coerced on the basis of the power of this industry protected from liability.
- HHS received a mandate to ensure vaccine safety but has admitted that they have not fulfilled this mandate for over 30 years.
- The FDA/CDC/NIH can produce no evidence that any vaccine has ever been tested against a true placebo. Further, none of these organizations can provide any evidence that the entire vaccine schedule recommended for children (72 doses of 16 vaccines from birth – 18 years) has ever been tested for safety.
- Most vaccine package inserts state clearly that it has not been tested for carcinogenic (cancer causing) properties, mutagenic (mutation causing) properties, or teratogenic (developmental malformation causing) potential. To force these untested products on the population is unconscionable.
These are not ‘unverifiable facts,’ ‘internet rumors,’ or ‘fake news.’
For further information please see the letter written by Jane M. Orient, M.D., Executive Director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) written on 26 February 2019. https://aapsonline.org/measles-outbreak-and-federal-vaccine-mandates/
Rebecca Hastings
Anderson, SC
Thank you for all of the time you took to do this! I appreciate your efforts to fight this tyranny. God bless,
Your boldness is inspiring! Thanks for taking up this important matter and for all that you do to promote the cause. Ignorance is not bliss in this case. It could be very harmful for those consenting to the current accepted policies. And, it could create more harm for the general population if blind or corrupt legislation continues. I’m proud to call you my sister!
Thanks Gary, Your comment brought tears to my eyes! Thanks for READING and taking the time to comment. It seems the ‘guests’ for the hearing on Tuesday have already been invited and it is a completely stacked deck against revealing the true vaccine risks. We pray for TRUTH to shine brightly so that parents can be free to protect their babies. Governments throughout the ages have targeted babies for harm. Remember Egypt at the time of Moses and Bethlehem when Jesus was born. Babies are an easy target, but our God is greater.