Doctors Learn Vaccine Risk

Struggling to understand how good doctors can advise parents to follow dangerous medical practises? Dr Moss, highly qualified practising physician, and Professor teaching young doctors, has a unique understanding.

Another doctor explains his viewpoint of the direction of our country, especially the medical system and the desire for total control. His childhood experience of being forced to flee from Vietnam gives him insight into the direction of medical care and practice in this country.

Thank you to the Vaxxed Team for their tireless collection of real life stories of vaccine injury and awakening to the truth.

Dr Neides from Ohio was fired after writing a blog post in which he explains his adverse reaction to a flu vaccine and began asking questions about vaccine safety. The way he was treated by the medical establishment launched him into a detailed investigation of the history and safety of vaccines. In this segment of his talk, he makes 8 specific points regarding why he now questions vaccines.

Dr Neides warns us that Pharma is now racing to bring 140 new vaccines to the public. In many states there are campaigns to mandate vaccines for school attendance, as was passed by California in 2015. What are you doing to learn and share the truth?

What is your story?

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.


3 thoughts on “Doctors Learn Vaccine Risk

  1. Pingback: A Loving Entreaty | Journey Boost

  2. Pingback: Unvaccinated: Why growing numbers of parents are choosing natural immunity | Journey Boost

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