Did CDC collude with HHS and IOM to obfuscate the facts, while at the same time awarding one family ±$20M in damages when vaccines caused regressive autism? Hannah Poling’s father was a neurologist. Bailey Banks’ family also received compensation for vaccine injury. His symptoms are also ASD.
This is all old news, yet the majority of parents who obediently take their children for vaccine injections, have NO IDEA that millions of dollars have been paid out to at least 1,322 families for vaccine injury that caused brain damage – something like ASD. While some families received compensation for vaccine injury – the 5,000 families that sought justice through the Autism Omnibus proceedings in the VICP were denied. Dr Brian Hooker is one of those parents whose son developed regressive vaccine induced autism and he was part of the Omnibus proceedings denied by the VICP. Since his son’s vaccine injury he has tirelessly researched the facts, the studies, and the data – and he has the credentials to do so because he is a research scientist with a PhD. He speaks openly about CDC collusion with Dr Suzanne Humphries in this 4 minute video:
In a 2009 piece published by the Huffington Post, Robert F Kennedy Jr reports:
“an explosive investigation by CBS News has found that since 1988, the vaccine court has awarded money judgments, often in the millions of dollars, to thirteen hundred and twenty two families whose children suffered brain damage from vaccines. In many of these cases, the government paid out awards following a judicial finding that vaccine injury lead to the child’s autism spectrum disorder.” https://
www.huffingtonpost.com/ robert-f-kennedy-jr-and-dav id-kirby/ vaccine-court-autism-deba_b _169673.html
Autism Speaks reports on some of the details of the Hannah Poling case:
“Hannah was developing typically until a regressive episode at 18 months that closely followed the 9 vaccinations she received at a well-baby visit. Further testing revealed that Hannah 1) developed autism and 2) had the metabolic signature of a mitochondrial disorder which may have made her vulnerable to injury from the vaccines themselves or the fever that commonly accompanies vaccines and many childhood illnesses.” Autism Speaks
The Federal ‘Vaccine Court’ officials conceded that Hannah’s underlying mitochondrial dysfunction was aggravated by her vaccines, leading to fever and an “immune stimulation that exceeded metabolic reserves.” http://
What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You
Most families who suffer injury or death from vaccines have at least two things in common: 1) they were denied informed-consent by their doctor (package insert) so they could not make an informed-choice, and 2) they were not told that any adverse reaction should be reported by a doctor to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the database that compiles information on each vaccine injury and death.Without informed consent, parents feel rushed to judgment. They do not know that combining childhood vaccines at one visit is not safe. They do not learn that each vaccine contains multiple antigens (i.e., pneumococcal vaccine contains 13 antigens), carcinogens (formaldehyde), antibiotics, fetal tissue cells, and heavy metals (aluminum, mercury). They are not told that since 1990, the VAERS database has received more than 500,000 reports of suspected adverse reactions to vaccines. Or that VAERS is a passive reporting system that reflects a 50-fold underreporting of adverse events representing only 1% of actual events. Without real information, parents do not question the growing vaccine schedule deemed “safe and effective” and Congress has no incentive to abolish a Vaccine Court that serves to hide the truth about a growing vaccine-injury epidemic. [see more http://www.natureofhealing.org/cdc-vaccine-court-create-epidemic-autism/
If you are just beginning your exploration of the truth about vaccines, you might find this ‘Table of Contents‘ page helpful.

Thank you for sharing this information. What has happened with the increase in vaccines given to our children over last decade is disgusting. That’s why we need more states licensing naturopathic doctors who believe in informed consent and parents choice to vaccinate. Furthermore many NDs believe in the body’s natural ability to fight disease and become immune. If there were more access to NDs, then perhaps the vaccine induced injuries crisis that we seem to be facing wouldn’t exist.