“This is my daughter. The first photo of her and I was before she received the Hep B vaccine. The next is the very last photo I got of her. To me she looked almost sickly in the second photo. She passed that following morning between 6:50-7:20 am, exactly 36 hours after receiving the Hep B vaccine at 14 days old. She weighed 4 lb 6 oz and was mildly jaundiced. She had not even reached her due date. I feel so robbed. My baby was stolen from me.
My precious beautiful baby girl. My first daughter. I found out I was pregnant with her August 17, 2013. She was born at 34.5 weeks on April 10, 2014. She received the Hepatitis B shot on April 24, 2014. She passed on April 26, 2014. She was just 16 days old.
I was going to take her to the ER that morning if she was still lethargic like she was the day before. Unfortunately she never made it, because I TRUSTED her doctor. I called and he said she would be fine, it’s just from the vaccine. Yeah. It was from the vaccine. Little did I know it was causing her liver and heart to go into failure.
I feel so much guilt. I think of all the things I COULD have done, all the things I SHOULD have done. I have a hard time forgiving myself, and accepting the fact it wasn’t my fault. But I feel like it was, I should have trusted my gut, because my gut was SCREAMING don’t vaccinate her. That’s why I had refused to give her the shot while still in the hospital, but they threatened me with cps, and told me I’d get my kids taken if I didn’t vaccinate her. I’m not Hep B positive. Newborns don’t do drugs and don’t have sex. Why was it SO imperative to inject my preemie with the toxins that killed her? And the worst part is, I can’t even hold the doctor who forced it accountable! So moms, dads, and anyone else reading this, if you have any doubt, or if your gut/instinct is screaming NO, LISTEN. It’s there for a reason. Please listen to it, I wish I did, it may save your child’s life.”
A heartbroken mother.
Be prepared. Get the facts on vaccines, especially Hepatitis B. Say NO to unnecessary vaccines. Hepatitis B is recommended by the CDC for all full-term infants on the first day of life. Preemies are recommended to get the shot at one month. Why? Get the facts on Hepatitis B, the true risk of the disease versus the risk of this injection which contains 250 mcg of aluminium and up to 15 mcg/mL residual formaldehyde. See vaccine package insert.
Protect your baby. Nothing is more precious than the life of your children.
PS. This comment was added below, but is so significant, I decided to quote it here:
“Years ago Dr. Sears pointed out how easy it is to check online… to see how things don’t add up. He pointed out that the AMA’s own web site cautions that the maximum safe dose of aluminum hydroxide for a baby (not even a newborn!) is 25 micrograms; Then you could check the vaccine ingredients online and see that the Hep B shot by Merck, contains 250 micrgrams of Aluminum Hydroxide or 1000% of the (allegedly) safe dose. The truly egregious thing here, is that even if doctors are not aware of this information, which they ought to be, they have ready access to it. It is beyond unconscionable to administer a Hep B shot to anyone, with its aluminum content.. it’s criminal. Giving it to a premature baby.. should be viewed as manslaughter, or even homicide.” V Christine Bingham.
Becky Hastings, author, speaker, vaccine safety education spokesperson. And a wife, mother, and grandmother who is passionate about health and Jesus Christ, the Resurrected Savior and Lord.
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Just a comment on the comments; Years ago Dr. Sears pointed out how easy it is to check online.. to see how things don’t add up. He pointed out that the AMA’s own web site cautions that the maximum safe dose of aluminum hydroxide for a baby (not even a newborn!) is 25 micrograms; Then you could check the vaccine ingredients online and see that the Hep B shot by Merck, contains 250 micrgrams of Aluminum Hydroxide or 1000% of the (allegedly) safe dose. The truly egregious thing here, is that even if doctors are not aware of this information, which they ought to be, they have ready access to it. It is beyond unconscionable to administer a Hep B shot to anyone, with its aluminum content.. it’s criminal. Giving it to a premature baby.. should be viewed as manslaughter, or even homicide.
Thank you Christine. You comment is extremely significant. I think I will quote it in the main body.
Citation please. I can not find this information on the AMA website. In fact, infants take in 100 mcg/kg/d of Aluminium
My sources say that the Hep B vaccine contains 125 micrograms of Aluminum. What is your source of .25 micrograms? That is a lot less than 125 micrograms. Can you check that and let me know. Thanks.
Thanks so much for pointing that fact out. I had the facts wrong. This is straight from the vaccine package insert by Merck, “All formulations contain approximately 0.5 mg of aluminum (provided as amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate, previously referred to as aluminum hydroxide) per mL of vaccine. In each formulation, hepatitis B surface antigen is adsorbed onto approximately 0.5 mg of aluminium (provided as amorphous aluminium hydroxyphosphate sulphate) per mL of vaccine.” So, since the vaccine dose given to infants is .5 ml, the amount of aluminium in each dose is .250 mg or 250 mcg. I will edit the post to reflect the correct information. I always appreciate editing suggestions!
Thank you