Natural Headache Remedy


Fortunately I don’t often suffer with headaches. Headaches, like all symptoms we experience in our body, is a signal that our body is trying to tell us something.  When anyone tells me of an approaching headache (not migraine) I have a standard 3 part remedy.  The sooner you learn to respond to the signals, the sooner you will feel better.

  1. Drink a big glass of spring water (dehydration is often involved);
  2. Lie down and take 10 deep breaths, exhaling slowly. It should take several minutes – longer than you thought! Seriously deep breaths, very controlled. Loooooooong breath in followed by a loooooooong breath out.  Usually the headache is gone before they get to 10. If you still have pain, then…
  3. Walk around outside on the earth barefoot. The edge of the sea is good, or wet grass, but any connection with the earth. The negative electrons are flowing out of the earth and are a great pain reliever.

I know it might seem quite odd – but I would rather do these three things than swallow any chemical concoction produced in a laboratory!

Sometimes people who struggle with migraines have an offending food that triggers it. I am definitely not experienced with migraines, but maybe these tips can help you if you catch it early enough. Let me know.

A friend recently shared this headache remedy:

Got a pretty bad headache this evening, which was a good thing, because I finally got to test out Turmeric mixed with coconut oil as a remedy. Totally worked! I was headache free in 20 minutes.

So maybe I should add it after the water and before the deep breaths.  I don’t think it could hurt and we can all use more coconut oil to enhance our brain function!

Let me know if any of these tips help reduce or relieve your headaches.  The really important part is to REMEMBER what you need to do as soon as you start feeling it coming on!

An Invitation to Group Coaching

Would you, or someone you know like to …Snow Collage Cropped

  • Feel more energetic?
  • Sleep better and wake up refreshed?
  • Restore or maintain youthful vitality as you grow older?
  • Navigate the maze of health information with confidence?

We all know some things we could do better to improve our health or lifestyle.  What keeps us from doing the things we know are good for us?

Do you desire motivation and support so that you can gain momentum and get over those initial hurdles towards a healthier you?

You are invited to join a JumpStart Mastermind for Health Group. Be part of the top 5% of the population that owns their own health.  Receive information, inspiration and encouragement on your personal health journey.  Find the health you desire one baby step at a time.

You will:

  • Connect virtually with a small group of individuals who are contemplating making significant health changes for the better!
  • JumpStart your health journey with a minimum three-month commitment.
  • Participate in one 90 minute group coaching call per month
  • Receive one 50 minute individual coaching session per month.
  • Connect with your JumpStart Mastermind for Health Group privately on Facebook.

Special introductory rate:  $75 per month.  There are a limited number of places available either in the morning or evening.

Mastermind groups provide the ideal environment to make small sustainable life changes.  Each participant is committed to their own positive progress and will cheer for every step you take on your journey.  Together we are stronger and can accomplish what we never thought possible.

This JumpStart Mastermind for Health Group will be coached by Becky Hastings.  Becky has been coaching similar groups for over 20 years and is passionate about effectively helping you achieve your own goals.

Head ShotIf you need more information before deciding if the JumpStart Mastermind for Health Group is
for you, feel free to  email or phone 470 774 0285. Please schedule your 30 minute free inquiry call so you can fully explore how this might work for you.I look forward to hearing from you and helping you achieve your health goals!


Talk bubblesWhether we are conscious of it or not, we all use self-talk.  Sometimes we use it positively when facing fears or trying to increase our motivation.  But many times we are our own worst enemy and sabotage our best efforts through our self-talk.  This is an exercise that will help you to analyze your thoughts, your life and where your self-talk could be taking you.

What is your current self-talk?  You might not even be aware of it.  The thoughts or feelings (that don’t always make themselves into comprehensible words or sentences) you experience in your mind are powerful and you need to pay attention.  If you are stuck, if you are not making the kind of progress you desire, if you are not currently feeling the energy and joy you would like in your life, I suggest an exercise to pay more attention to your self-talk.  Over the next 10-30 days begin to note some of the things you say to yourself, or try to articulate some of the feelings you are experiencing.  Things like…

  • This pain is killing me.
  • The only thing that helps this pain is taking NSAIDs.
  • I’ve messed up.
  • It’s too late.
  • I can’t change.
  • This relationship can’t be fixed.
  • I’m so stuck.
  • I’m beyond redemption.
  • I catch every bug around.
  • My child is just clumsy.  (Not self-talk, but damaging ‘parent-talk’  whether it is stated or  just thought.)

Once you determine some of the tapes that are regularly playing in your brain and sometimes that slip out in conversation, write them down.

Now take each statement and ask yourself:

  1. Is this true?  Or is it a misinterpretation?  Define more exactly your situation.  Is this an actual fact?
  2. What do you become by believing this information?  How does it make you feel? How does it impact your experience of life?
  3. Realize that you are programming this thought into your brain.  What would life be like if this thought didn’t exist?
  4. Replace your old self-talk/thought with a newly framed look at your situation.

Old thought

New thought

This pain is killing me. My body is regenerating.
I’m never gonna get better. I get better everyday.
I don’t have any friends. I attract love and deep friendship.
This relationship is hopeless. This pain is part of my healing process.
This is a hopeless situation. God is at work in this situation.

This process will change your feelings.  You need to dial into a new brain channel.

Awareness of self-talk and deliberately challenging our automatic response is the first step towards changing in a very significant way.  Begin your conscious exploration of self-talk today.  Make a commitment to yourself to be more encouraging.  Look for information and ideas that help you see your life with all its potential.

What is the best new phrase you would like to repeat daily to yourself?

I can…

I Can...


There are many things in my life that I have no control over.

For instance, I can’t change other people.  But I decided to make a list of things I can do; things God can help me do.

  • I can walk with integrity;
  • I can be an example of health, vitality and enthusiasm;
  • I can share winsomely with whoever God brings across my path; whomever God gives ears to hear;
  • I can have compassion – especially for those suffering damage from iatrogenic  causes;
  • I can help train others with similar passions to be sensitive spokespeople for health;
  • I can campaign;
  • I can educate myself;
  • I can make information clear and available;
  • I can share truth about God with fellow travelers – gradually with sensitivity;
  • I can write to impact;
  • I can seek to be a difference maker, continuously exploring ways of effectively making a difference with others.

Those are some of the things I can do.  I am sure I can think of some more.   Even if your current situation is not optimal, what are the things you can do?

Thanksgiving 2015Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counsellor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

The Value of Coaching – WOW!

Light image croppedI sort of thought, “I don’t really need coaching.” Coaching is about change. I don’t have a burning area of my life where I feel the need of help to make some changes. My life has been about not accepting the status quo and pushing the boundaries in most areas. I had natural births and even progressed to home births. I breastfed my children and then added nutritious healthy foods and tried to teach my children over the years what health was all about. After starting the first three children in schools, we bucked the system and have home schooled five children, four down, one with only a little of high school left to go. I am always learning and seeking new information and applying it to my life. I coach myself through my stuff.  I interact with God through His word and the guidance and presence of the Holy Spirit. I don’t really need a coach to help me work through issues.

In a brief previous encounter with coaching, I was very worried about what to say, how I would come across and what the coach’s personal opinion of me was going to be. I was reluctant to be real, but I didn’t know who I should try to be!

Wow. I was wrong.  Coaching is a powerful vehicle for so many reasons.

Coaching forces you to think through in advance the topic for your coaching session. This is a valuable exercise in and of itself. It forced me to think through the different aspects of my life and come up with one specific thing to focus the coaching call on. Completing a Coaching Prep Form was hard to do and it is easy to want to put it off or avoid it completely, but the exercise and discipline of doing it was very helpful.

In anticipation of the coaching call I was a bit nervous.  There seemed to be a lot going on in my emotions and my soul and focusing on the one thing for the call was hard. I was afraid I wasn’t going to gain any value from the experience. I was thinking it was going to be a waste of time – mine and the coach’s. If I had been paying money for the experience (which I wasn’t because it was part of our class “coaching practical”) I would have been tense in advance thinking that it was also going to be a waste of money.

I couldn’t have been more wrong! My experience has again reinforced to me that coaching is extremely valuable. Even though I was vague and had a hard time trying to find the best topic to use this ‘valuable’ time for, the opportunity of spending 30+ minutes entirely focused on me and my current issues was powerful beyond my ability to express it in words.

In regular ordinary life there are rare opportunities when we are able to connect with another human being and share what is on our heart – or in the depths of our soul. Usually another person can only handle limited amounts and in conversation will quickly jump to a similar experience they have had, or the may express their opinion about what we could try or what we ‘absolutely MUST DO’ – advise that we may or may not appreciate! These interchanges are normal and we all experience them. It is part of the give and take of close relationships and friendships.

Coaching is so different. A coach is devoted to you, the client, for the entire conversation. They are focused on your world, taking notes of the things you say, reminding you of who you are and your previous statements about your own reality. They do not advise or instruct – that is the furthest thing from their agenda. They desire to help you see your situation more clearly, in light of your past, your present and your future. Their goal is not to build or deepen the relationship of mutual friendship, so they do not have a strong need to share their current situation. Their only goal is to be a facilitator of your exploration and progress in life.

The coaching call is also structured. It is not just a rambling counseling session. The agenda is clear and you, the client, end the call with ‘something’. But the coach doesn’t have their own agenda about what that something must be. They don’t have a preconceived plan of action for you. They want to be a facilitator to help you find your own agenda, your own action point for the end of the session.

Again, I cannot express adequately in words how valuable such an experience was for me. I am thoroughly and completely convinced that the experience of relating to a coach can bring enormous value to anyone. Witnessing ‘coaching in progress’ has opened my eyes to this forward focused approach of helping others and I am wildly enthusiastic to share this treasure that I have been given.

If you would like to explore life coaching more….


Vaccine Science Resources


There is an overwhelming amount of information available to help you get to the truth on your journey of understanding vaccines. The following information will provide hours of learning. While I don’t necessarily endorse every word from every talk or paper presented below, this list contains a great basic course for anyone interested in learning about vaccines.

Vaccines and Health Lecture by Dr. Suzanne Humphries PART 1
Dr. Suzanne Humphries PART 2.
Dr. Suzanne Humphries PART3.

Vaccines: Honesty vs. Policy by Dr. Suzanne Humphries

PART I: Is Dr Humphries a Quack Homeopath?
PART 2: Vaccination of Kidney Patients. Where’s the Science?
PART 3: Reviewing the Situation
PART 4: Trailblazers and Outliers
PART 5: One Size Does Not Fit All
PART 6: The Business of Vaccination

Polio by Dr Suzanne Humphries

Vaccines: The Risks, the Benefits, and Choices by Dr Sherri Tenpenny
Vaccines: What CDC and Science Reveal by Dr Sherri Tenpenny
Mercury, Autism, and the Global Vaccine Agenda by David Ayoub, MD
How Vaccines Harm Child Brain Development by Dr Russell Blaylock MD
Vaccines & Immunoexcitotoxicity by Dr. Russell Blaylock
Why do parents refuse to vaccinate their children? A discussion of the Omnibus Autism Proceeding
The Exploding Autoimmune Epidemic by Dr Tent
Science: Vaccines/Autism/Chronic Illness, Corruption by Dr. Judy Mikovits

The Silent Epidemic –
Trace Amounts –
The Greater Good –
Shots In The Dark –
Vaccination – The Hidden Truth –
Vaccine Nation –
Lethal Injection –
Bought –
Deadly Immunity –
Autism – Made in the USA –
Beyond Treason –
Why We Don’t Vaccinate –
The Truth Behind Vaccinations-

Catalogue of Science.

General Articles which contain Many Links to Studies

A collection of peer reviewed studies!the-factsscience/cc2d

Less allergies and asthma in unvaccinated children

Unvaccinated Children are Healthier

German study showing unvaxed kids are healthier

Unvaxed children who are they and where do they live?

Regressive Autism and Heavy Metals

Paul Offit conflict of interest. This is important because Dr Offit is the person who says that children can have 10,000 vaccines at a time, and he owns the patent on the RotaTeq (Rotavirus) vaccine.

What, in Fact, Is the Evidence That Vaccinating Healthcare Workers against Seasonal Influenza Protects Their Patients? A Critical Review  The Evidence says No Benefit          

Adverse Events

DTaP and allergies and respiratory symptoms among children and adolescents in the United States.

Elevated risks on ER visits 1-2 weeks following vaccines

Analysis of autoimmune diseases and genetic relationship to vaccinations against infectious diseases.

   Full study here:

Too Many Vaccines, Adverse Events, and Injuries

Overuse of vaccines overcomes natural autoimmunity and creates autoimmune- disorders  Japanese study

Repeated immunization with antigen causes systemic autoimmunity in mice otherwise not prone to spontaneous autoimmune diseases

Connection between vaccines and GBS, ITP, MS, and myperiocarditis

Connection between vaccines and autoimmune diseases

Correlation between the number of infant deaths and the number of vaccines

Relative trends in hospitalizations and mortality among infants by the number of vaccine doses and age, based on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 1990-2010.

Subtle DNA changes and the overuse of vaccines in autism

Vaccines Do Irreparable Harm: Study from Poland

Fetal Deaths and Miscarriage 

16.7% miscarry afterDTaP

Administration of aluminium to neonatal mice in vaccine-relevant amounts is associated with adverse long term neurological outcomes.

Flu Vaccine and miscarriage increase

Maternal Transfer of Mercury on Developing Fetus

2 vaccines cause increase in fetal deaths in 2009/2010


History of Infant Mortality Rates

SIDS after hexavalent vaccine

Infant mortality and vaccine schedule

Adverse effects on vaccinating premies

Infant mortality and vaccines study 

Correlation between the number of infant deaths and the number of vaccines     (might be temporarily unavailable)

Both twins die after vaccines

Contamination in Vaccines 

Contamination of vaccines

Cancer contamination in vaccines

Contamination in vaccines    

Fetal cells that are tumorgenic can contaminate healthy cell DNA

Peer reviewed study on fetal cell contamination with retro virus associated with autism and cancer

Adverse Events Connected to Vaccines 

Vaccines increase the risk of cardiovascular events

Neurological Events following Vaccines

Myocarditis after Multiple Vaccinations

Genetic heritability and shared environmental factors among twin pairs with Autism

Vaccines and auto immune disease

Yellow fever vaccine caused a similar but more deadly disease    

Ingredients and Adverse Event Studies

Connection with Ethylene Glycol (2-phenoxyethanol) with infertility

Please see first link on this page on refurbished rogue, for more info.  Chidren receive 17 injections with this chemical before the age of 18

Ethalene glycol and significant reproductive and developmental toxicity

Thimerosal and adverse events (download article)

Thimerosal Detoxification and A Decrease in Glutathione

Children with mercury toxic enchephalopathies and regressive autism

Adjuvants and increased risk of   ASIA autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome,  Guillain-Barre syndrome, and Adult-Still’s disease

Asthma more prevalent in vaccinated populations

Is infant immunization a risk factor for childhood asthma or allergy?

Infection, vaccines and other environmental triggers of autoimmunity. 

Adverse Drug Reactions

Study on adverse drug reactions in Shanghai- the  highest number was with vaccines


A list of  86+ research papers…subscription site  free sign up

Genetic markers and toxins in vaccines link to autism

Heavy Metals in Hair Samples from Severely Autistic Children

Conjugate Vaccines may predispose children to autism disorders

Abnormal measles-mumps-rubella antibodies and CNS autoimmunity in children with autism.

A positive association found between autism prevalence and childhood vaccination uptake across the U.S.

Causal relationship between vaccine induced immunity and autism

Subtle DNA changes and the overuse of vaccines in autism

Vaccine and Autism- a New Scientific Review 

Summary of previous Journal of Immunology

Autism and Resulting Medical Conditions:  3 mg pdf.

Mercury toxic encephalopathy  manifesting with clinical symptoms of regressive autistic disorders. 

Relation of mercury to high autism rates in boys

Elevated levels of measles in children with Autism

Abnormal MMR antibodies in children with autism

Tylenol, MMR and Autism – A parent survey study

A Positive Association found between Autism Prevalence and Childhood Vaccination

Peer reviewed study on fetal cell contamination with retro virus associated with autism and cancer 

Study documentation- Dr Deisher

Autism and mercury poisoning

Hypothesis: conjugate vaccines may predispose children to autism spectrum disorders

Rise in autism coincides with rise in vaccines


Intracellular ROS generator promotes hepatic and neurological diseases

Data linking aluminum, acetomenophen and autism

full study here:

Aluminum overload increases oxidative stress in four functional brain areas of neonatal rats

Aluminum and neurological symptoms

Aluminum vaccine adjuvants- are they safe?

Mechanisms of aluminum adjuvant toxicity and autoimmunity in pediatric populations

Aluminum hydroxide injections lead to motor deficits and motor neuron degeneration

Macrophagic myofasciitis and chronic fatigue syndrome

full text-

Aluminum in vaccines found to cause gulf war syndrome

Empirical Data Confirm Autism Symptoms Related to Aluminum and Acetaminophen Exposure†

Aluminum in central nervous system: toxicity to humans and animals and autoimmunity

Toxicity of aluminum in pediatric populations

Is aluminum safe?

Aluminum in Neo Natal Mice in Vaccine Amounts Associated in Long Term Adverse Neurological Outcomes

Varicella (chicken pox) and Shingles 

Natural immunity traced for more dangerous forms of shingles and chicken pox with vaccines

Shingles vaccine shedding

DTaP and Pertussis 

Australian study linking DTaP to Dravet’s syndrome

Study on effectiveness of DTaP on teens and adults…only 53%

Increased asthma in vaccinated children – 2 times greater

New strain of pertussis, not unvaccinated responsible for outbreaks

New strain renders current vaccine ineffective they want to study giving more and earlier

In low-income countries with high mortality, DTP as the last vaccine received may be associated with slightly increased mortality

DTaP with or after measles vaccination increased in-hospital mortality in Guinea-Bissau.

Effects of DTaP vaccination on allergies and allergy-related respiratory symptoms among children and adolescents in the United States.

Acute Fulminant Myocarditis After DTaP

3 month infant with myocarditis  (full text available to download as pdf)

Delay in DTaP reduces the risk of asthma

Persistant seizures after DTaP within 24 hours

DTap schedule ineffective to prevent outbreaks

Under or unvaxed kids do NOT contribute to outbreaks of pertussis

Pertussis vaccine doesn’t work…need new vaccines

16.7% miscarry afterDTaP

UK study on risk vs benefit of Pertussis


Material data on transfer of mercury to fetus

Mercury is still used in the manufacturing of vaccines, but it is in such low amounts they are not required to list it. Mercury is used full strength in 4 vaccines: Fluvarin multi dose vials, Fluvirin multi dose vials, Flulaval, and Fluzone multi dose vials. You will not know if you are getting mercury unless you know what brand and type you are getting.

Trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine in influenza-related hospitalization in children. There is a 3 fold risk of hospitalization with those who received this vaccine.

Increased Risk of Noninfluenza Respiratory Virus Infections Associated With Receipt of Inactivated Influenza Vaccine

Link between flu vaccines and fetal deaths and still births

Fetal Deaths during 2008-2010 flu season

2 vaccines cause increase in fetal deaths in 2009/2010

Flu Vaccine and miscarriage increase

Narcolepsy increased after 2009 flu vaccine

Blood markers and side effects of influenza vaccine

Findings show that the influenza vaccination causes transient changes in select markers of inflammation and lipids

Flu mist shedding  see page 4

(Review to rewrite the package insert to reflect transmission and shedding)

Flu vaccine and Guilliane Barre

Subacute thyroiditis and dyserythropoesis after influenza vaccination suggesting immune dysregulation.

Article on flu vaccine in British Medical Journal 

Increased risk of noninfluenza respiratory virus infections associated with receipt of inactivated influenza vaccine.  

Hep B 

Link between Hep B vaccine and rheumatic autoimmune disorders

Autoimmune Hazards of  Hep B Vaccines

full article:

Study supporting the connection between vaccine and MS

Confirms long term risk between vaccine and MS

Ophthalmological complications Reported

Hep B and Epstein-Barr

Fibro and Chronic Fatigue after Hep B

Heb B vaccine and Guilliane Barre

3 fold increase in autism in boys injected as neonates (greater risk in non white children)

Rheumatic Disorders Developed after Hep B Vaccine

Vaccinated infants have increased risk of contracting Hep B as teens. A study in 2 villages in Africa over 14 years

Autoimmunity following hepatitis B vaccine as part of the spectrum of Autoimmune Syndrome induced by Adjuvants : analysis of 93 cases

Israeli Study about Pemphigus after Hep B Vaccine. (Pemphigus is an autoimmune blistering disease caused by autoantibodies)

A case controlled study of serious autoimmune events following Hep B vaccine

Study of Identical Twins and adverse events after Heb B vaccine

Systemic polyarteritis nodosa two months after hepatitis B in teen patient

Hepatitis vaccination male neonates and Autism diagnosis 1997- 2002  

Hemophilus influenza B (HiB) 

Haemophilus influenza type b (Hib) is a bacterial infection that can cause severe illnesses in children, including meningitis, epiglottis, pneumonia, arthritis, and cellulitis.

VAERS data following HiB vaccine 1990- 2013

Includes 29 747 reports after Hib vaccines; 5179 (17%) were serious, including 896 reports of deaths. Median age was 6 months (range 0-1022 months). Sudden infant death syndrome was the stated cause of death in 384 (51%) of 749 death reports with autopsy/death certificate records.

Relation between childhood diabetes and vaccine

full article here:

New serotypes appear after vaccine programs (new mutations that are vaccine resistant).

4 cases of Guilliane Barre reported after Hib vaccine

Animal studies on bronchial hyperactivity after Hib vaccine

Disease caused by Meningitis vaccine. Centers for Disease Control in six areas of the United States revealed a 1.8-fold (95% CI, 0.3 to 10.2) increase in the occurrence of invasive disease caused by H influenza type b in the first week after immunization.


An unmasking phenomenon in an observational post-licensure safety study of adolescent girls and young women.

Article on Dangers of HPV vaccine with studies listed and included

Study on Encephelitis after HPV shot

Report from Sane Vax with Statistics on Global Concerns about HPV Vaccines 


Mother’s vaccinated with MMR have lower antibodies than mothers not vaccinated, creating a danger of disease among vaccinated populations

Lower Antibodies in vaccinated mothers

Early Loss of Passive Measles Antibody in Infants of Mothers With Vaccine-Induced Immunity

Japanese Study comparing titers in MMR Vaccinated and Naturally infected

Persistence of Measles Antibodies After 2 Doses of Measles Vaccine in a Postelimination Environment

Archive of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine

Duration of immunity following immunization with live measles vaccine: 15 years of observation in Zhejiang Province, China

Tylenol after MMR vaccine shows significant increase in autism in children under 5-parental survey

Causal link between MMR and autism. An inappropriate antibody response to MMR, specifically the measles component thereof, might be related to pathogenesis of autism.

MMR and Autism-  article in Journal of Biomedical Science

Detection of Measles Virus Genomic RNA in Cerebrospinal Fluid of Children with Regressive Autism

Mumps among fully vaccinated college students

Clinical Infectious Diseases Journal. Mumps Outbreaks in Vaccinated Populations: Are Available Mumps Vaccines Effective Enough to Prevent Outbreaks?

2 Outbreaks in Nova Scotia of Mumps among adolescents and young adults

Measles vaccine failure in 12 month old children

Measles with or after DTaP vaccination increased in-hospital mortality in Guinea-Bissau.

RNA of Mumps Virus found in Outbreak in a Population with a High Level of Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccine Coverage

Netherlands study comparing MMR vaccine with maternal antibodies 


Polio and non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP). Direct correlation on polio vaccines and polio like illness in India: 47,500 new cases

The Cutter Incident: How America’s First Polio Vaccine Led to a Growing Vaccine Crisis

Waning Intestinal Immunity After Vaccination With Oral Poliovirus Vaccines in India

Decline in immunity to polio among young adults

Seroprevalence of Antipolio Antibodies among Children


Rotavirus vaccine and fecal shedding

5 live viruses in Rotateq and study of infants with gastroenteritis

Merck Product Monograph. Live, Oral Pentavalent Vaccine Against Rotavirus Gastroenteritis.

Rotavirus vaccines: viral shedding and risk of transmission

Journal of Virology study on Rotateq vaccine


Rats studied with amounts consistent with infant vaccines developed neurodevelopmental disorders.

Thimerosal-Derived Ethylmercury Is a Mitochondrial Toxin in Human Astrocytes

Methodological Issues and Evidence of Malfeasance in Research Purporting to Show Thimerosal in Vaccines Is Safe    ( a study by the CDC)                   

Mercury and ADHD connection. A Chinese controlled study- More study needed

Mercury in vaccines exceeded safety guidelines and is still in several vaccines as an ingredient

Monkey study 1990s connecting thimerosal with damage to brain structure and function

Children with apparent mercury toxic encephalopathies manifesting with clinical symptoms of regressive autistic disorders.

Mercury and autism- accelerating evidence

Administration of thimerosal to infant rats increases overflow of glutamate and aspartate in the prefrontal cortex

Maternal transfer of mercury to developing fetus- is there a safe level?

Mercury from thimerosal in vaccines found in breast fed baby’s hair

Toxicity of Thimerosal

A Dose-Response Relationship between Organic Mercury Exposure from Thimerosal-Containing Vaccines and Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Decisions to remove Thimerosal from vaccines

(It is worth noting that Thimerosal is still used in the manufacturing process and they can’t remove it all from the finished product. Thimerosal is still in several multi dose flu vaccines as an active ingredient, and this can be given to pregnant women. The thimerosal that is used in the manufacturing process is not required to be listed in the ingredients label, as it is a tiny amount. Mercury is the 2nd most toxic chemical known to man, so no amount is safe)

Administration of Thimerosal and Effects in Infant Rats

Intermitent neonatal administration of thimerosal causes neurological changes in neonatal rats

Causal relationship between smallpox vaccine and autism


Matt Jonker wrote….

“I have researched for literally thousands of hours on vaccines.
I have read countless studies, medical literature, vaccine documents, injury accounts, and doctoral testimonies.
THIS article, which just came out this week, is the best piece I have EVER read. The amount of objective information within is simply astounding.
It is an absolute MUST read for anyone wishing to learn more on this topic, or even those of us who have read most of the material before.
Very well referenced and superbly worded, this article WINS the internet, and absolutely destroys the mainstream narrative in 12 detailed sections.
It is not a quick read; in fact, I’m only just over halfway and I’ve spent a few hours on it already. If you decide to investigate the massive amount of included references, it could actually take you days. I am obviously impressed with it, and highly recommend saving this one, printing it out”


I have compiled a separate list of 240+ doctors who question vaccine safety, including medical doctors, scientists, chiropractors, etc who have researched vaccines and warn of the possible danger.

Many many links: Doctors and nurses against vaccines……



Learn the Risks:
Immunity Education Group:
The Outliers…
People for Informed Consent:
Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge:
International Medical Council on Vaccination:
Meet Deficiencies in Vaccine Research:…/
Meet Influenza Research:
Meet Aluminum Research:
Meet Hib Research:
Meet Measles Research:
National Vaccine Information Center:…/…
Dr. Tenpenny on Vaccine:
Vaccine Injury Know the facts:…/
Vaccine Truth News:
HealthCare Professionals for Vaccine Choice:
Nurses Against ALL Vaccines Vaccination:
Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccine:
Uniting Healthcare Professionals Against Mandatory:
Vaccine Info 101:
Health Freedom Action:
Stop Mandatory Vaccination:…/…
Great Mothers Questioning Vaccines…/…

Healthy Alternatives to Vaccinations…

Other pages:
Anti Vaccination Saskatoon:
Concerned Parents Questioning Vaccines:…/
Educate Dont Vaccinate:
First Do No Harm – Vaccine Awareness:…
Proud Parents of Unvaccinated Children:
RAGE Against The Vaccines:
United Against Forced Vaccination:…/
Unvaccinated America:
Vaccine Awareness Movement:
Vaccine Dangers:
Vaccine Resistance Movement:…/…
Vaccines Can Harm & Can Kill, Educate Before You Vaccinate:…/…
Vaccines Exposed:…
Vaccines Harmed my Child:…/……/…

A list on NVIC:…/Book-Journals-and-Magazines.aspx Dissolving Illusions: by Suzanne Humphries. Free PDF.…/Suzanne_humphries_dissolving_ill…
Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies: 400 Important Scientific Papers
Summarized for Parents and Researchers–by Neil Z. Miller…/…/188121740X
Plague: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases –Book by Dr. Judy Mikovits.
Vaccine-nation: Poisoning the Population, One Shot at a Time by: Andreas Moritz
Vaccination is not Immunization by: Tim O’Shea
Raising a Vaccine Free Child by: Wendy Lydall
The Vaccine Guide: Risks and Benefits for Children & Adults by: Randall Neustaedter
The Parent’s Concise Guide to Childhood Vaccinations by: Lauren Feder
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Children’s Vaccinations by: Stephanie Cave
The Vaccine Book by Dr. Robert Sears
The Vaccine Book by Barry R. Bloom & Paul-Henri Lambert
Vaccine Safety Manual for Concerned Families & Health Practitioners by: Neil Miller & Russell Blaylock
Vaccinations: A Thoughtful Parent’s Guide by: Aviva Jill Romm
Vaccine Epidemic by: Louise Kuo Habakus
Vaccine Illusion: An Immunologist Speaks by: Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD
Saying NO to Vaccines by: DO Sherry Tennpenny
Every Second Child by: Archie Kalokerinos
Vaccinations: Deception & Tragedy by Michael Dye
Vaccines: Are they really safe and effective? By Neil Miller
How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of your doctor by: Robert Mendelsohn, MD
A Shot in the Dark by: Harris Coulter & Barbara Loe Fisher
Evidence of Harm by: David Kirby
The Age of Autism by: Dan Olmsted & Mark Blaxill
Callous Disregard by: Andrew Wakefield
Vaccine Whistleblower: Exposing Autism Research Fraud at the CDC –by Kevin Barry
Patrick Jordan. Various books…
Recovering Autism, ADHD, & Special Needs: A Guide to Help Parents and Those Who Work with Children Heal their Children Now by Shelley Tzorfas


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Thousands describe their experience of vaccine injury